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  1. How is DJ not telegraphed? :lol: See, that's your mistake then, you have no idea what you're talking about and yet you're trying to discuss what's "most broken" and what isn't. maybe you should read the post before quoting on quotes that allready have been discussed :D i allready admitted that there must have been a telegraph since the skill unveals you when using. But thats not the point - 11k hits on a single skill is still to much for me personaly, but you can have your own opinion thats fine. Since there is a balance patch this month things like this can atleast be discussed and if i read the tread correctly a lot of ppl seem to adress more issues beyond the topic itself which goes much deeper into the whole skillset of DE, even adresses some bugs on the telegraph. Maybe the devs look into that and in the end adjust certain skills which leads into a better balance for everyone.
  2. How more telegraphed do you want dj to be? good question, maybe something like an laser tag - would fit the sniper theme as well :D give it 1 sec reaction time and i would not complain about it It is already 3/4 second big red lazer pointing at you with a very distinctive sound. Not defending the 11k hits here but you shouldn't be complaining that there is no counter to this stealth attackyeah you are right, my fault then - then there is counterplay against it. Whats you thoughts on the cd of that skill and the dmg scaling? Do you think its balanced atm or is it to strong
  3. Honestly i hate turning my ingame sound on just for this 1 skill, everything else doesnt need sound to be active. After 7+ years of the same sounds i dont want to hear this kitten, i want to listen to music while playing. It was just kitten to make it an audio tell, and the visual tell is not very clear. I too play with sound turned to minimum and blasting music over it. However, whenever winning is important, music is off, ingame sound on. You get all sorts of information from ingame sound, you can know half of the things happening behind your back without even looking. It's definitely not just to dodge DJ in time.I really hope noone playing with sound off is asking for nerfs/buffs to anything. OP turns brain off. Again, you won't get hit with 11k+ from stealth if he did not worked for it beforehand kiddooooo git gud monkeeeewell this is an classic internet discussion right now haha, you can have a different opinion like me or others that posted here, thats fine - just dont insult ppl okay :D
  4. How more telegraphed do you want dj to be? good question, maybe something like an laser tag - would fit the sniper theme as well :D give it 1 sec reaction time and i would not complain about it
  5. look up what i wrote :D not much what u can do when its activated from stealth out of a blind angel. But to give you an answer to your question, no i dont know which gunsound is dedicated to which skill from the deadeye and i kinda dont want to learn the sound to each skill of the game, this is a bid ridicoulous dont you think? but yeah i can understand your point somehow. And no i dont play with my eyes closed and no sound on lol :'D
  6. yeah he did :D he clearly was a rly good DE i dont try to deny that. But still, skills with this high burst potential should have a telegraph atleast like classes as ranger and so on
  7. Yeah just nerf DE ty, 11k hits from stealth as ranged attacks on a single skill are so fun to play against
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