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Posts posted by humfrid.2615

  1. 12 hours ago, MorganOneNine.1025 said:

    I came here looking for what I think is the same thing you're describing.

    Before the patch, I had post-processing off and had the nice "glow" effect on objects, characters, etc. without the annoying green/red/etc. outlines. Now I either have to have them both (glow+outline) or completely off.

    Are there any plans to separate them again so we can have the glow/highlight without the colored outlines, or vice-versa?

    Yes, that's what I meant 🤓 

    I'd also prefer to have just the glow effect without the outline, but the only way to get that currently is to select the post processing option "none" from the drop down menu and then not touch anything. As soon as you tick one of the checkboxes you either have both, the outlines and the glow, or neither.

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  2. Pretty please : Could we get seperate checkboxes for the yellow outline around the selected objects and the "glow" effect (ie the increased brightness to help you see what you selected)?

    Because at the moment as soon as you customize your settings, when you deselect "Selection Outline" the yellow outlines disappear but so does the glow effect. So the setting toggles both effects,

    However, previously you would always have the glow effect even with post processing turned off. And even now, if you have post processing on the premade setting "none" you dont't get the yellow outlines but the objects you mouse over still glow.

    So I assume it's 2 different settings behind the scenes.


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  3. Since the last patch, the draw/stow animations for hammers no longer work properly on my (female) Asura characters.

    Drawing hammer:

    • The character will switch from the idle pose to the holding the hammer pose, without any animation in between. The hammer will then "teleport" from the back of the character into their hands.

    Stowing hammer:

    • Stowing the weapon will "teleport" the hammer to the character's back again while the character will remain in the weapon holding pose for a couple seconds than switch back to idle without an animation.


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  4. Important question that I don’t think had been addressed explicitly yet: will accounts that don’t own SOTO be able to get the legendary relic?

    I.e. if I craft a legendary rune on an account that has HoT, PoF and EoD but not SotO will I get the free legendary relic with the next patch?

    I would have assumed yes, since relics are a core feature, but I don’t want to invest 100s of gold without actually being sure. Could we get a confirmation please, @Rubi Bayer.8493

    (I do apologise in case this has already been addressed, but I couldn’t find an answer in the article or via the forum search)

  5. 9 hours ago, DemonAtTheWheel.1804 said:

    Two suggestions....

    First, you can have multiple tabs in the chat window, and you can set which 'channels' each tab uses. You could create a new tab that is 'squad only' and one that is 'say only' so that if you are not sure which channel a message is in, you can simply change tabs to see.

    Second, I have a color blind co-worker who was not aware there was such a thing.... did you know they actually make glasses that help with color blindness?  They are not cheap, but they could be a game changer for you, not just for gaming reasons. There is a company called Enchroma that makes them. They have a color blind test on their site to determine which type of blindness you have and which glasses could help. Their glasses are also available on Amazon (at cheaper prices than on their site)

    Thanks for the suggestions.

    I do have a squad only tab set up. That helps, but it would still be nice to have say there as well and being able to tell the difference 🤓

    As for the colour blind glasses - it would be awesome if those did what they advertised. Unfortunately, as far as I am aware, none of them actually do. I have become very cautious and sceptical when it comes to incredible promises like that. For anyone curious - here’s a video of a non affiliated colour blind person looking into the matter and trying different glasses: 

    But nevertheless: thank you very much for trying to help! 🌈🙂

  6. I made a separate post about my suggestion and was alerted to this thread and advised to post it here. It’s about an easy fix for colour blind people by changing one letter.

    Summary: Say/Local chat and Squad chat have the same channel Tag and the colours are indistinguishable for some players. Changing one of the tags would fix the problem, eg squad chat to [d] or say/local chat to [L]

    My original post:

    On 1/21/2024 at 3:15 PM, humfrid.2615 said:

    I have a type of colour-blindness that makes the  colours for squad chat and say chat indistinguishable from one another. Thus I never can tell if a message was typed in say or squad chat (unless I can deduct it from the context).

    I use the option to show channel tagss in addition to colours to distinguish between chats - unfortunately this does not help, because both chats have the same letter as their tag i.e. "[S]".

    My request: Would it be possilbe to change the channel tag letters of one of the chats, like e.g. have squad chat be "[Sq]" or maybe "[q]" (in accordance with "/q" for the chat code to switch to squad chat)? => EDIT: Sorry for the confusion - the chat code for squad chat is actually /d, so I guess [d] would be a more appropriate tag 🙃

    Additionally it could also help to change one of the colours, so they are no longer so similar, but that I consider the letter change the more important and also safer option, as it will help everyone regarding of their type of colour blindness, while changing the colour might make it better for me but worse for other people.

    In an ideal world, there would be settings to customize this, but I can imagine that would be a lot of effort to implement. But changing one of the letters should (hopefully) be relatively easy to do...? 🤓




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  7. 10 hours ago, Shuzuru.3651 said:

    I disagree, instead they should simply rename the Say [S] channel to Local [L]

    The result would be the same, would convey better the meaning of the Say channel, keep the channel letters to one and /local already exist for the Say channel


    As long as each channel gets a unique tag, I'd a happy chatter, no matter the letter 🙂

    • Like 1
  8. I have a type of colour-blindness that makes the  colours for squad chat and say chat indistinguishable from one another. Thus I never can tell if a message was typed in say or squad chat (unless I can deduct it from the context).

