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  1. I'm coming back to the game before the new expansion to refamiliarize myself with the game play. I still have a character slot and a level 80 boost not being used and I plan on getting the deluxe of the new expansion which gives me another character slot as well another level 80 boost. I see no need for either since I already have all 9 professions and all of them at level 80. I've heard people using characters for putting them in certain spots to get chest/loot/rare mats or for keys I'm not that hardcore. I've looked up what other people are using their 10th or whatever # character slot they're on, I've heard of fashion wars?! I don't really want to know what that is but I'm fine with the outfits I bought for my characters from the gem store, also heard which is normal for mmos is bank alts I tried that just doesn't seem that great of an idea to me I'd need a few bank alts which I don't want to do I'd rather spend gems and open up more tabs in the account wide bank vault. If anything I wish there was new race(s) or profession(s) or have the 80 boost saleable, to me it's a waste to use and a waste having it sit in my inventory. To me it's why use it when I have at least a character of the 5 races and I have all 9 professions with each one at level 80. What is the sale point in making another character and using the level 80 boost?
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