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Posts posted by Cobrakon.3108

  1. Skyscale, Griffon, and Beetle were the mobility and terrain kings. The siege turtle does not give an advantage dmg or terrain wise, but it does provide an advantage for you in new situations you might not be familiar with. Let me explain. If you are in unfamiliar territory or at a boss fight, You might not know what to expect, especially in some of the more deadly areas of Tyria. You have  a much greater amount of HP on the turtle mount so it provides a safer way to explore and can be used  to learn the mechanics of a boss or area so you don't get downed quite as fast. This will not apply as much to seasoned players but even for vets, its kind of nice to chill in one for a while. I can also see it being useful for times when there is unavoidable damage. 

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  2. I really love the new Wondering Cloud Chair and the Victory Rock Novelty, but there is something wrong with both of them: Charr on the Cloud Chair are off centered while charr on Victory Rock have many infusions floating to the side of them and not properly applied. It would mean a lot to charr players who have one or both of these great novelties, if Anet could make the charr look just as good as the other races do while using them.

    Here is an example of the Wondering Cloud Chair being off center:Cw1D39F.png

    And here is an example of Infusions not being centered on Charrs while using victory rock:blCuJAe.jpg

  3. @mindcircus.1506 said:

    @"Cobrakon.3108" said:So you are saying you don't notice the difference with something closer to a meta build than some sort of hybrid build?No, I am saying the story instances give zero consideration to a meta build or BiS gear for their balance or challenge level They do this to be inclusive to these who are not geared/built min-max so as not to alienate that part of the game's audience.Mechanics win just about every story fight in GW2. All a "meta build" does is completely trivialize them. This is one of the reasons players in optimal gear and builds almost exclusively find the story unengaging content.Again, you have clearly never experimented with this, so saying as you did previously "I believe meta builds are now factored into even the personal story" is just part of you grinding some personal antimeta axe on the game. They aren't.You have not gone into a story instance in a meta build and seen just how this completely breaks the game and guts anything engaging from it.Also, all I remember seeing was being able to interact with the sword and didn't have some message popping up saying one of the 5 skills on the sword did good damage towards the break bar.There is a clear interface callout to the sword.
    Big arrow, says "Use the sword" with story progress gated behind it's use.This isn't enough?Now it has to tell you when to use it and for what?The story doesn't even let you progress until you activate and use it properly.Your lack of use of this item after the story hard gates you behind it's use is not a design problem. it's a lack of simple problem-solving on your part.

    "Mechanics win just about every story fight in GW2. All a "meta build" does is completely trivialize them. This is one of the reasons players in optimal gear and builds almost exclusively find the story unengaging content."

    Yes Meta Builds and mechanics Are OP in Personal story, and I believe they are accounted for even in personal story due to the fact how grindy it gets if you don't use either a meta build or meta rotation style of play. Just try playing in an unoptimized build with more mixed stats and no repetitive rotations and see how much longer the fight goes.

    The problem here is that there is such a large discrepancy between non meta play and meta play. Its not like meta play is hard to play either. It's essentially cookie cutter. Anyone that strays to far away from a meta type build and mechanical play suffers sluggish game play, and the opposite is true anyone who plays a meta build makes the personal story far to trivial.Notice I never said personal story was balanced for Meta Builds and Mechanics, I simply said it was taken into consideration and I believe that is evident with how sluggish the personal story can be.

    On sword being accessible, it gives you the option to switch back and forth, indicating that it is not essential. I don't see how this escapes you. Not everyone will experiment with all sword abilities at the beginning especially since it gives you the option to switch back. The only thing necessary from the sword is to melt things to progress further, combat is not needed with the sword and yet combat is much more sluggish without using that breakbar skill on it.

