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Posts posted by WorldofBay.8160

  1. @Khisanth.2948 said:

    @WorldofBay.8160 said:on the sickle however, instead of having a 33% chance of getting fine materials it instead has a 33% chance of giving an additional loot of that plant.

    are you sure that isn't from something else like an item booster?

    just went through at least 100 nodes with 0 procs

    it actually didn't work for me today either but i had no different buffs on me when i posted. that said i currently have a streak of very lucky ore/wood harvests once getting 6 logs from 1 tree and mostly 4. it might've been coincidence ...

  2. i have the glyph of the scavenger on all three tools.it works perfectly fine on the pickaxe.it works perfectly fine on the logging axe.on the sickle however, instead of having a 33% chance of getting fine materials it instead has a 33% chance of giving an additional loot of that plant.

    i don't mind that behaviour, mostly the plants i bother to harvest give me more than the fine materials so it is a net gain but if that change is intentional the description should be adjusted and if it is bug i hope it is not considered bugusing to harvest nodes with the glyph ...

  3. @Veprovina.4876 said:But thanks for the additional info! So you're saying toughness is more important than vitality? Or at least, can do potentially more?

    vitality is nothing more than an offset to your death. unless you manage to disengage, get reinforcements (including heals) or kill your opponent during that offset vitality is entirely useless.

    that means that in any possible scenario there is a vitality usefulness cap - in pve that cap is mostly at 0 because you don't need offsets (high damage bosses excluded obv). in wvw the cap will be higher but you won't ever know it just by numbers, only experience can tell you where the vitality cap is. in big group fights there will be lots of cleansing going on and you can rotate to the back and out of direct condi fire, so condis might not be the problem. on the other side if those cleanses are missing toughness will do only little to help you.

    if you have any passive heals going on you need to factor them in. even if you get bursted for 20k in 2 seconds there could be 1k passive heals in that time that you need to add to your max health in both builds. that could already change something as toughness benefits more from additional health than vitality. so at the very least you have to consider the regen boon, even if you want to cut boons out, just a few ticks but it's still something.

  4. since wvw has these kinds of perks for higher levels (bonus damage against guards etc) i don't see any reason why masteries in pve shouldn't be allowed to do the same. as long as it is just a small number.

    also HoT kind of has it already with resistence to chaks or poison which effectively give you more durability in fights. IBS essences are another example.

    in a way that makes sense there could be masteries tied to story progress, e.g. after defeating zhaitan you unlock a mastery that gives bonus damage against risen enemies. could be rather expensive, maybe 9 points like the later HoT masteries. one for each "puppet master" you killed that makes it (just very slightly) easier to kill the disoriented puppets.

  5. @"anduriell.6280" said:Well that's why i'm talking about the "melee assist" option which is already in game: Only enemy models are used for the collision detection. I agree it would not be good to impact all the models in game.

    The collision detection is already there, there is nothing which needs a full rework. There is no additional calculations as the game is already doing it in the background otherwise projectiles would not work.

    those are entirely different things which happen in entirely different parts of the game and do entirely different things.

    the melee assist is client code that overrides inputs in specific scenarios.collision detection is server code that synchronizes your movement with that of other players.

    collision detection with projectiles is a collision between a static object and a dynamic object. that can be done entirely in client code with guaranteed correctness.collision detection with a wall is also client code and exactly the same as projectiles.

    collision detection with other players however is a collision between two dynamic objects where you can just hope that those objects move predictably in close proximity - otherwise that famous thing called "lag", "rubberbanding" or "rollback" happens because the client approximation did not match the server calculation.

  6. @KrHome.1920 said:

    @"WorldofBay.8160" said:So Facet of Darkness is the vastly superior Might source on a Herald which makes no senseThe skill grants group-might (up to 10 targets! that's an upkeep of 10 x 4 might!) and the trait grants self-might (more might, but only single target and can be stacked with facet of strength). That's a big difference and that's why both co-exist.

    This is a typical "I don't even understand the mechanics of my class, but want buffs." thread.

    nope it isn't.

    i didn't ask for a buff or a nerf specifically, i want to have to make the decision between might (facet of strength) and fury (facet of darkness) in my energy management even if i run all alone. also you obviously don't get that other classes are there for sharing might and you obviously didn't read that i explicitly want a special synergy between shared empowerment (which pulses 3 might with facet of darkness for 10 people by the way, rendering your whole input senseless) and facet of strength which they don't have.compare fury and 4 stacks of might:+30 power, +30 condi per might = +120 power, +120 condi = 240 stat pointsfury = 20% crit chance = 420 precision = 420 stat pointsboon duration changes this in favor of facet of strength but you can turn facet of darkness off at will while facet of strength has to be active permanently for its bonus.even with 100% boon duration facet of strength just barely beats out facet of darkness in that calculation with 480 for a higher cost (basically doubled).

    both share for 5-10 people. both cost 2 energy. but they are far from equally strong.

