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  1. I both joined and invited folks to a 6th Guild the day I posted this. Everyone I had message that was waiting for it to be fixed, has been able to both join and create a sixth guild. If you're still having an issue with it, maybe send in a support ticket? You can link back to the thread as well if that helps at all? Please make sure whomever it is, doesn't have any pending guild invitations now that it seems to be lifted. That would prevent another invite from going through. Best of luck! (Tested on both NA and EU accounts.)
  2. Thanks for ruining Necros to the nth degree! It's just beyond depressing. Been maining Necro since April 6th, 2015. That's been 9 years 5 months ago, and in the past year+ the class keeps getting beaten down. We're no longer Necros, we're just...Nerf fodder. 10.5k+ hours, and you've absolutely murdered everything that made GW2 Necros stand out from the rest. So, thanks I guess? T_T
  3. It's FIXED! Thanks so much @Rubi Bayer.8493, and to everyone who helped report it and those that made it and fixed it too!!! ❀️
  4. Yay! Thanks Rubi! I feel awful that I've had folks waiting, and knowing just how many folks this affected. Hopefully the sghetti isn't TOO tangled!
  5. In edition, you cannot create a guild either now, when you only have 1/6 slots free. Go-go-gadget sghetti!
  6. As the title says, as of the 28th of August, I cannot invite folks to join a guild, if they only have 1/6 Guild Slots available. Tried it with both EU and NA accounts, different guilds, different officers of different guilds. Both with friended and non-friended accounts. Using the Player ID, or their character name. I tested with a small sample size of guildmates and friends outside of guilds, and the same error pops up each time. NONE of them having pending guild invites, and the placement of the guild slot that is empty varies. It's not letting me attach the screenshot, and I have no places to host the image. The error message that appears when I try to invite folks reads as follows: I know it was working fine prior to the 28th, as I was in 6 guilds until the day of, or the day before the glitch was discovered. Thanks for looking into this!
  7. @AgentMoore.9453 - Thank you SO MUCH FOR THIS! Leave it to Arena Net to NOT give players an up front announcement about it, instead of ONE OBSCURE REPLY on Facebook of all places. I wish they would stick to official replies to that stuff on their platform, rather than us having to chase them down on social media, just to TRY and attempt to ASK them about something, let alone getting an actual official reply. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ They really do need new folks working on PR, Marketing, et. all. 😞 The EoD one was lackluster, to be polite. If they chose to base their findings on the sales of that item, then it would definitely have made it look like the player base didn't want supply drops anymore. It's not that we didn't want them, just the EoD one didn't live up to the Anniversary Supply Drops! Thanks once more, @AgentMoore.9453 - it's very much appreciated! πŸ’œ
  8. The lack of hurrah that generally comes with the Anniversaries in game, has definitely been felt and is noticed. I'm another who looks forward to the Supply Drops! Are the Anniversary Supply Drops cancelled? Getting even just a "Yes" or "No" would suffice at this point, please! 😿😾
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