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Posts posted by Diruuo.6314

  1. Is there no intention to revisit the horrible gameplay necessitated by the Vindicator changes from the previous balance patch? 

    The removal of Vigor completely from Vindicator, the added clunky rotational ability, the overall lower Endurance, the inconsistency of gameplay if you don't have external vigor, the still nerfed greatsword (why are swords still the preferred weapon instead of Vindicator's own weapon)? 

    This is exceptionally disappointing, because Vindicator continues to have mechanical and thematic issues that the balance patches are completely ignoring, instead focusing on only numeric adjustments that are both unnecessary and won't be significantly impactful. 

    Please reconsider the mechanical issues outlined above and give us some concrete plan to resolve them. The current iteration of the elite specialization is easily the worst it's ever been, despite benchmark numbers. For a profession that typically flows so elegantly due to the energy system, the previous balance patch managed to muck that up completely for Vindicator specifically.

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  2. I find it astonishing that I still need to bring this up, considering that the tattoos were made available for purchase again - IN THEIR BUGGED STATE. 

    Numerous more patches have gone by with no resolution in sight, the same bug, as reported months ago, when the tattoos originally released. 

    This is absolutely unacceptable and is borderline false advertisement. 

    At least give us an update on this issue, is it being tracked at all? Is the dev team aware? I've submit in-game bug reports, I've posted here, what else must I do for this to be acknowledged?

    @Rubi Bayer.8493

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  3. The new roundtail dragon uses default jade bot sounds when it's taken out as a mini, despite not having any of the same animations or for it to make sense to sound robotic/mechanical. I have confirmed that it has unique flight animations that are specific to the dragon, and it probably has unique idles too, but those are as of right now inaudible since it is bugged. 

    Please find a video below of a brief demonstration of this bug. 

    Note the audio of both jade bots as they follow me in mini-form, and then note the audio of both jade bots as they are controlled via a terminal (i.e. their actual movement sounds).

    I have submitted an in-game bug report relating to this issue as well, but adding here because of the video might be helpful. 

    In summary - roundtail dragon has wrong audio when used as a mini.


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  4. I once again seek an update on this issue. 

    This is still an active issue that continues to be a horrible eyesore for a variety of effects a player can consistently have on their character, rendering the skins frankly unusable. Examples include the new WvW infusion, several other infusions (dwarf for example) as well as unique effects like the Juggernaut. 

    IQrzHPy.png (1106×783) (imgur.com)

    bATUVCH.png (972×779) (imgur.com)

    @Rubi Bayer.8493 - can we please have some communication in regards to this issue. It has been ongoing for months and there's been no acknowledgement. I find this unacceptable for a gem store item.


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  5. @Rubi Bayer.8493

    I apologize for pinging yet again, but there are still egregious issues with the tattoo items that have not been fixed after numerous patches across months. 

    Additionally, the issues have not even been acknowledged after the "invisible body parts" was fixed, as if the remaining visual glitches don't exist. 

    Please let us know what the status on this is.

    I think it's a fair expectation that gem store items will not exhibit horrific graphical issues for months and months.

    I still cannot use the tattoo skins much because of how broken they look. This is unacceptable for real money purchases.

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  6. @Rubi Bayer.8493 - There are still egregious errors with these gem store items that have thus far gone unfixed. There have been two regularly scheduled patches since the issues have been brought up and we've had no further communication or fix in either of them. 

    To be unable to use my gem store purchases due to graphical issues that seem to go unaddressed is quite unfortunate, and I find it rather unacceptable. Not to mention that the tattoo skins weren't even bundled at a discount prices for those of us that want all of them due to the designs.  

    Can we please at least get some feedback on when these issues will be addressed, lots of evidence further up in the thread is still valid and is still an issue. In general I expect gem store items to not be released in such a broken state (and remain broken for months). 

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  7. On 3/14/2023 at 5:41 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

    Thank you for the tag! I talked with a couple of people and they are looking into it. 

    Latest patch still does not address the issue of jumbled textures with certain effects (most easily observable with The Juggernaut...) This continues being rather disappointing, as this is a paid item that has been in a broken state to a point where I can't really use it. Can we get some clarity on whether this issue is being tracked and when can we expect a resolution? 


    Example of broken textures for Bestial Tides tattoo set post March 16th patch.

  8. To add some detail to this issue, easily replicatable texture bugs with Juggernaut's unique effect. 

    For reference, this is what it looks normally, without the flickering or texture anomalies: 

    Non-glitchy look

    Then this is the Bestial Tides tattoo set with the Juggernaut's effect. 

    Bestial Tides + Juggernaut (yes that's the texture for my boots on my shoulder)

    Bestial Tides + Juggernaut 2 

    Others exhibit oddities as well, like for example the Serpentine tattoo set loses all definition when affected by the Juggernaut effect: 

    Serpentine set broken texture example (note the complete lack of texture on the chest, and compare to the texture still visible on the legs)

    Lastly, the fire bloom set chest piece completely disappears with the Juggernaut's effect, not as egregious but still disappointing, the pants piece is broken like the rest, however, exhibiting the same texture jumble that is visible in my first two screenshots: 

    Firebloom set broken texture example

    Correct image for reference

    It is rather disappointing that these unique skins were not only released separately from each other to the gem store, but were also released in such a broken state. 

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  9. Revenant feedback: 

    Imperial Impact: The attack from this trait no longer inflicts chill in PvP and WvW. Reduced power coefficient from 0.625 to 0.5 in PvP only

    While I think the coefficient change makes sense, I am a little sad to see the chill removed, as it allowed for an interesting condi playstyle (with traits that interact with chill and Mallyx in general). 

    Such changes that reduce build diversity generally make me sad, so I'd like to see that part of the change dropped, or the build somehow preserved in a different way. 

    Thank you for posting all of these, I find the early feedback opportunity very good! 

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  10. Also, seriously, Vitality in the Offensive potion is weird. Remove the effect entirely and move it to the Defensive potion. Flip the costs if so inclined (so that the Defensive one is the most expensive). It's incredibly odd and disjointed right now. "Yeah, I'm dying a lot, what potion should I get? - Oh the offensive one of course!" No, weird. 

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  11. Vindicator Greatsword 3 dash fade-out (at the end of the animation) cuts sharply if there's no target and it doesn't finish in the swirl, seems like an animation/transition is missing. It looks very jarring if you just use it for movement, character should "fade back in" from the mists in a sense.

    Nomad's advance does not maintain weapon model on jumping, but it does maintain trails/weapon effects, it seems like the animation was designed for the model to be there and it would make sense to be there. 

    Mentioned numerous times but the "stance" of the Legendary Alliance is not consistently saved to whatever you last selected, often defaulting to the healing/support one instead of the damage one.

    The skill bars on Legendary Alliance completely lack any animations, and the F3 swap is incredibly quiet, there's very little feedback to you swapping between the two from the Legendary Alliance. I am not sure if this is a bug or a desired effect (if so this would be the only legend without a skill bar effect ...) but a proper transition like for all other legends is sorely needed. There needs to be proper gameplay feedback to me pressing the button. Since there's really no feedback to the swap I am adding this under the bug thread and not the feedback thread.

    In general, F3 feels buggy and because of this lack of feedback the Legendary Alliance feels unresponsive and clunky.

    • Thanks 2
  12. I have only one thing to add to the already existing feedback - use the sound quip that goes with the end slate logo. You do use the one at the start, but not the end.


    The animated logos for each expansion are unique and tap into the art style of the game incredibly well, and they're all made with sound.

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