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Posts posted by Hesione.9412

  1. On 3/28/2024 at 5:23 AM, Zera.9435 said:

    That event can easily be done solo and in about 2 minutes tops. I would instead ask that that particular event be more consistent and clear about how to get it to start.

    How do you get it to start? The characters just stand around talking, and there's no orange circle of "talk to me to get an event started"

    • Confused 1
  2. On 3/16/2024 at 7:44 AM, Gorani.7205 said:

    Good job mods, banishing this thread from the normal discussion forum to the WvW subforum, where the players can be among themselves and don't disturb important discussions about skins and and gem store requests. /s

    I hadn't realised they had shifted it, because I had been clicking on notifications. I specifically posted in the normal discussion forum because it's more feedback about their daily system. It just happens to be about WvW rather than PvE.

    This is frustrating because it's a problem with their 1. changes to the daily system and 2. focussing on making PvE fine without apparently caring about WvW.

    The inconsistency is frustrating. If the dailies on one game mode get amended because some players are upset, then why can't the daily options in a second game mode get changed for the same reason?

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  3. I know unpopular, or at least more complained about in the forums, PvE dailies were taken out. Why is the WvW defence activity still in there? There are negative comments from last year about this daily, in the forums. I have it again today, and most times I don't get credit. Roaming doesn't work unless you can kill two or more players, because doing damage to an enemy player attacking an objective doesn't count. In a squad can still cause problems - unless you are one of the lucky few who manage to do enough damage or hit an opposing player who either did damage to the objective, or killed a guard. And lots of enemy players haven't done either if the wall or gate hasn't gone down, although the defence timer is up. Killing them does not give credit. Putting supply into walls was removed as a contributor to this activity, so that isn't an option, either. And you can just be unlucky and be on at a time when either you are heavily outnumbered or there is no opposition to be seen.

    Pre-empting the "but just do another option", it's daft if one of the options isn't great in the first place. The PvE option of doing one of the LA daily activities (e.g. Southsun) was removed, even though it is impossible to fail any of those. Go in, do a couple of things, get credit. Something that takes 5 minutes was removed from the rotation because ?it was too difficult. And one of the more difficult ones in WvW was retained.

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  4. Are there any visual options in game to improve this fight? I continue to be tired of trying to avoid things I cannot see because of clutter. At this point I assume Anet has no desire to improve clutter, because they have been told about the clutter problem repeatedly (the Soo-Won encounter in the DE meta being one of the more commonly mentioned fights before these convergence ones) and they are ignoring player feedback.

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  5. For months, I have the TP show completely blank when I first load it, although the tabs on the side are there. I either get an error I can barely read because it has little contrast with the colour of the TP background, or I get the rotating circle of not loading.

    Today, I discovered all my favorites have disappeared.

    At the moment, the TP isn't loading at all for me.

    • Confused 1
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  6. 6 hours ago, Londyn.3210 said:

     the acceptance of all the newbies into wvw is truly created havoc on particular servers.   They are using ALL the supply to build 10 or more golems and 10 or more trebs everywhere in the keep;.   The squads have very little to no supply to help them in whatever their Gen Patton plans are.  Furthermore, I tried to tell them that the golems are difficult to travel from the keep to the other side of the map yet they continue to build them.  Arena Net or their particular guilds should teach them the do and don't of wvw.   Trebs on hill outside SMC is not the way to go.   Golems are build by the commanders as they are needed due to their slow nature in their traveling.  

    There is at least one troll who does this. I've entered into a map with something like 15-20 golems at spawn - not for ages, though.

    • Confused 1
  7. On 11/9/2023 at 7:27 AM, TheGrimm.5624 said:

    Maybe some servers should zerg less and use more scouts. The number of times that zergs respond to a breach and then don't actually check for people still inside is quite amazing. I even callout my own server and links there. They assume that the scouts will stick around to do all the repairs and to track down targets left inside while they run off and then cry foul how did we lose that after we just cleared them out. I am not saying we don't have exploits nor there aren't bad actors that should be addressed, but the number of times that players throw out the hack card is still much higher than the actual hacks.


    On 11/12/2023 at 8:31 PM, TheGrimm.5624 said:

    Ah the ease of mixing hacks and exploits and where this kind of thread fails. So is your issue hack or exploit? And yes, I play all classes, and thief but less than all the other classes. Exploits should be easier to address and agree should be handled. Hacks, require more research. 

    I guess you have never had players whisper you that you hack after you retook a tower after they failed to scout an objective and you took it back. Again I am not saying that there aren't both exploits that need fixed and hacks, but have seen to many times when players throw that out first. A better option on the forums is to capture in video the exploit points to get fixed. Video of the hacks to get more awareness, and submit info from the other forums about the tools that are used, but not in the forums since its against ToS.

    But to doubt that roamers and havocs can't take out objectives...not sure what to say there. Does your server not have any havocs? Maybe have a conversation with them on how/what/where and what they do and what they face. 

