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Everything posted by Echo.2374

  1. I've played GWs on and off since day 1... I've never posted on the forum but I logged in today for the first time in a while and I just can't even bring myself to play on my Rev with the windup for SoTM, it feels clunky and irritating to use.. Honestly Rev was always a niche class to play, most would laugh us off because it required a level of skill to play, I can't even tell you how many times I have heard about how "other classes do it all with less effort so no point in playing Rev" from the community.. Now with this nerf it's a joke to even use sotm in anything but bronze... if even then.. Man I hope someone sees this thread (and the others on this topic) and considers revisiting this change... TL;DR..I have nothing constructive to add to the conversation, just wanted to add another voice to the disappointment.
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