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Posts posted by Puma.3645

  1. who really wants to keep capping spots on 6+ yr old maps?plus you get queued up with people who have a potato for brains.

    I ALSO don't like the fact that any new player can come in a ranked arena on their level 1 elementalist, with no clue how to play..

  2. @"Ayakaru.6583" said:Since the next thing is another living world i wouldn't expect too much.Maybe the episodes will be a little bigger or have fancier stuff, but new mechanics or elite specs are downright a sparkle at the end of a very dark, orrian tunnel.

    I personally hope the Inquest become a more serious threat.Not in the comedic sense they've been so far. We know there's a pyramid organization, but we've yet to encounter anything near the peak. Most likely only Kudu saw the peak of that pyramid.Maybe an area called Rata Apex. Where they have a bloodstone, would be cool.

    Or maybe we can go to Cantha, where the humans have become so advanced they actually tamed an elder dragon, Bubbles (or Bubbles is impersonating the emperor) and they want to expand their 'perfect' empire further, so they want to advance to Tyria and Elona.

    Just random ideas.

    But i want more down to earth enemies, dealing with forces of nature is nice, but you can't relate to how grotesque they are. In GW1 our enemies very mortal.. or derivative of mortal, and so we felt like we were fighting enemies that were stronger, but not over the top. I kind of miss that. Early GW2 had that, too, with the Inquest, and the Nightmare Court. But that quickly was abandoned for magical storms, titanic dragons, and gods (even if that God was as weak as a warm pack of butter)

    i know what you mean about the early enemies feeling closer to home. Like caithe's wrangle with faolin and the nightmare court. finding out if queen jennah was a good ruler for divinity's reach and the city's unrest about her.i really liked those types of plots instead of these, "lets kill all the elder dragons bc theyre bad"

  3. I thought it was interesting how we found out that kralk was not just another evil dragon character, but was pained by absorbing all the magics and just wanted release. I didn't really see that coming.

    this has got me thinking, with aurene becoming the new crystal dragon, and seemingly everything left to a happy ending, wonder what else is next story wise? a new expansion? or another living story leading into a new expansion? what's your theories? whatever they do, i hope it will be enough to keep players like me around LONGER than every 3 months..

  4. OP, i have had the same thoughts over the years that the game really doesnt offer much to stay, but i keep coming back every 3-4months for the story and to dink around. also could be just longing for something that in the past had so much meaning and now just lost novelty as we get older.. so, you can justbe like me and come back every now and then, or go play another game

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