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Gremel Khan.1203

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Everything posted by Gremel Khan.1203

  1. Hoofhearted,We just play during pacific times around reset (about 5pm pacific) so if that matches up to your play time its all good. I just want folks to know what they should expect.feel free to add me in game and we can chit chat more if you want.
  2. guild is growing, still welcoming more. add me and shoot me a tell in game for best results.
  3. Ankzu, sorry for the long delay I moved IRL just getting back to normal internet stuff. I sent you an in game email too, add me and lets chit chat!
  4. We have had several responses and new guild members join, still actively open for more folks.
  5. Hey Akeha, I have added you and will try to ping you in game next time i see you online, feel free to add me too.
  6. oh you really do have to bump this regularly, surprise! We are on generally at reset or there abouts for the most reliable way to chit chat.
  7. Hi all,We are a super casual pve guild looking for a few more folks to run stuff with us. We are super small at the moment and likely wont be looking to get much larger than say 10 concurrent players. We would like to be able to run fractals and dungeons with a full team regularly (currently we run with 4 of us most nights). Raids could be on the menu if we ended up with enough folks. We are not opposed to PvP/WvW but since most of us are on different servers it is less appealing. We generally play around 6pm pacific until 9ish on weeknights. Weekends are a mix of times. We are split between servers as most of us were returning players from before we really knew each other. Most of us are older adult gamers and prefer older players who get our bad jokes and old pop culture references. We use discord for our chat. We have a guild hall at level 7 if that means anything to anyone. A bit of history: Most of us met playing The Secret World (hence the name The Unkindness of Ravens). We continued to play other games together over the years. Eventually someone mentioned GW2 and it turned out most of us had accounts. We recently (last couple months or so) decided to give it a go as a guild in GW2, some for nostalgia and some because we had never played. If any of the above sounds interesting, please reach out to me. For the most prompt replies contact me in game, or here if you don't mind some delay. Thanks for reading,Gremel
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