    I use the option to show channel tagss in addition to colours to distinguish between chats - unfortunately this does not help, because both chats have the same letter as their tag i.e. "[S]".

    My request: Would it be possilbe to change the channel tag letters of one of the chats, like e.g. have squad chat be "[Sq]" or maybe "[q]" (in accordance with "/q" for the chat code to switch to squad chat)? => EDIT: Sorry for the confusion - the chat code for squad chat is actually /d, so I guess [d] would be a more appropriate tag 🙃

    Additionally it could also help to change one of the colours, so they are no longer so similar, but that I consider the letter change the more important and also safer option, as it will help everyone regarding of their type of colour blindness, while changing the colour might make it better for me but worse for other people.

    In an ideal world, there would be settings to customize this, but I can imagine that would be a lot of effort to implement. But changing one of the letters should (hopefully) be relatively easy to do...? 🤓


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  9. Preamble: i love the game and enjoy the expansion a lot. ❤️ However…

    As someone who was used to having the option to change builds on any character instantly via legendary gear, it already hurt a little to not have a legendary relic option right away. But what makes it even worse to me is that relics are soulbound on use. That currently prevents me from testing them out entirely. It also feels very GW2 2012, before it was discovered that soulbound sucks and we agreed that account bound is the way. 

    PLEASE consider making relics at least account bound. Soulbound sucks the fun right out of the system for me 🥺


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  10. I’ve mostly given up hope on this getting looked at and fixed, but since it annoys me do much, I’d like to once again draw attention to this issue. AFAIK the actual range is not affected the these visual indicator inconsistencies, but that doesn’t make it much better. No matter which race you play, the AoE effect will always be wrong, often very very wrong (Charr and Asura have it worst).

    Also, I am begging you ANET, please change the expanding circle effect to something else. To my (colour blind) eyes this not only obscures most other important effects (like things I should move out or stand in) but it’s also indistinguishable from enemy attack AoEs. (Thus has lead to me dodging my own circles more than I’d like to admit). The game is already problematic for me as a colour blind player and this is one of the most aggravating examples of inaccessibility. I love you and I love scourge - please help me enjoy playing the game and my favourite profession 🥺

  11. The problem: Healsscourge somewhat uniquely (compared to other healers) lacks the ability to provide decent swiftness for its subgroup. 

    My suggestion: change warhorn 5, so the swiftness affects 5 targets (similar to ranger or warrior warhorn). A small tweak that IMO would provide nice QoL without being overpowered. Would even make sense from a roleplaying perspective - you can imagine your team running faster, trying to put some distance between themselves and the locusts 🙂



    • Like 7
  12. I like the system, it looks promising.

    HOWEVER I am not thrilled about losing my legendary convenience and waiting up to a year to get it back.

    Also, pleeeease tell me that relics won't be soulbound (see screenshot from blogpost) once a character equips them. At LEAST make them account bound, or even better, like runes (i..e always tradeable).


    • Like 4
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  13. Please consider restoring the duration of Manifest Sandshade back to 20 sec.

    The 8s duration makes it so unfun to play. I makes my scourge loving heart very very sad 🥺

    If that means that scourge can’t give alacrity, so be it. ATM I’d much prefer that to the 8s solution. 

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  14.  First things first, before I get to my concerns and grievances: thank you for the last balance patch that made reaper a force to reckon with again and harbinger much more fun to play. 🥰
     But now back from the past, and into the future of the announced changes...
     SCOURGE 😬

     I can understand that giving 10 player salacrity is not “allowed”, but the solution that is offered for that, to me looks like someone tried to make something fit, realized it wouldn’t really work that way and then smashed things until it kind of worked but also was a big mess. Granted. I don’t have all the details, e.g. what trait will replace Desert Empowerment in the master tier, but from what I can see, things look kind of forcefully hammered together. 

    Probably my main concern: The  Manifest Sandshade duration reduction from 20 to 8 seconds messes with all non-alacrity DPS builds, who want 3 shades up. Preventing that also makes it impossible to get the full benefit from the Sand Sage trait, which puts that trait into question. 

    To me this seems like a “back to the drawing board” situation, where you leave things as is for the moment and IF you want to have scourge give alacrity in the future, FIRST change the core mechanics that currently allow 10 player boon application in a way that makes that makes that no longer possible, but without butchering the class


    I’m somewhat concerned that by trying to not force quickness scrapper to bring 3 well skills, they will now be forced to bring a skill bar full of combo fields and finishers, alternating between the two types.  Unless the base quickness duration from combos is really high, that does not sound like the most fun ever, having so spam those combos left and right. I’m happy to let the actual changes convince me otherwise, but I personally don’t see the need for this rework, having always thought that the quickness via wells application on scrapper was rather neat, easy enough to get into and still leaving at least a  little bit of wiggle room for utility skill variation.  


    I pretty much gave up hope that the mantas would get re-re-worked again, but while I am at it, I wanted to comment on how much unfun I find the need to recharge mantras during combat in PvE. Firebrand went from my favourite quickness class to being very frustrating for me to play. Personal grievances aside, someone much more competent that me has posted about their concerns regarding the quickness mantra here and I would highly recommend taking their thoughts into consideration:

    Thank you for your attention.

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