  7. @pareth.3847 said:You're most likely dying because you have no clue about how to play your class, and also won't have ideal gear.

    lvl 80 boosts contain full exotic gear, no need for better stuff.

    @vegetta.5162 for a start with you lvl 80 character, if you don't want to start from scratch, first of all tell your class so we can suggest soem survival traits/weapons and then from that you can start going more aggressive when you got the movement down. this game has very few unaviodable attacks, so the difference between good and bad movement is bigger than the difference between running full naked or full legendary.map difficulty isstarting zones < most of core tyria < orr < maguuma wastes < PoF < HoT

    some mobs can teach you basic movement and timing rather easy without challenging you, for example every fully grown wurm is no big threat but a good dodge coach. you find them a lot in snow, especially frostgorge sound or lornar's pass.also basically every enemy in the silverwastes has a recognizable abusable pattern that is great for learning to move and use your defensive skills and you get hit hard if you don't.

  8. Recently i've experienced more wall glitches than i used to, can anyone confirm they have the same issue?

    Just a few minutes ago i used unrelenting assault and ended up inside a big tree in tangled depths.Two days ago in our guild mission i wp'ed to talos waypoint in the timberline falls, immediately jumped on my skimmer as it's a swamp there and ended up below the map.

    this did happen only once accidentally (+ intentionally the famous LS bug that led you to the rooftops of course) in dragon's fall where i ended up in a tree for unknown reasons over the last 3 years.it may just be bad luck but considering all the server lags that could also cause wall issues ...

  9. @LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:Strength is generally fine in PvP and WvW, though could use longer duration might or a second stack in PvE. Strength is meant to give self might but more importantly share that might to up to 10 people. It really doesn’t need to provide more might for the self than Darkness + Incensed Response since that’s not its inherent purpose.

    4 might with a buildup time of minimum 9 seconds for an overall starting cost of minimum 18 ressource (though it is free if stacked out of combat) for 5-10 peopleto stack 25 might you need 6 heralds permanently pulsing facet of strength for the 4 other guys.without the 10 player trait a full group of heralds pulsing facet of strength will not even reach 25 might.

    while it might fill minor gaps in might distribution it comes at a pretty high cost for that little use as facet of darkness + facet of chaos already puts the energy negative and they're both superior.

    a problem imo is that shared empowerment is not synergizing with facet of strength but rather rendering it useless while it could be the perfect trait to help facet of strength. it offers almost the facet of strength might output with glint, has 10 targets as base without an extra trait, costs no ressource and works with other legends just as well, if not better.shared empowerment should have a special synergy with facet of strength.

  10. @"Taril.8619" said:A good film wouldn't want to err too much onto showing the same classes too much, so the Commander would likely have a unique class. Which leaves the aforementioned Warrior and Elementalist. Warrior would be the easiest to implement, heavy armour some simple martial weapons (Probably Sword and Board) and jobs done. Though if the idea was to be something different to highlight GW2, Elementalist could work well as their attunement shifting could make for dramatic battles and would help solidify their "Commander" title if they were doing thematic things like helping allies with healing water magics, blocking attacks with earth magic, plowing through trash with fire magic and creating intense boss fights with air magic.

    rytlock is a warrior, zojja an elementalist, they're both taken in personal story, but significantly less than other classes.

    a movie class would be a visually mighty one, warrior doesn't fit that role, ele does.ele definitely is the best class a movie commander could take. now ele doesn't pair so well with charr and norn lore-wise. given that zojja is an ele and connected to the asuran commander that works but the magical nature of tyrian humans also fits very well. not so sure about sylvari, imo sylvari lore puts them more into the ranger/guardian roles.

    for the story human fits best until IBS but at the time of IBS the commander is a global superstar and could be of any species, sex and profession.so a human elementalist. now which sex? gw2 is notorious at making no difference whatsoever, so it's just the sex the actor happens to be.

