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Everything posted by Eremoo.2786

  1. Hi, I tried looking for the answer to this on places like metabattle but didn't really reach a conclusion. Around 2 years a ago I made the fractal push to t4's on HFB because that's what everyone wanted. Since then I took a long break and have been back for a few months but I'm not having that much fun on HFB. Majority of the issues being the radius of applying boons/healing. Anyway I wanted to ask what people consider the strongest healers for fractals to be. Have no consideration for cms. Top3-4 and would love a pro/cons of each but just knowing what ppl consider the better ones to be is already great
  2. which willbender version would you suggest? I've also seen cele herald suggest here, and guildjen suggest cele willbender so was gonna maybe get the gear for that since I got some account bound stat selectable pieces lying around
  3. I am checking builds from there and guildjen, the druid one I'm playing is from guildjen atm. I just can't seem to do well because 90% of people I have to face in a roaming situation are much much higher rank (and I know time doesn't = skill but it helps). And reason I mentioned that it should be able to clear a camp is because I didn't want a silly suggestion like thief on the tankiest gear set with perma stealth which then has no damage whatsoever. I just want a build where I can ignore combat with other players if I want to since so far my experience is almost always a loss, and just go to whatever objective and clear it
  4. So I'm not new to gw2 but last time I really took WvW seriously was when I started playing the game, back in pre-HoT. Since then I haven't really invested much time in WvW, plus I often take year+ breaks and now "every" roamer I go against is a very high rank with thousands of hours and is just skill gapping me. To be honest, I mostly just wanna get in there, capture camps/hunt dollyaks and stuff like that for dailies, weeklies or just keep participation going to complete reward tracks. Around a year ago I used a trailblazer soulbeast and did ok and I've swapped to druid now but not doing that great. I've also tried celestial mirage and is again, ok. I have access to every class, what build do you think would be good at, just completely avoiding players with a lot of mobility, tanky, wouldn't struggle with clearing camps but that wouldn't also require a ton of practice? My most played classes (in general, not just wvw) are ranger, mesmer, engi and warrior but can be anything. As a plus, would be nice if I could with maybe a weapon swap be able to have some range and join a tag sometimes to do some of the objectives that I can't do solo/tag some player kills. Sorry if it's a bit specific of a request, throw me your ideas. I wanna enjoy wvw a bit more but am honestly getting destroyed by everyone
  5. Since game just got updated and patch notes said that a DX11 crash was fixed I decided to test it out again. Did a whole south drizzlewood coast without a crash. Once it was done and I teleported to divinity's reach, 2 seconds in, game froze. Could not load back into divinity's reach to turn off DX11, about 1-2s after loading the game would just freeze. Had to load another character that wasn't in divinity's reach. Which is a shame because the performance boost is great but always just seems to freeze/crash...
  6. Saw this person ingame and really wanted to try and get the same face but I can't seem to be able to. This is the closest I've gotten which is still kinda nowhere close
  7. raids seem harder to get into so I suppose I'll just "suck it up" and craft diviners for now and later once I start doing higher fractals and getting easier access to more ascended gear I can craft harriers or dps sets. Ty for info
  8. Hey so I've never really committed to high end pve before but I'm making a push for it at the moment. Still only in T1s but I'm starting to craft ascended gear and I got a question. I play revenant and I understand that alacrity rev is the meta, but to me that's a bit boring. I've always played healer in other games so I really wanted to play harrier rev, so I'd still give perma alacrity but I'd replace dps with healing.In your opinion would I get turned down a lot for T4s because I'm not playing the absolute most meta build atm or would it be fine?Unfortunately I can't open 76-100 bracket LFG to see what people ask for.In case people don't want heal revs at all, how about heal firebrand since the gear is transferable?I also want to eventually try out raids and I don't wanna craft diviner gear then not have it be good for raid as rev
  9. I know this issue has been reported before, but I've recently got back into the game again and I'm constantly using build templates to swap builds around and I'm getting a little tired of utility skills changing places to whatever "default" anet decided on. Can we get a fix for this please? For clarity in case the issue somehow still isn't known, let's assume on ventari I had protective solace on the first slot and natural harmony on the second. When swapping templates, very regularly natural harmony would now be on the first slot and protective on the second.I always use the same order for utility skills regardless of spec because why would you use different orders that would just mess up your muscle memory. So I'd rather you save our preference in order across all templates
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