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Everything posted by thijsken.5031

  1. OMG you're so right, Anet really destroyed that skill 😦, I used to have fun on scrapper, but now it sucks
  2. “some are ruining the game of many, this is the truth, want know what is absourd to me? theres a streamer that stream and organize gvg, basically is matching manipulation, he do this in stream and the sad part is that theres a member of arenanet that help him to destroy wvw, dont remember the name but is true, this is crazy. This streamer must be banned.” :WHAT:
  3. When you have blind there's a pretty big chance all your nades of grenade barrage will miss and you will still have the blind. This bug has been in the game for more than 5 years :).clip of the bug : https://clips.twitch.tv/GorgeousFastDolphinHumbleLifescreen of me making a forum post about it 5 years ago ( Back when dreaming was possible ) : https://imgur.com/a/Gfqxw39
  4. Tons of silver players standing on the same spot queing at 4 am :#https://imgur.com/a/xTP9KhO
  5. Hey, after reading this post, I realised I have had the exact same thoughts. I used to really enjoy playing pvp, even got to rank 84 as engi once! But builds like these made me quit harder than I quit school. One small tip perhaps, try a more tanky amulet on your build? Maybe paladin?
  6. The brightness would hurt my eyes, so no thanks.
  7. Ummm holosmith is dead? There's 2 on most teams I've seen in ranked and unranked. Don't think their quite dead lol haha bro so true, i'm around gold and i'm at least vs 1 holo per game. It's so aids, all they do is cc lock me and oneshot me from stealth. I can't even 1v1 them on my mirage cuz of how broken they are, they just continue to oneshot my clones and prevent me from setting up a burst.
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