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Everything posted by Stinson.2796

  1. The Mag zergs are horrible, and I typically try not to roam around them; even if I kill a player or so, it's hard not to get mowed over by the blob; I'm still new and fall for stupid ploys or get greedy and don't just let them get away until I run around a corner with a blob. You would think I would have learned that lesson from Warhammer Online, but I still get greedy. I typically try to get with another Zerg group to fight them or go to another zone to try and avoid them if I want to roam. But I still don't really see Harbinger's, Cata's, or dead eyes with Mag. Necro's for sure, Ele's for sure, and thieves, but few of those specializations; they seem rare compared to the other flavors—lots of magnets and boon balls. With Mag, you will be assimilated; resistance is futile. Everyone seems to hate them, but even though they are annoying, it doesn't seem to be anything that ArenaNet doesn't allow. But I am not trying to cause any ill will with this question; it could be simply the server rotations or the times I play that prevent me from seeing these OP specializations. It could also be that long-time players avoid them, but that goes with my question. I honestly don't know. I just found it interesting that the specializations high in the meta list and get a lot of hate; I rarely see, except for Daredevil, I see a lot of Daredevil, and everyone puts them at S tier for Roaming Meta, and it's easy to see why. It seems like many people play what they like, and that's awesome. Anyone else just run from the pistol-pistol celestial Daredevil? I don't want any of that, lol.
  2. Thank you for the reply; that sounds like a strong possibility about the forums. I roam alone, zerg in large groups, small party roams, and instance PVP. I was trying to mention the professions I regularly see, in Zergs, roaming, and Instance PVP. I could have broken them out better, but I was trying to say that no matter how I play, I don't really see the profession that people constantly call OP, which seems odd.
  3. When I read these forums or see a tier list, I hear over and over that Cele Harbinger, Cata's, dead eyes, and riffle zerkers are so OP that they are breaking the game. I have only been playing the game for four months, so I am not going to disagree with anyone that says this, but in all my years of playing PVP in different MMOs, the OP specs are like ants and all over the place because well, everyone wants easy mode. This blows me away because I never see these specs; they are so rare that I am surprised when I see one or two. Harbinger of any kind, I see plenty of Necro, but they are reapers and scourges. I see more core necroes than Harbingers. I also see a lot of Elementalist, but they are all tempests and weavers. Rangers of all kinds are running amuck and are annoying as hell; tons of dragon hunters and willbenders (but they get run over a lot, sure there is the occasional roamer that sneaks up and blasts someone before they are nuked into the ground.) Mesmer's that everyone says are just bad in PVP; I can never go without seeing a ton of Chronmancers and Virtuoso. Firebrand is another class that I occasionally see in Zergs, but there is more support from every other profession. This has been my experience roaming, Zerging, and instance PVP; I am not seeing what players and these tier lists are constantly pointing out. Again, I am not saying these people are wrong. I like and appreciate Vullun's content, and nobody seems like a skillful player, and they are obviously seeing these classes and naming them as meta; I find it odd that I do not have the same experience. Even the meta battle site has a similar tier list. I am still learning, so gold PVP is common at the moment (no doubt things change higher up), and I am 410 in WVW, so quite a bit of playtime for how long I have been playing GW2 but nothing like the vets in this game. I am on the Crystal Desert server. Does anyone know why I might have a different experience and not see the OP specs? Is this the first MMO I have been a part of that people tend to avoid the know OP specs? That would be good to know as well. Honest curiosity will more time bring these classes to constant light. If I can go to a place where rangers of all specs are not rampant and annoying as hell, please let me know; good god, druids, untamed, and soul beasts are by far the most played professions when I play. If I had a gold piece for every one of these classes, I would be rich.
  4. Sorry, I must have skimmed past this sentence in one of the guides. "You can gain 3 Grandmaster Marks per season and 1 per mini-season from your pip reward chests" It seems a bit odd, but at least now I know.
