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Kaziru Urizak.7812

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Everything posted by Kaziru Urizak.7812

  1. Hi, if you're interested I'm looking for a static for raids. I call myself a daredevil 1-trick because I've been playing daredevil pretty much exclusively since Path of Fire. I have clears w1-4, small amount of exp on sh/dhuum, kills on first bosses of 6-7 with no or little experience on either Qadim (ironically where thief is primarily used 🙂). I do dabble in deadeye a little and I'm willing to play it, currently on the heart quest for legendary armor with ~60 insights so I'll be able to play condi DD once I finish that, and maybe holo/ranger when I get the insights to build the armor. I do have an alac mirage that I have very little experience on. I'm willing to take it to easy bosses to get a feel for it outside of training area, but definitely prefer playing thief at the moment. Probably doesn't matter, but I have a decent raiding background in both FF and WoW. I try to be competitive where it matters (mostly with myself/my own play) while trying to remain casual outside of a raid environment. If you're interested shoot me an in-game mail or something, my weekdays are pretty iffy with how often I'm on (try to do dailies at the least) but I'm pretty active at the moment on weekends.
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