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Posts posted by jason.1083

  1. On 4/21/2024 at 6:10 AM, EdwinLi.1284 said:

    I honestly think the sword should just be completely redesigned at this point. It was never intended originally to be used outside of Holosmith which is why it is having so many issues right now when players try to use it outside of Holosmith. 

    Anet will need to completely revamp how the Sword skills work to account for the new Weapon Master system.

    I was literally saying that Sword would be a disaster the day the announced Weapon master training was going to be a thing. It needs serious rebalancing, not just a little increase in power coefficiency.

  2. 56 minutes ago, EdwinLi.1284 said:

    Polls are nice to get opinions of those who go on the forums but a good amount of player feedback is still missing due to these players not using the forums or just here to see what is being posted instead of interacting with what is posted. 

    If we can get the feedback of the players focus on playing the game more then we can get a better view on the opinions as a majority. 

    Sometimes the feedback on the forums is not accurate to the feedback of the majority since the opinion on the forums may not be in line with the majority that play the game, just the small amount of people who only put effort voicing their opinion on the forums.

    That's true, but I can't do that, the only one who could potentially do that is Anet, and they won't.

    Very few people use the forums more than once a month where they find an answer to a question they had in here, but at least I'm kind of expecting the "experts' opinion" here, people who have enough knowledge on the subject and can support their arguments with facts and logic. And I hope to get some of these people here, because discussing it in-game or on Discord more often than not doesn't go anywhere because people won't know enough about it.

    I'm looking for opinions of people like me, that used sword in all game modes, with all kinds of different builds.

  3. 4 hours ago, Trevor Philips.3824 said:

    Hard to decide which option to vote for. 

    The changes were definitely an improvement for sword in instanced PvE, since it means you can focus on pressing your other skills without caring too much about auto attacking, not to mention we have more skills to press since pistol 4 and 5 do good power damage now.

    But it really ruined sword in open world, since it means the high quickness uptime is gone. 

    Thing is the Sword 3 in particular didn't get enough compensation to account for the AA nerf, a good middle ground would be to keep the 6 sec CD on Refraction Cutter with the 1 sec CD reduction and revert the change on Radiant Arc including the 3 sec CD reduction from AA, because reducing its CD further is quite unlikely.

    But even on Refraction Cutter, can't they at least make some tweaks to have the CD reduction align with the CD, as it is currently (with quickness at least) it leaves a time frame where it's not ready but also you can't fit another AA and it just feels off.


    1 hour ago, Jerus.4350 said:

    I feel like it's better now with nades, and basically the same for kitless (not surprising, more room to fit stuff in now, and kitless doesn't have stuff to fit in so it plays basically the same as before).  With the cooldown reductions you get the same number of sword2's as before, so I'm really not understanding how it was better before?

    It has to do with the CD reduction alignment with the actual cooldowns of the skills. And it's not just about the established builds and how much it impacts those and their performance, it's about the role and usability of the weapon as a whole.

    For me personally the change impacted Radiant Arc because now it's almost impossible to use it twice before cooling from ~150 to 100 heat and in my build I want to be doing that as part of the 100% quickness uptime. 

    Everyone has their reasons for liking or not liking the change, the reason why I think a poll is good is because it provides a clear representation of what people think about the change. And as I said in the original post, I feel like it doesn't manage to accomplish the reason it was introduced, to reduce AA camping.

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  5. After 1 month of daily use, I still haven't gotten used to this, it feels worse and it doesnt prevent the use of AA in any capacity.

    The way I always saw it was that Sword was made this way to facilitate kitless gameplay, of which I'm a fan of for various reasons.

    This just ruins that, you end up running out of skills to use, so you are left with AA, and guess what, now you need even more AA cycles to at least get your Sword skills recharged, do in my experience, I've actually increased my AA use compared to before.

    The devs really need to rethink this. So to make it simple, I made a poll to hopefully get a clear answer to which version is better.

    • Sad 1
  6. 11 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    Anet made random, illogical changes no one requested or wanted loooooong before the rise of AI.

    My favourite remains orchestrating the rise of the condi meta in WvW by a single unnecessary change, ignoring the outrage for almost a year, releasing an expansion that replaced the meta with an even better meta and then a couple weeks after that they finally nerfed the skill on a build nobody played anymore to the ground.

    The question should instead be whether AI has learned by looking at Anet.

    It probably learned that the meta should be as defined as possible to make sure that people have to migrate to different professions and builds, even if that often butchers fun/suboptimal builds with no excuse.

    Instead of looking at the fundamentals of what makes a particular build outperform they hit the most obvious part of it at a first glance.

    I feel like even AI would understand that if you have something that's meta and you want to nerf it you first target the stuff that's exclusive to that builds' disposal before moving on to hit skills/traits that are shared with other builds.

    • Like 1
  7. As crazy as it might sound, I think we could use 

    A) More inventory space, the current max is workable, but an expansion wouldn't hurt, either increase the limit on bag slots or bless us with a 36+40 slot bags (upgrade from 32), or both, maybe...

    B) Significantly more Material Storage capacity, 10 stacks limit doesn't cut it for some materials, I think it’s worth the investment, a sizable amount of people will buy into that.