  5. Hello I noticed that I no longer earn the Grandmasters Marks box after completing six reward boxes in ranked; I am on a repeatable box that no longer has them. I had read and watched videos that said I could get geared in ascended by playing rank, but after getting three-mark boxes, I stopped getting them. Is there something else I must do or something I am missing altogether? Thank you
  6. That is interesting and helpful info. As far as it is obvious as a new player, even being up and down the ladder, I don't know. The professions in this game do so many jacked-up things, and since I haven't played them all, I have no idea if they are legit. So, a character jumps randomly across a map. Necro's can port back to their worms or back to where their spectral walk started; thieves can port from start and end points; Mesmer's have clones, and it's hard to tell if I am trying to down the real player or the clone (I think I have that figured out now), and that's just a couple of things three professions can do. I am unfamiliar with everything a ranger can do (although I know it's annoying to be turned into a chicken and all my abilities change). So, while I get from your perspective, it should be easy to tell there are so many weird things that it's not. I would think if I unloaded a series of combos containing cc and burst, the target I am hitting would lose at least some health and not just turn around and hit me two times, and I am down with them instantly in the air to finish me. But If I mention that, people are like, "Oh no, they just used this heal and this boon which let them live and then this button to one-shot you." That seems totally insane, but honestly, the first thing that comes to my mind is not that the other player is cheating. I have been focusing on where I should be to help my team, how I am positioned, and how I can set up and use my class to the fullest, along with what I see from other classes and how I might counter or get out of the way of it. I honestly wish I could tell who is hacking and what is normal, but I can't with any conviction. I have only been up to mid-gold and have seen some odd stuff and virtually unkillable teams. Again, I am new but have played quite a few games. It is very confusing starting out, and I don't think it should be. If they would at least fix the matching system, it would be a start; sometimes, I run over other people that are obviously newer than me, that happens, but I am guessing it's gotten so bad that I am usually put in with the players that have been around for years and have just put up with all the messes. There is no way I can compete with that, and that will never build a good player base.
  7. I don't think you are being a jerk; in fact, I could have come off as one in my posts, and I apologize if that is the case. It's frustrating that a game I find so great has what I believe is a huge issue. And it's not like I got beat once or twice and came running to the forums to complain. Even though I am new, I have been up and down the rank ladder (which I had to get rank twenty in normal to get) at various times and days of the week. So even though I am new, my perspective is real, and I bet I have lasted far longer than others that have tried this game mode. I find it interesting that you assumed I was calling players cheaters. Whether I feel that it's questionable that the game is actually normalized or that a player can stack 20 boons, and that is why they are winning, is not the fault of the player but poor game design. I don't blame the player for taking advantage of it. However, the results are the same; new players are pushed away from a convoluted system that takes too much time to comprehend. And that is everyone's problem and the death of every game or at least a gameplay mode. Despite what some people may want to believe, the average (or even noob) player makes a successful game, not the tiny minute group of people that succeed by putting untold hours into a specific part of a game. Those small-minute players are the ones that talk about how they were there at the beginning and how awesome they were on the day the game was shut down. Well, grats! Ultimately, no one cares about the accomplishments of the one percenters of a dead game. Those montage YouTube videos fade into obscurity, and the name of poneyourass77(not a real player I know of) dies forever. Many people are talking about guilds wars two right now because WOW and others held on to one percent of the player base, and the barrier to enter now is too high and boring to play. But they are not talking about guild wars two PVP; they are talking about every other aspect of the game and how friendly and respectful of time it is. The PVP does not fit that at all, not even close. Not only do you have to learn the class you are playing and every other single profession in the game (which is expected in a PVP game), but you must learn how that profession works and changes with every single possible profession it could have on its team, and at the node with it at the time you are and how it interacts with the boons, cleanses, heals and everything else that might pop up, not to mention dealing with the players that have given up and afk every match because there is no penalty for doing it. But again, it's interesting that cheating was the first thing that came to mind in my post. Is there cheating in this game? I honestly have no idea, but you made me curious. I honestly want to believe it's the number of ridiculous things in the game that make it almost impossible for new players. But there is no telling when a game allows add-ons access to their information through an API. Guild Wars 2 has so many amazing features; it's just sad conquest PVP is not one of them. I still tell people I know to play it but to watch out for the fifty people they might have to deal with in conquest PVP. Again, sorry for the ranting.
  8. As a new player, it's extremely sad to see what conquest PVP is like. The gear does not feel normalized at all. Sometimes I have a great time, and the match feels even and amazing. Other times I am matched with completely overpowered people, I feel like I have been hit harder than a raid boss, but the gear is supposed to be normalized in conquests. It seems like a lie. If it's normalized, how can someone hit me once or twice, and I'm dead like someone with no gear against someone with decked-out gear? This is the new player experience in PVP conquest, and I hope no one is wondering why it's not growing. The rest of the game is amazing, the living world, the different professions and builds, and a new player wonders why this is not the best MMO. Then you play Conquest and see why it's a Meme. The rewards are great! But why would anyone put themselves through that? If it takes 10 years to learn how to PVP in guild wars two, and the barrier to entry is so large in a so-called Normalized game (bull kitten!!, no one really believes this do they?). I can see why no one is playing for PVP. It's so sad; it clearly has potential, but that potential was given up on long ago, like the person who could have gotten into an Ivy League school and become a janitor. The difference is we need good janitors and people that like challenging work; we don't need another bad PVP mmo.
  9. So lame, and you wonder why people aren't playing your game. If I can't even install it or I have to look at Reddit to try and figure out how to install it, why should I give you any of my time, much less my money? Total failure right out of the gate! Amazing how I can install every other game I want to play without looking it up.
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