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Everything posted by DeputyDom.1874

  1. To everyone else, thanks for responding. GW2 has a better system then I thought and is an interesting workaround for hyperinflation. I would still tweak some vendors, amount of currencies, recipes and crafting to something of the same gold/time commitments but less stuff or at the very least in-game help guides.
  2. That's a good point. I guess my biggest frustration came from trying to understand what's the best avenue for certain things. I realized their was a ton of ways to get ascended armor for example, and it took a lot of research to understand each way either through PvP, WvW, achievements or crafting. Haven't even touched legendaries yet lol. Thanks for the reply.
  3. This is a genuine question as a returning player. It's been sometime and while I enjoy the game and love the world, crafting and currencies are overwhelming. As a seasoned veteran, I bet it's not at all, and for others maybe they get it right away. I myself, find a lot time was dedicated towards /wiki, YouTube videos and finding different independent resources to help with understanding better. A lot of materials, make other materials, which make other materials, and to get certain materials you have to go to certain vendors, and to get those vendors you have to do certain things and their's almost no way to know these things without looking them up. I don't mind complexity, but the sheer degree of difficulty of trying to transition into the end game due to these problems listed, and one's like it, is a serious barrier for fresh 80's wanting to continue, I can almost guarantee it. Their's no reason not to play this game with the amount of goals you can set for yourself in terms of gear and achievements plus PvP, WvW, raids, strikes and other stuff but to craft ascended, understand infusions, most efficient way to handle gear/loot, what to keep and what not to keep (dragonite ore for example) is all just not easily explained and overly complex. Lastly, I have a lot of friends and have known a lot of people through school and work who have played WoW and the problems I'm listing I can see them not giving them the time of day because of how anti-fun and I believe unnecessarily complex it is. When you get loot, it shouldn't be, "ok what is this" or "do I sell or salvage", it should just be an obvious "hell yea, I got it" (<-- which does happen sometime). GW2 is successful, and I'd like it be more so, and to not try and get "WoW players" I think is short sighted (counter argument to the WoW point made earlier) with peoples obvious interest in classic and as additional point, New World. Basically, limit the amount of currencies and make crafting easier to understand/accessible while in-game.
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