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Posts posted by Nazarick.9653

  1. That didn't work for me...can't even reach the login screen anymore.  Launching it without the -dx9 -usecoherent does nothing, except start a bunch of cefhost.exe processes in the task manager.  (and it did work with DX11 when it was first launched a few months ago, but with terrible performance like everyone else)

    Even after repairing, it does the same...I guess this is their way of forcing Win 10 as a minimum system requirement.

    • Haha 1
  2. 11 hours ago, omylost.2619 said:

    (i hear people said is relevant who player use -dx9 for start will trigger this, but i hope dev can response for that problem)

    crash report

    *--> Crash <--*
    Assertion: No valid case for switch variable 'grInterface'
    File: D:\Perforce\Live\NAEU\v2\Code\Arena\Engine\Gr\Windows\GrWindow.cpp(1084)
    App: Gw2-64.exe 
    Pid: 8360
    BaseAddr: 00007FF637EA0000
    ProgramId: 101
    Build: 148760
    When: 2023-07-19T11:17:30Z 2023-07-19T19:17:30+08:00
    Uptime:   0 days  0:00:14
    Flags: 0
    DumpFile: Crash.dmp

    *--> Error Logs <--*
    11:17:29Z The user closed the browser.
    11:17:29Z The browser is being closed.
    11:17:29Z We are requesting CEF close the browser when the user closed the browser.
    11:17:29Z The user closed the browser.
    11:17:29Z CEF is closing the browser.
    Crashed at 11:17:30Z

    I got that crash too, next time I launch the game it simply disappears after initialising (with the window still visible on the taskbar but unclickable).  Removing the -dx9 -usecoherent does not change this...

  3. On 3/17/2023 at 2:19 PM, Infinity.2876 said:

    It would be cool if you occasionally caught an enemy and you had to fight them on your boat. (Crabs, sharks, and the occasional krait. (Shark enemies would take damage periodically while out of water))




    On 4/28/2023 at 6:56 AM, Linken.6345 said:

    Nope  I think fishing is a abandoned feature kinda like guild halls mate.


    Pretty much, the lack of a new fishing category for Gyala Delves confirms it. The only thing they will add is new skiffs and fishing rods...

    (at least for this expansion, next one they'll have to go some way to justify not including it...water is everywhere)

    • Haha 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Dib.4612 said:

    Make enemies smart enough to dodge heavy attacks and dodge or walk out of area damage.

    Make enemies smart enough to set up combos on you and punish your for mistakes.

    Make enemies smart enough to work together.

    This will make the game more interactive, immersive and thus fun. And will possibly make it easier to design for all gamemodes at the same time.

    And maybe get people more engaged with things PvP and WvW, as they will be familiar with its mechanics.


    Trouble is, if they did that they're bound to leave everything else untouched out of laziness...and the floodgates of QQ would open quite quickly when attempting to kill anything in HoT (mob difficulty), travel anywhere in PoF (stupid aggro range+respawn rates) or land a single hit on anything in EoD. (CC spam, patrols, aggro range etc.)

    • Confused 1
  5. On 1/23/2023 at 11:40 PM, giand.5923 said:

    For the achievement:
    Spiritual Childcare - 12 - Hint: Likes to hide in garden landscaping.

    The middle tree is bugged all the time. we can interact with it but nothing happens.
    The little puzzle won't solve and so .. we can not finish the achievement.



    Same here, middle bush is broken. And the gardening event is already just completed. (it's the stupid crate event from into the harbour that's blocking it?)

    Edit: and the gardening event restarted, less than 10 mins after finishing...forget it.

  6. On 3/27/2023 at 7:58 PM, Ezhar.4530 said:

    I've come back to GW2 after a quick 10 year break. Tried all the classes and settled on Engineer. Leveled up, did a lot of personal story, dungeons, fractals, world bosses, etc. - really enjoyed being an Engineer, jump shotting through JPs, rocket booting all over Sunqua peak, but now getting into T2 Fractals and people are starting to ask for more DPS. Or actually they say "y u play core engi lol".


    So I tried the elite specs. Scrapper and Holosmith. I get a hammer/sword!? Why would I want those? Both pretty much demand going melee, which is just silly. I didn't make an engineer with a rifle just to hang around with the melee pile in the center that constantly gets mashed by the boss! We're smart, we hang back, shoot, orbital strike, toss grenades and if something comes after us we rocket boot away to do it all over again, from safe distance.


