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Posts posted by CooloutAC.3451

  1. On 5/5/2021 at 4:14 AM, Ivarian.9018 said:

    Good luck trying to climb and stay in the top 250 playing SoloQ. The MMS can simply not manage balanced teams with the low population and Duo and Solo players queuing together.

    It is even worth than that. When you will start climbing plat+, the MMS will put you against top DuoQ players used to play together for their rank. You are in fact being utilized by the MMS just to balance the average rank between the 2 teams and entertain DuoQ with games won / lost from start. This is how you get farmed as SoloQ if you dare not playing at peak times.

    When we had a higher pop, the odds were more even of playing with or against DuoQ as a SoloQ player. This is not the case anymore if you are Plat+.

    In everything Anet has done wrong regarding PvP, personally the one aspect that will make me quit the game is them letting a system in place they have implemented that utilizes players who SoloQ or can't play at peak times to entertain other players.


    sounds about right man,  and its a shame.  I think 2 man premades were a compromise by anet,  because they know, what happened with gw1,  and they have no way to stop these sync droppers from undermining the system out of spite,  because they "want to play with friends"  other then what they have already impelemented.

  2. On 5/4/2021 at 2:37 PM, Khalisto.5780 said:


    Let's say the guy you duo with is really gold, with this you have less chances being match with a bot, a silver player or a guy that will just afk and ruin your game, if there was different queues for solo and duos it would be to make your life harder not easier i guess.


    I don't disagree with that.   a bot,  a guy who don't care,  a win trader.  all types of epople who won't try to win.    but whether i'm a silver duo or gold duo it doesn't really change anything.   Its just the fact I'm in a duo period.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

    well, it's simple math, you are 20% of your team, with a duo you are 40% if you both are decent you can easily carry games, solo you can't unless your level of skill is far higher than the bracket you currently playing in


    but think about it man.  IMO random duo partners in the same tier should be no different then random solo partners.    Why is it?    I've literally just asked in general chat for people in gold rank to team with.   Sometimes I'm rated higher then them too.   Are duo qeues a totally separate qeue then solo?  Cause its very strange how drastically different it is.

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  4. On 5/3/2021 at 7:08 AM, Tokugawa.1268 said:

    I would love to say this game has the worst team building algorithm for PvP but I would be lying. That "honor" goes to Destiny 2. With that said, it is hot garbage here. I have no idea how people can have such excellent win/loss records according to the leaderboard. I have just started getting into rated PvP and good Lord what a mess. Through 20 matches played I have, I think, 6 wins. I regularly have at least 1, normally multiple top stats, yet get crushed. The funny thing is if I get placed on a competent team we crush


    the problem is you have to duo.  if you don't duo don't even bother qeueing.  you will end up with bots, win traders,  or people who just don't give a crap on your team.    Going duo there is less of a chance of that.   It really is like night and day man.  Doesn't matter who you qeue up with as long as they want to and are in your rank.

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  5. whats up with that?   I mean its drastically night and day.   Its like another world almost.   I just join with random dudes in gold rank and I can't figure out if its because as solo qeue there is more of a  chance you get a bot, someone throwing,  or someone who just doesn't give a crap.   Or if the MMR is just fkd and out of wack because of duos.       I mean its to the point now there really is no point in even qeuing up as a solo player.    It feels bogus and I can understand why there aren't many people who play. RIP.

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