    In both the comments you made above, you have stated that people don't know what a hack/exploit is. People are making suggestions because there's no way to deal with them. That some suggestions are down the not-so-good end is a reflection of how difficult it is to counter players who are cheating. Also, it may be only 2% of game play, however having a t3 keep flipped by a single hacker/exploiter in under 30 seconds has a large impact on scoring. It's miserable to play against, especially after time has been spent tiering up those keeps. It's very hard to counter exploits through terrain, unless you want to keep 5 people (it is difficult to kill a terrain hacking player with less than 5 people of all their movement options for the cheater) in each keep to try to intercept the player. And that's if you can even target them, which you can't do if they are inside the terrain.

    Hence, I can see where the OP is coming from with their suggestion.

  8. 1 hour ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

    Ah the ease of mixing hacks and exploits and where this kind of thread fails. So is your issue hack or exploit? And yes, I play all classes, and thief but less than all the other classes. Exploits should be easier to address and agree should be handled. Hacks, require more research. 

    I guess you have never had players whisper you that you hack after you retook a tower after they failed to scout an objective and you took it back. Again I am not saying that there aren't both exploits that need fixed and hacks, but have seen to many times when players throw that out first. A better option on the forums is to capture in video the exploit points to get fixed. Video of the hacks to get more awareness, and submit info from the other forums about the tools that are used, but not in the forums since its against ToS.

    But to doubt that roamers and havocs can't take out objectives...not sure what to say there. Does your server not have any havocs? Maybe have a conversation with them on how/what/where and what they do and what they face. 

    I'm at the point where I guess you're not reading what I wrote. Watching a thief use a weapon skill to get into fire keep, and then watching them use the same weapon skill to get into inner, up a wall, is exploiting. I really don't care about the difference between hacks and exploits: both are cheating and against the ToS. The end result is the same - the player ends up in a place they shouldn't be, if the game had been played as intended.

    The exploits are all on YouTube. Anet has been repeatedly given videos of how to do the exploits, by multiple players, but nothing is done. I am not going to post a link because that is against the rules of the forums.

    You can quit with the "it was a good player playing the game".

    • Like 2
  9. On 11/10/2023 at 11:02 AM, ArchonWing.9480 said:

    Yea the main problem is the reporting system being really bad and the fact it is very hard to actually click precisely on someone that's exploiting for obvious reasons.

    But no doubt the report system is also abused by petty or ignorant idiots that clog up the system.

    There is, of course, no excuse to let the same exploiters to run amok for years. It is to the point I already know who people are talking about even if I am not in the matchup (they're probably still on JQ). And barring that making barriers higher seems like pulling teeth.

    Maybe we should claim it affects the economy somehow, that usually takes priority over everything else anyways. You can illegally jump into a tower? I sleep. Something in the gem store is mislabeled? Real kitten! Kick everyone out of WvW to fix it!

    We had problems with one or two people who were on a server link with us, us being JQ. Our problems lie with a server on a sad large pool of water.

  10. On 11/10/2023 at 2:15 AM, Jitters.9401 said:

    Twice in one day I was able to solo cap two different towers in red bl while on my engineer.

    All I did was stand behind a wall, cross my fingers and chant "please don't see me, please don't see  me, please don't see me".

    Like, when I was in one tower, I already knew the enemy was going counter clockwise, on the map, so I just stowed my mech away, and stood behind a wall in the direction I was sure they were not going to go.

    And twice it worked. The enemy left amd when the RI dropped,  I moved from my spots and took the towers. 

    So I'd prefer not to lose this. It is easy to kite a tower lord on an engineer  throwing grenades, while running in circles.

    We are not talking about players who stay hidden.

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  11. On 11/9/2023 at 8:35 PM, TheGrimm.5624 said:

    And how many other servers just call hack when its a havoc playing smart? Again I don't claim there are no hacks, but if players are going to doubt that roamers and havocs can't take on NPCs, sorry that was players not playing smart. Posters just muddy the situation with solutions that remove valid play which is why I will say no, you are encouraging sloppy play for the few that might be bad actors. Focus on the hacks, visit the other forums and send in tickets based on info gleamed there to support if you actually want fixes. But don't impact legit play, zerg play already has the advantage, no need to bolster them further. 

    🙄 Yes, a thief using a skill exploit to get from outer to on top of a wall, and then from there to inner through a second wall is "havoc playing smart".

  12. 6 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

    Maybe some servers should zerg less and use more scouts. The number of times that zergs respond to a breach and then don't actually check for people still inside is quite amazing. I even callout my own server and links there. They assume that the scouts will stick around to do all the repairs and to track down targets left inside while they run off and then cry foul how did we lose that after we just cleared them out. I am not saying we don't have exploits nor there aren't bad actors that should be addressed, but the number of times that players throw out the hack card is still much higher than the actual hacks.

    We have watched them hack in front of us, when we are scouting.

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  13. We saw two daredevils hacking/exploiting into air and fire keeps last night (my time). Caught them between outer and inner and then saw them hack/exploit into inner. Really getting sick of this, particularly when this behaviour seems to be mainly associated with one specific server on NA. No idea how bad it is on the EU servers - I'm assuming you're all getting this as well. If you want to keep the keep, you have to keep one player on each lord at all times so the keep isn't ninja'd.

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