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Posts posted by Trigr.6481

  1. 3 hours ago, aymnad.9023 said:

    Thank you for putting this. Do you know if there is a channel (twitch or youtube) covering NA tournaments? On EU I know teapot comments most of them but on NA I have no idea.

    Edit : Most of the time the first teams have similar builds. Sometimes 3/4th place have different builds but I do not know if most people are interested in those.

    Anyone in the partner program has the ability to view or shoutcast the monthly. However Vallun typically does NA most of the time, there are a few others but they're not consistent.

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  2. https://www.bringyourmeta.com/Gw2/ I made a website for gw2 monthly AT finalist builds, it's still under heavily development, but for the time being, this is the page that I will be cataloging monthly automated tournament builds for now on. Granted it's not the best looking site, but it's accomplishing at least what I want from it, for now. Hope you enjoy, if you have any feedback let me know. Appreciate it.

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  3. 8 hours ago, Zombiesbum.3502 said:

    Because competitive integrity should be upheld?


    I'd rather que with 2 friends/players who know what they're doing as opposed to being forced to team with and babysit players that are hundreds of rating below my own. 2's and 3's are actually more reflective of most players skill rating since you can actually craft actual comps with people you know and trust to play the role, as opposed to conquest and letting rng decide what bargain bin players you get on your team, among other factors.

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  4. On 12/7/2021 at 8:15 AM, Zizekent.2398 said:

    Especially on a class that have that many interrupts so easily done, needs a nerf, like a bigger icd, or something else more healthier for the game.

    Your post is essentially a general misunderstanding of what you think is strong. Typically when you see posts like this it's always stemming with power block, but the root of the problem in most to all cases is mantra of distraction, which is a instant cast daze with no animation and no travel time. Mantra of distraction is what you should be concerned with, not powerblock. In terms of how to balance mantra of distraction, whether it's giving it some kind of animation, or ground targeted cc under the player that activates the cc after some delay, or "insert idea here", knock yourselves out in terms of ideas. But hopefully that helps you understand in terms of why you're barking up the wrong tree, thanks.



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  5. Resistance : All conditions applied on you, or already applied are halved in duration.

    Personally I wouldn't mind the absurd uptime on resistance on condi rev if the effects of it didn't completely negate half of the damage spectrum, including soft cc such as immob. Not to mention that in demon stance you don't even have to think, you press your heal or any utility and boom, mega resistance uptime because of demonic defiance. I'd rather see the effects of the boon itself change rather than condi rev getting nerfed into the dirt by drastically changing every trait regarding resistance. I honestly wouldn't mind fighting it if I could actually land an immob, but simply because of res they can just have sloppy mindless reaction time and rotations because they know one boon will save them.

    And in A-net speak changing one boon instead of reworking several traits should be easier on you anyways. My suggested change would still make resistance a very strong skill, and something you can more widely use on all classes since the effects are not as mindlessly potent. Please consider this.


  6. Regarding scourge, your solution was to limit barrier, but instead the solution should be that players aren't allowed to class stack "however say playing core necro and scourge would still be allowed". It fixes every problem regarding any class now or in the future so that any potential unbalanced class or specific ability can't be abused and its effects compounded.

  7. Mechanic change #1 - Improve the quality of animations, strongly consider adding a UI option that lets you see the cast bar of nearby enemies.

    • Personally I'm game for only having animations, however in crowded team fights having something like this would make it 100 times easier to see when big attacks are coming, so I'm kinda torn on what I'd rather have to be quite honest.

    Mechanic change #2 - Change Quickness to stack intensity, up to 5 times. Each stack would grant "increases attack and action speeds by 10%"

    • There's a few classes that quickness is given out like candy, so giving it stacks and nerfing it might be a interesting choice to see how it plays out.

    Mechanic change #3 - Change condition removal to prioritize higher stacks first, instead of by order of application

    • This would require a bit of work, not to mention new amulets to compensate for said changes. I'm not saying it's a bad idea, however conditions and power need to be equally viable, otherwise the game becomes stale very quickly. A-net tends to mix up the words "irrelevant" and "balance" when it comes to trying to fix something, which is quite scary thinking about this change. Because if they screw up, they wont fix said screw up for like a year after the fact.

    Mechanic change #4 - Make "reveal on cast" the default behavior for using damage abilities from stealth, as opposed to "reveal on hit". Make the stealth outline graphic that is normally only visible to allies also visible to enemies in PvP if they are within a radius of 300 unit range. Double the duration of most stealth skills.

