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  1. Hey all! I decided to pick up Path of Fire and get back into the game after 5 probably even more years after quitting. Honestly I'm lost AF haha the game has changed so much. My initial thought was to relevel another ranger to get reacquainted to the game, but I already have one at level 80 on my account. My thought process is to just play my level 80 ranger again and feel lost but slowly get back into the groove of the game. I'm still only on chapter 8 of my personal story, so it's not like I forgot/missed much of the Living World or any of the expansions. Is there a youtube video or blog out there where I can read the sylvari personal story and get caught up again? My plan of attack is finish the story and start the Living World content. But I also wanted a good open world PvE build for ranger so that I can be semi decent while playing. Anyone have any good build guides for ranger? What else should I be doing? I guess there's fractals and stuff but to be honest I'm just so lost right now and I was never really even a good player years ago so I'm just not sure whether I should level a new character or just play my 80 ranger again. Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated!
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