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Posts posted by Gvin.4520

  1. For now, to be able to game at all, I've installed Lutris and followed what Ranjeliq (at the Reddit thread) did;

    1. Switched to lutris-GE-proton7-22 and disabled DXVK. That way launcher was able to update, but game crashed when I launched it.
    2. Enabled DXVK back and launched GW2 again.

    (to be exact, my wine version for running the game is lutris-GE-Proton7-22-x86_64)

    I've experienced the weird 'ultra light/ultra shadow-situation on camera angle change', but it seems to be at particular places and perhaps limited to in-game night-time. Not certain on that.

    And unlike Ranjeliq, my game does crash with 'coherent GPU process' error at times, but I haven't figured if there's a particular trigger, or even if it's tied to client runtime. 

    NVIDIA [GeForce GTX 1060 3GB] + Intel i7, running Linux Mint Ulyssa. 

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  2. @"knite.1542" said:I think you should post this in the bug section instead of the wvw section.Let's try that!

    Since the last WvW reset, red players (Fort Ranik+Ring of Fire) haven't been able to enter green (Gandara) home borderlands. There's a queue that doesn't move, the map appears to be full for them, but we Gandarans haven't seen a single red player in the map this whole time(about 60 hours later). Bug report has been filed in-game also. Other maps work normally for reds, and blues are able to enter Gandara Home Borderlands.

    Related posts:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/116302/locked-out-of-maphttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/116328/bugged-borderland

  3. A Gandara player here - I can second that something odd is going on. A friend of mine from Fort Ranik contacted me about this phenomena, and I asked around a bit.

    Indeed, Gandara Home Borderlands was all-out green and in our total hold all evening and night, no reds had been seen in the map, yet my friend in Fort Ranik could not line up to enter that map due to queue. The FR team chat people had asked for others to let them know if anyone was able to enter the map. Other maps work normally for reds. I did also see blues claim some camps in the morning, so this seems like Fort Ranik+Ring of Fire-issue.

    I tried to encourage my friend to make in-game bug report (I doubt they did in the end), so while I'm not the one experiencing the issue, I reported it. Whether something has gone awry (I tried to scour the forums for posts like this one, closest came some que-up issue in PvP, but that was old report-here-and-we-send-help thread by Anet) or it's foul play, being unable to enter a map is not fair play.

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