    • I've been saying this for years, even made a video discussing this topic in detail, but yeah this is by far the best suggestion on your list. However doubling the duration of stealth for most abilities is overkill imo.

    Mechanic change#6 - Drastically nerf downstate in competitive game modes. Make it no longer increase health pool, give it double bleedout speed, and reduce the healing by 60%

    • This would give more impact to actually putting someone in downstate, but with this heavy of a nerf, stomping someone out would almost be trivial with these changes. This might be a bit too heavy handed, no health pool, double bleed out and reduced healing sounds like they would be cleaved out in half a second tops, making stomping a permanent thing of the past. Hell I doubt that you'd get a res signet off by the time they're perma dead lol.

    Mechanic change#7 - Give a balance pass toward reducing the radius on many AoE skills.

    • I'm not sure how easy it would be to adjust radius on a game wide scale just to be able to conform them specifically to SPVP.
  8. @Chaith.8256 said:

    @"Trigr.6481" said:
    • if it's a 2v2 game mode for example, you can create your entire competition, "no more randoms messing up your games"

    I liked 2v2. I climbed to a high rating, and my most memorable moment was taking a legit round off of the undefeated comp FB/Rev when played extremely well by Naru & Helio/Mark, while using a double Scrapper comp and not cheesing the stall mechanic.

    Picking your team, it's a nice perk of 2v2 that improves match quality, but comes with new drawbacks that reduce match quality which I'll be happy to point out.

    Now you're going to respond with something along the lines of "it will fragment the playerbase because you have before" or something like that. -
    snip stronghold rant
    - There is literally nothing to lose at thisSPvP is the easiest game to rejoin since there's no grind, the ease of entry is literally non existent. It will work.

    We don't really have to guess much more as to how it would go, we had ranked queue into 2v2 for a whole off season which was great for gathering data.

    So no, I'm not going to tell you it will fragment the playerbase. Based on my findings and info gathering, what happens was that it put such a magnifying glass on bad profession balance that it has a significant negative effect on people's desire to play that worked against the hype of a new game mode where you choose all your teammates.

    For example Countless, how fair was 2v2 for you? For the builds you are proficient in, I doubt you could beat the most mediocre FB/C-Rev, or double Necro at the time. You barely even played AFAIK.

    It's for reasons like this I feel focusing balance on 5v5 is necessary, but also adding refreshing off season content and other game modes can only be a good thing to add on the side.

    That's why I'm not hopping on the new game mode train until I've seen a better option than conquest, I'm open minded though.

    Personally I thought 2v2 was pretty fair to me, when I did play it was mostly with reckless, and a few with arken here and there. With reckless we were able to beat a fair portion of comps. With arken it was more just going in guns blazing not really giving a fuck about rating, but still fun nonetheless. That being said, the current 2v2 has quite a few problems, and I wouldn't call it finished by any stretch of the imagination. The maps, are small, you should be locked into your comp when you que, class swapping or class stacking shouldn't exist, perhaps limiting tanky amulets to only 1 player, etc. Since we're on the topic, I do like the idea of 3v3 as well, because you can't technically cheese a comp the same way you can with 2v2, but that's another bag of worms that I'd doubt you'd want to get into.

    But the reason I didn't play too much was because it was time gated. I don't really wanna get too attached to something that I'm not going to be able to play for months, or ever, knowing a-net they will delete it from the code because people enjoyed it too much over their sacred circle jerk.

  9. @"Chaith.8256" said:Toxic. Yes, exactly as stated, MY "GRAND" IDEA, THE ONLY GOOD IDEA. /s. As you can see, I just said my rattled off list of suggestions are not exhaustive. What d'ya want me to do, theorycraft for an hour so you can sit on your butt & nitpick more lol

    Does criticism annoy you to the point where you'd stray away from critical thinking for more than a few minutes? At least you'd be theoretically getting somewhere

    @"Trigr.6481" said:The only way ranked conquest is getting any better is with a few thousand players so the matchmaking can actually do its job properly.

    Agreed. How do you think the matchmaker can do it's job? A healthy population. We're on the same page, more like I'm thinking about the next step.

    I'd say we need a new game mode with less people on each team than conquest for several reasons.

