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Posts posted by Alexander.7694

  1. The problem is that the current meta has only very few professions that are needed in high end teams, because of the way they are designed or because they are overpowered, leaving the rest of the professions "off-meta", there should be more balance.

    Also damage is still way too high, if one gets focused, one dies within 1 second. Of course focused players should go down faster, but at least should have a chance to try and press a skill.

    Then, chain CC without diminishing returns is another issue affecting game enjoyment, way too many specs have way too many skills that can chain control your character for 5-10 seconds (I am not talking simple immobilise, but totally unable to act), which is not fun, and in pvp is an eternity, and enough to die x5 times if you are focused on.

    Finally, the rated matchmaking system is not good. It should allow groups to participate (and compensate for their points earned/lost accordingly if they play again non-grouped teams as clearly groups have a coordination advantage) - or simply match groups with groups in ranked, and non-grouped people with non-grouped people (as it is now). The reason is that playing ranked with random players often leads to people who either afk, they are bots, or simply don't know how to play, or they are abusive in chat, which is very frustrating experience in all cases. Also this way people can't play with their friends and earn pips at the same time. Alternatively, allow the same pip reward progress in the unranked games, where teams are allowed.

    The pvp system in this game has huge potential with the variety of professions and maps it offers, it just needs a little work to make it top class IMHO.

  2. @anduriell.6280 said:It's difficult to find a more unfun trait to play against than that one.

    Stopped reading right there. Thief perma-stealth is not simply more unfun, it's totally broken, whenever I meet one I just don't bother anymore because they will just stealth and run anytime they want, that's how bad it is. They can even do finisher from stealth without chance to interrupt, its ridiculously OP.

    When that's fixed, we can talk. Thanks for coming to our part of the forum

  3. @Cal Cohen.2358 said:The key feedback that we’ll need from all of you is to get a sense of how the maps feel with fewer players.

    Maps feel empty and less fights happening, queues longer to enter as expected. I can't comment on lag, seems same to me.

    We have to consider that the main blob that might experience lag is not the total number of people on the map, some are roaming and doing other stuff, so most likely the cap on number of players won't affect lag much. If we have lets say 50 people on a map, they won't all be in the same place. If we lower them to 40, could be that the main blob fight is let's say 30 in both cases. The roamers and idle won't affect. My 2c

  4. Good start at fixing the ranger bug with "Protect Me".

    Any chance since you started on the bugfixes to look at this super annoying bug "obstructed"? Literally makes the game unplayable and it is there for more than 2 years now: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/25619/obstructed-is-getting-really-infuriating

    Also the slb merged skill F3 "Unflinching Fortitude" which is supposed to prevent damage for 4 seconds does not work in WvW at least, would be great to fix it. Too many professions have too many ways to throw you around in a way that you lose control of your character for several seconds, skills like this are critical to work as per the tooltip


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