  11. @Fipmip.7219 said:Before the expansion, and while playing it, I always imagined what lay beyond the mountains to the south of ebonhawk, and what the crystal desert looked like. Mainly in my mind was the open sandunes of large deserts. I know that guild wars maps, and open world maps in general, are meant to be more or less abstract representations of a larger world, but that being said I still feel as though we never got that open dune field all good deserts have.

    the biggest desert on earth (that is bigger than the next 3 together) is the antarctic.so the typical desert is actually snowy planes and icy mountains, not sand.

    even for the rest of the 5 biggest deserts sand is rather uncommon, the more common version is rubble/rock. so i do think that elonian maps do represent hot deserts quite well, kourna has a bigger portion of sand dunes, the crystal oasis as well, while other maps feature more rocky parts. icy deserts look a lot like places in the shiverpeaks.

    the most common desert this game actually lacks is probably salt lakes.

  12. My suggestions: Facet of Strength should either pulse 2 Might (maybe for 3 upkeep?) or get reworked to pulse Retaliation.

    If not reworked Shared Empowerment should give 1 additional stack of Might for Facet of Strength.

    After Facet of Strength is made better in any way, Incensed Response should give less Might for Facet of Darkness (3? 2?). But not without the Facet of Strength buff.

  13. we're playing the game in german and there trahearne can't finish half of his sentences because he talks sooooooo slow and is cut off by the timer for hte next sentence, sometimes his speech bubbles are a huge chunk of text that is cut off too early. how am i supposed to like a character that constantly interrupts itself?

    also the useless part - but trahearne is no fighter, it's a lot more annoying with that "destiny's edge" that supposedly can take on a dragon but dies to a jungle wurm. especially logan was known as "the dead body on the ground" instead of a legendary guardian for us.

  14. @LetoII.3782 said:If they ever change participation to simply being present, the maps would fill with afk pvers netflixing their way to gift of battle.

    To even have trouble maintaining t6 indicates a player isn't far from this situation already.

    it's not about simply being present, it's about actively fighting.downing a player gives no participation, why?

    even standing in a contested circle should immediately pause participation loss - you can't afk there (unless there is a cospiration of players contesting afk and being so numerous that normal wvw players can't join the map). it should not give participation but you shouldn't lose any while doing so. same for damaging other players.

    instead of immediately thinking about players abusing it think about the effect on the match. holding a point gives your team points. therefore any action done to keep that point should provide participation. just being somewhere in a keep while it is contested should obviously give you nothing. but stopping enemies from capturing it should.

  15. @vicky.9751 said:The stuff hits hard, and it does seem like if you get dismounted in a forged or branded area, its game over.

    well uhm no. a few forged hit hard but once you know which ones forged areas are only annoying because of the snipers' aggro range forcing you to clean the entire camp or run for a looong time just to get out of combat. on the branded side, unless in an event, i've yet to see a real threat. maybe ogres but mostly because they can tank nearly as much as a veteran of the other types.

    except if you're on a glassy build. but open world that lets you solo glassy without having mastered your class definitely is too easy as it renders every non-glassy build useless and removes stat/build diversity.

  16. @Sylvyn.4750 said:Crossing each map shouldn't feel like you're a lawnmower wading through trash mobs merely to get to a vista, quest giver or increasing numbers of collection items (looking at you Skyscale), then having to cut the same path on the way back out because the grass already grew tall again...that's just boring repetitiveness. I guess that's why I enjoy WvW, because the location and density of enemies are in constant flux, as are their professions, builds and skill levels.

    100% agree

    additionally many many many spots in PoF look like they have enemies just for the sake of annoying me. there is no reason for them to be there.i always wonder how all the carnivores in the elona desert find food when there aren't any plants around to feed herbivores.plant -> herbivore [-> carnivore]*x -> apex predator (most of the stuff we have to kill are apex predators)each '->' divides the usable food roughly by 10, meaning for each sand shark (which supposedly is a carnivore) if there arent any carnivore stages in between there need to be plants equal 100 times the sand sharks body mass available for him to survive.

  17. Facet of Strength costs 2 pips and pulses 1 Might per 3 secs for 12 secs - leading to 4 Might.Facet of Darkness costs 2 pips and pulses 5 Might per 3 secs for 9 secs with Incensed Response - leading to 15 Might.

    So Facet of Darkness is the vastly superior Might source on a Herald which makes no sense since it is meant to grant Fury and there's a dedicated Might pulse. In fact it gives you permanent Fury with +7% damage from Ferocious Aggression and +40% crit chance instead of +20% from Roiling Mists plus 15 Might while Facet of Strength gives you 4 Might and nothing else.

    With Eye for an Eye Gaze of Darkness gives 5 Might when used as stunbreak which, again, is more than the 4 Might Facet of Strength provides. Not permanent but it's 10 seconds Might with a cooldown of 15 seconds, 5 * 10/15 = 3, just short of the dedicated Might skill.

    Then there are several other traits that buff all Facets, Shared Empowerment gives each of them shared 1 Might of 8 seconds per pulse, result in 2-3 permanent Might without the dedicated Might source.