    • Less people per team = more teams with the same population at launch "assuming everyone from conquest joins until new players show up"
    • Less people per team = easier to make a group
    • less people per team = less time in que-less time in que = faster games
    • if it's a 2v2 game mode for example, you can create your entire competition, "no more randoms messing up your games"

    Now you're going to respond with something along the lines of "it will fragment the playerbase because you have before" or something like that. A-net has been saying that for years, even before they made stronghold "which by the way nobody asked for, but they made it anyways because they were trying to cash in off the moba hype that was swirling around at the time and thought for whatever reason they struck gold", and what does conquest have to show for it by not splitting the playerbase? It's called stagnation. The same, or arguably worse. There is literally nothing to lose at this point by going through with it. They give one smaller game mode that's balanced, with a ladder, that you can que with a friend, that is not time gated, and people will come. Gw2 SPvP is the easiest game to rejoin since there's no grind, the ease of entry is literally non existent. It will work.

  10. First off, a terrible player running a good build is still a terrible player, and will get farmed regardless. Secondly, your grand idea to "fix it" is just adding more rewards? Do you honestly think that's going to attract people outside the game who aren't playing currently? Who would look at ranked conquest right now regardless of rewards and say "Wow that looks fun" Every single player myself included can only play for so long before getting stage 4 terminal cancer from the amount of aids that we encounter from terrible team mates. The only way ranked conquest is getting any better is with a few thousand players so the matchmaking can actually do its job properly.

    No player on the outside looking in is going to look at a old game mode and be "Oh look gw2 conquest is giving away more shinies, let me hop in! :D", it has to be a new game mode, something fresh, something you can market from a-net's end. You can't market 7+ year old decayed rotting meat, sprinkle some rewards on top and expect people to eat it.

  11. @bravan.3876 said:

    @bravan.3876 said:IH is fine as it is, clearly the most Mirage defining GM trait with the highest potential to be mostly active (as much as a dodge trait can be active) and tactical with high skill ceiling. Very interesting mechanic should for certain not be deleted or turned into some passive dmg mutliplier as you suggested. In general the ambush mechanic (which gets supported by IH + IH adds even more different combos and active outplay moves compared to core) is what balance out the very strong instant dodge mechanic from MC by creating inherent costs in terms of opportunity costs/ harder decision making in dodge management, adds more and and different combos and tactical outplay moves compared to core and for that includes clearly high skill ceiling.

    The only thing that needs to be done to apply this higher skill ceiling, higher active rate and opportunity costs to (IH) Condimirage as well, is to rework condi ambushes into something more effect/ utility based comparable to gs and sword ambush design. Something that creates the need and incentive for the player to dodge pure offensive to hit well timed ambush effects on the target for active tactical outplays and to do skillful combos with shatters and other weaponskill (just as it already is on power). Turn condi ambushes away from the pure passive condi dmg spam from clones on pure defensive dodges we still have atm (just that because of the one dodge change IH is overnerfed into uselessness for condi, but the condi ambushes are still wrong designed, the one dodge change balanced around the real issues of the wrong condi ambush design without solving the problems).

    For the ambush/IH mechanic it also is essential that Mirage gets it second dodge back because no improved utilties with more mirror generation can replace normal dodges, not only in terms of how useful they are defensive but also in terms of how tactical and active you can use those dodges to make active and tactical ambush plays (mesmers own ambush just as clone ambushes). The one dodge change completely contradicts the Mirage mechanic (just as the gamewide dodgemechanic based on 2 dodges for less spammy on cd and more mindful and tactical dodge management) as a spec supposed to do more with its dodges than only avoiding attacks. With only one dodge the ability to make pure offensive tactical dodges for ambush outplays are nearly impossible because the Mirage is more or less a freekill after blowing the one dodge pure offensive. Means the one dodge change deletes all the potential skill ceiling Mirage can have from the ambush/ IH mechanic. It turns ambushes (from Mesmer and clones) into a pure passive side effect from pure defensive dodging and contradicts all skill ceiling and inherent costs of the elite spec and make active and well timed ambush uses for tactical outplays nealr yimpossible. The Mirage can only hope that the moment he need to dodge pure defensive is also a good moment to use the ambush skill after. That is not skillful. Teh oen dodge change is the biggest nonsense change ever happend in the game (aside from removing IP from Chrono). Weird that most ppl (includign Mesmer mains) don't even understand that.