    I didn't try Mechanist, because a) I don't really like pet classes and b) I didn't get EoD yet. Apparently there are ranged builds for that, but meh, pets.


    T3 is actually the hardest, as it's the awkward gap between beginner groups and experienced groups. (T4 flows very smoothly and has a lot more people doing it)


    You'll get through it much easier if you can provide boons yourself (helps greatly in T3 and makes getting groups easier in T4), and with engineer you can actually provide it all - scrapper for quickness, mechanist for alacrity, and both can heal if you wanted to (holo is pure lightsabre pewpew). Trouble is, you'd still need to stack in melee, even with a rifle...as no-one will receive your boons otherwise (and if you are mechanist, you need to be near the mech as well).  Like others said, DPS mechanist is the only ranged option...and even then you'll still need to be in melee for boons+heals. (although you do have a teleport/shadowstep)

  7. That issue would be solved by making it easy to flip between bot modules...the current setup discourages the use of all but the optimal modules (and esp. the situational ones like skiff, glider, or turtle).  Even the quickest method (porting to/from Thousand Seas Pavilion) has some issues with open world, as you'll miss some of the action if doing a meta (loading screens) and might not even end up on the same map when you return.

    • Thanks 1
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  8. 8 hours ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

    I'm just a tad bit sad that fishing isn't a viable gold farm anymore since they added the pools with the higher legendary fish drops at the end of the meta. Ambergris is down 25% from last week. Pretty sure there's better things to do now. 

    It's worse tbh that they didn't add a new set of fish + achievement for the new zone...is fishing dead as we know it?

    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 1
  9. Problem is, you need an equal amount of the other 3 mats (obsidian, airship oil, ley-line sparks) to make fulgurite...and those are much much harder to farm.

    (dust is ezmode thanks to being a byproduct of octovine meta and the only home instance node worth hitting daily with the free key)

    So the dust really is useless.

    (feel free to join the choir of voices calling for other useless items to be sellable like the hatched chilis, though)

    • Like 2
  10. On 12/17/2022 at 10:06 AM, Wolfshade.9251 said:

    There's no way to tell if someone grinded their first 5k in pugs or got carried by friends every time.


    Well there is...because there's no such thing as a pug without UFE requirements. (which is the reason why I stopped fractals, I was ready to step up to challenge modes but they're walled off)

  11. Quickness scrapper made redundant by overpopulated HFB...rifle mech now dead in the water...is there anything left for dps support builds? Can power alac survive with mace, or will it have to be piano dots if we want to dps? Or is it going to be HAM's only from now on, with the rest of us going back to super-squishy holo like the last few years?


    (engineer is supposed to be able to do it all, and it was great to have both buff support options available as dps...now it sounds like heal/support is the only viable thing outside of dps)

  12. On 11/20/2022 at 6:17 PM, Khisanth.2948 said:

    Heh. Wait till you get to PoF. Some brilliant designer thought it was a great idea to add in CC that ignores stability so even if they added your suggestion it would be useless.


    And that's before you get to EoD...he's going to love Echovald's 7-10 mob patrols with endless CC spam. (better bring an OP elite spec to mitigate it)

    Every other game has some form of DR for this...why not this one too?

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  13. Zintl Holy Grounds (Sparkfly Fen) is another one that's always contested...when will Anet accept that no-one does old events anymore? So whenever that one comes around in the pact supply rotation, I have to pick the one NE of it instead. (which is actually nearer than the one far west of it that you get booted to)

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  14. Tbh, this fractal only poses a problem in T1,2,3 because it's such a step-up and the experience isn't there. And when you're at level 25/50/75 it's possible to skip it entirely by doing a low one from the next tier up.  At T4, I've rarely had any trouble with the Spellcaster.  (the marble boss in 99 is more of an issue)


    It was a weird move to create this fractal in the first place, given Anet's record on ignoring old content...never mind making it a lot longer and harder than any other fractal (like comparing Arah to other dungeons, but not as extreme). And then putting the T3 version on the same day as the daily (not meant to happen) and also making it appear twice in the 15-day rec rotation (not meant to happen).  But as soon as you realise that it's set in Cantha, it all makes sense. (esp. as the fractal was originally going to continue Arkk's storyline)


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