    So long story short, can we get a rework of Facet of Strength's active effect?

    If it is meant to be the dedicated Might source it should at least get something from related traits. Shared Empowerment could give more Might for Facet of Strength than for other Facets, the Invocation traitline should provide something for Facet of Strength and maybe less Might-related buffs for Facet of Darkness in exchange.Alternatively give it a Might output that can at least compete with Invocation-traited Facet of Darkness - remember our skills are fixed, overshadowing one skill with another via traits is totally ok on other classes but on rev it kind of deletes one skill slot (well the comsume skill is nice but it would be great if the active skill were more unique ...).

    Another possiblity would be to give it a different boon. With Facet of Strength, Facet of Darkness, Shared Empowerment, Incensed Response and a little bit of concentration a Herald has 22-25 Might permanently active without any buttons clicked, costs 4 pips only, so you can still use ressource skills. Removing Facet of Strength puts that down to 18+ Might for only 2 pips, still no buttons clicked.Which other boon (or effect, think of removing a condition or whatever) would be useful, not overpowered and fit a Herald?

  18. @Westenev.5289 said:Why would you want to buff up your toughness and Ferocity specifically?

    Critical damage (ferocity) is neigh useless without power (ferocity adds 1% damage every 15 points at level 80) or precision (which is the stat that actually causes crit's to happen in the first place)

    And Toughness is a damage mitigation that is bypassed by condi's and doesn't really make you much tankier. Vitality would be the better option here, as it also scales with barriers (meaning scourge supports become a lot more valuable to you).

    If we follow this logic, what you want is...

    ... +Power, +Precision, +Vitality, +Ferocity... in other words, marauders.

    that's not true.

    when soloing pve toughness is far superior to vitality unless you run a barrier-build designed to be superior with vitality.

  19. @Smoosh.2718 said:Having fewer Waypoints however could be a huge benefit, how many things have you missed in the game because you teleport everywhere? or things you missed because you used a mount everywhere?

    If you move fast, you will be the last to see somethings.

    i have missed a ton of things in elona because i needed the time to travel. in core i could just stand there and look and listen and then port away. i still do it.

    also in core it is fun to explore every part of the map because you can skip all the parts you already know. in elona you can't. that repetition makes exploration (which is the exact opposite of repetition) pretty ridiculous.

  20. @Teratus.2859 said:Main problem is the launcher pads, they can lag out sometimes and screw you out of a jump, specially the ones leading upto the diving goggles but this has always been a problem.

    Despite efforts to stop it, you can still skip most of the puzzle using mounts though.

    classes with a teleport or jump skill can skip the start as well with a way that actually looks intended and leads to the one aetherblade standing on the elevated platform next to the airship ... at the time i found it out i already had done the goggles three times with my mesmer for friends with the normal way

  21. @KrHome.1920 said:

    @"Dadnir.5038" said:Personally, I don't think that the LF gen need a nerf. I think that the LF pool is what need a nerf in sPvP/WvW. It should have been lowered from 67% of the necromancer's health pool to 44% of the necromancer's health pool in the February patch, this would have spared us most of the drama about necromancer's sustain since the patch.Anet did already move from "we do just number tweaks" (multipliers, icds) to "we also do slight mechanical tweaks" (axe3 double hit threshold and different core shroud degeneration rates). If they move further to such huge impacts on how a class feels in the different game modes, then I am done with GW2.

    If you are a developer and your game design is so bad, that you don't find other solutions than such splits, then you don't deserve my time and money.

    with the huge difference in life pools and pace between pve and both pvp and wvw splits have to happen or else a lot of skills become useless. instant casts are pretty good in any kind of pvp content but in pve your opponents won't interrupt you or kite or blind or whatever anyways, so casting time doesn't matter a lot. same thing for stunbreaks. a skill that only stunbreaks with no other effect is practically useless in pve while depending on cd it might be very strong in pvp content.

    less splits would mean that pve comes closer to pvp -> higher mob damage across the board, more ccs, stunbreaks, no artificial pauses in exchange for lower mob hp. then we're in an elitist game and no longer in guild wars.

  22. @Tanek.5983 said:

    @Astralporing.1957 said:They might also go and fix the gear shooter pads. Although there's no hurry, they have only been bugged for years now.

    Are they? That might explain why I can't get to the diving goggles. I thought my asura just didn't weigh enough. :)

    on the double shooter try aiming at the engine on the right side to avoid the double dash. there's a chance you get bumped too far and fall over but most times it works.

    for all other shooters i didn't encounter problems.

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