    • Like 2
  8. 48 minutes ago, Farohna.6247 said:

    I really don't want more Kryptis popping out of rifts lol.   I agree that it would give it more of an invasion feel and more urgent.  Having them pour out would be more effective visually instead of the spacing that currently exists.   If they came in clusters, fine, just not more quantity wise.  Rather just get it done and go lol.  

    Wouldn't that create the same situation similar to the Awakened invasion rifts? Where you can camp the one single spawn location and bomb that to instantly kill everything?

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, zaced.7948 said:

    what ....

    power holo right now is in the top3 dps builds. always was a decent choice for dps. either you are smoking some weird rocks or it's a skill issue.

    not every spec needs the ability to be played as every role.

    This was an April fools joke, we were both being sarcastic, I got 8,5k hours specifically on Holo, I know.

  10. 1 hour ago, Arteus.1708 said:

    Well for hardlight hammer maybe smth like this would work?

    the fourth image btw unless im buggin


    Sure, remember though, not every piece has to be engineer-themed, you can mix and match. Personally I find it's better to use more default theme skins on the chest/legs while setting my themes in with accent pieces like shoulders/headpieces or gloves. It allows for more variety.

  11. 4 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    Legendaries no longer being items completely stopped me from being even slightly interested in Legendaries.

    Because of this, I don't even use the one I have anymore.

    Legendary Armory along with build/equipment templates is a big QoL though, for people who have a substantial or even full legendary gear and an adequate amount of templates it means they can switch to anything on the fly.

    Plus you can have a template (or more) that the game will change automatically upon entering WvW, I have a copy template of the same build, with one having full mighty agony infusions and the other having full WvW attribute infusions just for that.

    And it makes it so you can link all your legendaries easily anytime in chat, even if you got copies of each other, like if you have 2 conflux for example, you can link the [2 Conflux] from the armory.

    • Confused 1
  12. 10 hours ago, Arteus.1708 said:

    Maybe jade tech since im an engineer? not sure though


    There's many skins for all weapons that fit the engineer aesthetic, depending on what you prefer ofcourse. 

    As you mentioned we got Jade tech hammer.

    We got Hardlight Hammer which is more along the lines of Holosmith in particular if your color pallet allows it (sadly it's only available in pink)

    We have all the inquest ones, such as Inquest HammerInquest Mega Spanner and Inquest Mark II Hammer

    If you wanna go more steam-punk we obviously got Aetherized Hammer and it's variants (ArseniteIndigo and Vermilion). On that note you could also go with Grim machine Hammer if you like Halloween stuff. There's more but I'm tired already creating all these links.

  13. 3 hours ago, Soren.9502 said:

    Hey guys, in the sense of what type of gamer I am, I like to farm things and grind stuff really fast. I like to increase inventory wealth and get fancy ranks or achievements. This game is pretty good. I was just wondering if anyone else also skips all dialogue in all of the stories and DLC and just finishes it as fast as possible. You know I actually am interested in the story but I can't bear to concentrate while in-game on what anyone has to say, because reading in videogames isn't really what you wanna do, especially if they talk so goddamn slow.

    I would be way more interested if there was like a full story inside of a book, like a guild wars 2 novel that includes the entire story + dlcs. I found a summary of the story in a YouTube video but it's not quite satisfying. So are you guys also speedrunning the story because it drags on slowly and everyone's talking with 3 second pauses between characters. I wish there really was a Guild Wars 2 novel that includes all DLCs and everything.

    Personally, not really, I've actually been trying to get 100% achievements from all the story which means I do it a lot, and many times over.

    Interestingly enough you say  you want achievements but don't want to so story, even though there's tons of story related achievements. 

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  14. New observation, it appears that characters affected by our beloved Sword bug related to the weapon master training haven't actually had their Sword updated by the March 19th balance patch and still use the old (but still bugged) version of the Sword. 

    AA still reduces 3sec off Sword skills.

    Refraction Cutter has 9sec CD.

    And Radiant Arc has 14sec CD.

    So now we have them bugs piling up, not only we got Holosmiths running around with the wrong version of the Sword, now they're running around with an older version as well.

    • Like 2
  15. 21 hours ago, gglx.5286 said:

    Talking with more engineers in game trying to find support so people at least report it in game i have find that one of the usual response is that they are not worry because they don´t use sword, the mechanist was the spec that increase the number of playes of the engineer class to the level of the hight ones like guardian ranger etc in open world but crearly holosmith is still not popular even to new players seeing how many new people haven´t notice that the sword is broken in his character.

    Don't quote me on this one but isn't Holosmith the least played spec within the least played Profession? Engineer got some people because of Mechanist sure but even today from my experience in game Mechanist mains make up the vast majority of the Engineer population. So it makes sense most people don't notice that. I noticed it instantly on my friend because I've been playing with the thing for more than 8k hours. But regardless of people knowing about it or not, it's a bug and a major one at that, and Anet knows about it, we've reported me numerous times, so they have to do something.

    • Thanks 2
  16. 1 hour ago, Puck.3697 said:

    I haven’t much faith it will be fixed if Anet haven’t spoken of it / fixed it yet after 6 months, but miracles may happen. 

    What got me most discouraged was when I emailed support about the issue, with 3 clips of Refraction Cutter being used with a top-down camera view at <50, >50 and >100 heat, 2 blades in all 3 clips, and they still didn't understand what I was talking about, they thought I was talking about the Forge...

    Then I was like "yup these guys don't know kitten about this class, can't even bother looking it up.

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