    Ofc only giving Mirages 2 dodges back would be op in current post patch state, means you have to rework the condi ambushes as mentioned and maybe also need to nerf the power ambushes a little bit so that Mirage does not overperform in ambush rewards with 2 dodges on power and condi. Means how many dmg (power or condi) can be added to the mainly effect /utility based ambushes depends, and needs to be fine adjusted by Anet to a balanced post patch lvl based on 2 dodges. Also normal condi clone autoattacks should lose their high passive condi dmg and should be brought in line with power clones to have nearly zero dmg. These are the minimum changes need to be done. I suggestion a few other nerfs or reworks, some make Mesmer mains more unhappy then others but condi ambush rework based on giving 2 dodges back is absolutely needed to keep the high potential for high skill ceiling of the Mirage spec based on the ambush and IH mechanic and not contradict the whole Mirage mechanic like crazy.

    @Odik.4587 said:I actually would like to see it but this aint happening in a 10 million years

    Suddenly no problem anymore with someone saying the retargeting mechanic is stupid and should get removed? Rofl

    I for one would rather see stealth go on Mesmer than detarget. Detarget plays much more into the subterfuge theme of the class than stealth does.Mind you I am biased in that regard as I have been playing stealthless builds for over a year now.

    The problem is, that retargeting in particular when combined with random position change has way less counterplay (zero to be exact) and kills every possibility for mind gaming (on both Mesmers and opponents side) than stealth. When the target is stealthing i still can anticipate his movement direction, i still can keep track of the Mesmer amoung clones when tracking who is coming out of stealth. Add to that, that most retargeting skills also include a dodge means those skills are just some defensive monsterskills with zero counterplay. While the randomness of the position change can even be bad for the Mesmer itself. IA even adds a lot of offensive power to the defensive monster abilities and is just broken as hell in my opinion and still has too short cd compared to how much stronger it is than Decoy for example. But i would just remove the retargeting mechanic completely. In particular with GW2 slow and bugging targeting it is a pain to fight against even when you have no problem to identify the real mesmer very fast after that.

    I made the video under the assumption that mesmer is never getting their 2nd dodge back based on anet's reluctance of reverting changes in the past, no matter how ill logic said change was. That being said, I still think IH should be removed and replaced with another trait in its place. It kinda lost its purpose imo when they nerfed almost every single ambush ability, I'd just rather see something else at this point. Not to mention that A-net said before that the dodge mechanic is so hard baked into the trait itself that removing the dodge from IH would take more time than removing and redesigning it from the ground up.

    What you mean with removing the dodge from IH? There is no need to make the clones not dodge when using IH. They even need to be able to dodge otherwise no clone would live long enough to finish their ambush attack. It is not even the ambushes being overnerfed. If they would have just reworked the condi ambushes to be more about effects/ utility need to be differently timed to pure defenisve dodges we would not have any need to reduce dodges to 1. The problem is that they never rly reworked or nerfs the problematic condi ambushes directly. They nerfed the dodges to one, they overnerfed Sharper Images to compensate for ambush dmg and avoid scepter ambush to overperform with that trait (instead just reworking scepter into a one hit skill not stacking bleed like crazy with each ambush use) etc.

    You ask for IP reversion (even though you know Anet is not flexible with admitting and reverting mistakes) and you should ask for adding the second dodge back for the same reasons: Both changes contradict either basic Mesmer or basic elite spec mechanics heavily and dumbing down the elite specs, they delete skill ceiling, tactical deepness and mechanical complexity instead increasing them. In particular ambushes and IH are the things adding skill ceiling the most (when ambushes are desinged well at least) and also define Mirage as a spec with different playstyle to core the most. Overnerfing it into uselessness is just contrary to the plan of turning Mirage into a balanced and less noobfriendly, less passive condi clone dmg spam spec.

    Deleting IH will kill a lot of potential skill ceiling, tactical deepness and mechanical complexity from Mirage. It would be a shame. And for that reasons the community (including Mesmer haters btw who want a less noobfriedly spec) should fight against this stupid change as long and as hard as needed until Anet has no choice anymore and need to admit and revert this nonsense. Means just as hard as fighting vs the IP deletion on Chrono. Because it is the same lvl of spec mechanic destruction and overnerf and nonsenseness.

    The reason for asking for IP reversion because as I said in the video, the 2nd dodge can be more easily balanced around than self shatter imo. So asking for that back is more realistic in my head than asking for them to give us back our 2nd dodge. When it comes to ambush, personally I'd rather see IH removed and them buffing ambush attacks across the board to make them feel impactful on just you, than having a bunch of illusions ambush like monkeys with dodge immunity, and have weak ambush abilities across the board to compensate for the off chance that someone might spec into IH. Which isn't really good from a balance standpoint if you really think about it. If infinite horizon is allowed to exist, then ambush will always be weak because of the potential output it can dish out with IH.

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