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Posts posted by Kitsune.4280

  1. @Chaba.5410 said:

    @skankhunt.1375 said:One thing i hate about this game is the online community and how they just like to moan and cry at literally anything, me and my friend couldn't play wvw together and we didn't cry about it we just got on with our life's because we aren't baby's, now our servers by a miracle have been linked, that's what happens when you're not a crying baby that's always expecting things to go your way. Stay humble and grateful in life, it works wonders.

    You know you or your friend could've just transferred servers to play together, right?

    That's not humble enough.On a serious note I would like to remind ANet that we are not pixels here, and not NPCs - we are people and we are communities, that can go well together or can hate and despise each other. So before linking COMMUNITIES together you should make some reseach, ask people if they want to play together or not, will some links make an enjoyable experience or not, rather then just lock us together for two months in such a slapdash manner. We are here to enjoy this game after all, right?

  2. I'm okay with the current price, but RNG is too severe for a B2P title even though it's not a true RNG because of no dupes etc. The possibility to choose mount type looks like a nice compromise decision for both the community and ANet. Also it would be awesome to get a bunch of cool racial (or not) mount skins with some kind of adventure, like the one we get when we go for Mawdrey. When you really adopt a little cub, raise, feed and train it etc. And yes, I know it cannot be done today and needs a lot of work, but it could fill the new maps with content and give us the adventure we need to go back there again and again. Please, do it guys <3

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