  4. @mindcircus.1506 said:

    @"Cobrakon.3108" said:Problem 1: Unfortunately, I believe meta builds are now factored into even the personal story. If you don't run a meta build or dmg focused build, the fights can go slow, and being slow gives the opportunity for the enemy npc to get more damage in.No.Have you ever gone into a hard story instance such as Hearts and Minds or Scruffy 2.0 with a meta build and then purposefully geared in Masterwork and observed the difference?I know you have not.If you had you wouldn't make an unfounded ignorant comment like this just to grind a personal axe on "meta builds".Story instances are absolutely not balanced around meta/top 10% dps.None of them.They aren't even balanced around exotics.Problem 2: Fight mechanics aren't always clear. As an example in the dark rhimes zone for personal story, I was curious why the break bars were so strong on the enemies, only to find out later that the extra weapon they give you for that zone takes away a bunch of the break bar making the fights in there much easier/quicker. My game play style seems to be a magnet for missing key mechanics like this.There is an interface callout regarding the weapon in this Story instance. It needs to be clicked/dismissed.How much clearer does it need to be?

    So you are saying you don't notice the difference with something closer to a meta build than some sort of hybrid build? Also, all I remember seeing was being able to interact with the sword and didn't have some message popping up saying one of the 5 skills on the sword did good damage towards the break bar.

    You will also notice that you could switch from that Sword to your other weapon sets on the fly, making it ambiguous as to any special ability that gave you an edge. If there was some obvious tool tip or something that indicated or hinted at it being powerful for breakbar then that's one thing, and maybe I had missed it. However, if there wasn't then you are utterly and undeniably wrong and need to expand your ability to think outside of the box, that is your own personal experience.

  5. @Ashantara.8731 said:

    @Cobrakon.3108 said:I agree that there should be more outfits for female that aren't so revealing, however, I don't believe its sexist, [...]

    when there isn't an equivalent number for male characters.

    That is quite an absolute statement there. I do really think it boils down to who are the majority of players.

    A large majority of players are straight female or male. There is a good chunk of both genders that appreciate feminine looking female characters. I think there are probably some females and males that would like skimpy outfits for their male characters but I doubt there are as many as male and female players that like skimpy outfits for their female toons.

    Male+Female players like skimpy outfits on females more than they like Male skimpy outfits. Is it sexist for Anet to cater to the majority of people? I know for one thing.... trying to make things equal in a very calculated and unnatural way ruins games, entertainment, and culture.

    Look at some of the junky movies to come out in the last few years. forcing political correctness on works of art can just totally ruin things. I just find it funny that someone would call Anet sexist when Anet was making lead female characters and even a lesbian relationship before it was the super trendy thing to do.

    TLDR; From a business perspective, Giving the majority of people what they want is not sexist, it's good business. Also in a business, giving the majority of people what they don't want is trying to be a cultural revolutionist and often causes the product to suffer in quality.

  6. @"Daria Morgendorffer.7049" said:I try to play both evenly to keep it interesting, so each character looks & sounds more unique.

    But I find it hard to play female characters, because of the pretty sexist way women are treated in GW2 (especially humans/norn). The same armor/outfit on a male vs female character is so different — a fully clothed armor on a male character is a revealing battle bikini on a female character.

    This is the SAME armor skin:Sneakthief_armor_human_male_front.jpgSneakthief_armor_human_female_front.jpgI'd give a dozen more examples, but we've all seen it.

    I've never made a human female character because all the faces look identical, like Snapchat Filter Model Barbie. There are no old women in Tyria? No women who don't wear heavy makeup? Everyone has to only look one way? Only "pretty" like a doll?640px-Human_female_faces.jpg

    I know some people like these designs (they do look good individually if you're into that), and that's fine, there's just a lack of options. I don't mean to insult anyone's beloved characters. You do you — I even have a female Norn, myself.

    I agree that there should be more outfits for female that aren't so revealing, however, I don't believe its sexist, but that people like skimpy outfits, including girls. I think its more of a demand sorta thing.

  7. Problem 1: Unfortunately, I believe meta builds are now factored into even the personal story. If you don't run a meta build or dmg focused build, the fights can go slow, and being slow gives the opportunity for the enemy npc to get more damage in.

    Problem 2: Fight mechanics aren't always clear. As an example in the dark rhimes zone for personal story, I was curious why the break bars were so strong on the enemies, only to find out later that the extra weapon they give you for that zone takes away a bunch of the break bar making the fights in there much easier/quicker. My game play style seems to be a magnet for missing key mechanics like this.

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