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Posts posted by Kera.3982

  1. 3 hours ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

    I run a small youtube channel where I play games and you would not believe the number of people that tell me to go play FF XIV. Problem is, I don't want to pay for it. That's one of the things I like about Guild Wars that other games don't do: You buy Guild Wars, you're done. You play Final Fantasy,  you pay every month whether you play it for 160 hours, 10 hours, or zero hours, and I'm just not here for that.

    That depends on what you want to do. FFXIV excels in both PvE and Roleplaying. Guild Wars 2 is a lesser version but has a unique Open World for doing content. As for npc bots, they're bots to help out new and casual players with Dungeons/Raids. They're not gold/combat bots that you see in other MMOs. If a large number of people are telling you to try a game that offers a better experience, you might want to listen to them. Guild Wars 2 isn't going anywhere anytime soon but the lack of care from the developers is obvious.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Assolador.3598 said:

    seems like u don't pvp

    I do. And have been PvPing way longer than you that's for sure.

    43 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

    How is fractal rewards not accessible for casual players?

    New players are gatekeeped at Tier 3-4. Not sure if you've realized but its been going on for a long time. Nobody teaches new players how to do Fractals except some Guilds but most experienced players expect gold in return.

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  3. Combat in this game has gone downhill both PvP and PvE. I don't see any reason to "Beta Test" Classes since I don't think ANet is capable of remaking Core Classes which was and still is the best till this day. DareDevil and Marauder Rifle have been overpowered and uncounterable in PvP for many years now. Recently ANet made Willbender for Guardian which is just Thief on steroids. Guardian used to be a good powerhouse with both offensive and defensive skills, turning conditions into boons and still being able to hit hard with a Greatsword.

    PvE is rather casual and its a good thing that it still is but I've seen other players do more damage than I do regardless I'm a double axe full DPS Warrior. To me GW2 can learn a thing or two from WoW on which classes are tanky while others do damage. Because despite being a complete glasscannon, this Charr with a Staff just default shooting with his 1 is doing more damage than my Whirling Axe on Berserk.

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  4. 1 hour ago, shion.2084 said:

    I've played since GW1 and I've never considered the PvP particularly well balanced.  I do find when people claim a certain time that it was really well balanced tends to be when the class they main was very poorly balanced and over performing 🙂

    Engi always had CC if I recall, we had rifle which would both shoot a net and do the knock yourself down attack.   So the immob and knockdown weren't really very optional.  Flame thrower was  a staple cause you'd run three kit engi and so that had the gust of wind thing... for another knock down.  Anyway point is there was plenty of CC available to the core engi.  

    In general there's too much mobility creep now.  (People can move too fast making zerging viable).  Too many blocks and invulns, Too many unblockable attacks, Too much access to chaining CC form a single class.  Too much visual noise and not intuitive enough tells for skills to demonstrate their properties.    

    For Engi, given the fact that your running at maybe 18k health for builds which maximize DPS, I get two CC's and one of them is a giant red circle that counts down for 8 seconds. both on a 20 second cooldown.   I'm pretty much forced into bulwark to survive the projectile and CC spam so that removes the third CC I'd have access too. 

    I disagree.  Just like the story writing, core gameplay was at its peak. And I'm not sure who mains classes in GW2. If you've played this game long enough, you should know it does a good job at making its players try different classes. I personally do not have a main. I've already stated I loved GS Core Guardian and till today I'm still playing Staff Mirage Mesmer which very rarely people do play compared to GS Chronoshatter.

    Core Engi had CC's but they were not as powerful compared to today's Holosmith and Scrapper Meta which both have AoE CC knockdowns.

    I find mobility to be in the favor of both Daredevil and Willbender. Both of these classes are just unstoppable. I've even saw a Daredevil teleporting towards me and just hitting me once and I'm down. When he got chased, he'd teleport over 2km. The thing is, you don't get that in WoW. You don't get that broken gameplay where Rogues can abuse their stealth. My Paladin can inflict a DoT on a Rogue and they won't be able to enter stealth again.

    But this is not just about Daredevils, the whole GW2 PvP mechanic is completely broken and not fun. So back to topic, if the guy afk'd because he was getting tired of the broken PvP mechanics, I'd say he had the right to do so. But afking in the next match with a different team against different opponents would be wrong.

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  5. 9 hours ago, shion.2084 said:

    Even running total glass I don't get one shot by those classes.   
    Since I run an engineer, and I suspect you are talking about scrapper.  The meta scrapper that does the most "stun/daze"  has one stunbreak and can't remove condi effectively.   Play a class that survives his burst and then CC wreck him.  

    Surviving the stun can be done through high health (say condi reaper), port capability, or access to invuln (warrior, virt, good access to stability (elementalist), or CC lock him down (druid / ranger + pet, ele).  Oh and a slippery DE or daredevil can be a nightmare for a scrapper if they don't take a reveal trait (which then makes them slow).

    Your typical Gold2 tier scrapper relies on the big burst and doesn't really have any options if that doesn't work out.

    The band wagon jumping burst meme scrappers out there will just fall over at that point.

    With the decreased population and the increase of Plats getting matched against folks ranging down to like silver, it's definitely going to feel like some of those classes can one shot you, so I sympathise.   

    Engineer's have decent armor. Try playing a Staff Core Mesmer without any Toughness or Vitality build, a true glasscannon. It's a high risk, high reward gameplay compared to the current GS Chronoshatter Meta which is just too easy to play.

    I don't think you understand GW2 had a really good and well balanced PvP system during its core gameplay where stuns are 'optional' and not even Engineers had it in the past. It was all about dodging combo's and timing your skills perfectly. Today, we have a PvP system where you just spam CC's until your enemy gets annoyed and afk's. I used to run Core GS Guardian and still do today because its the most unique class in an MMO. It was unfortunately replaced by Willbender that's typically thief but a little more tanky.

    Btw, I don't play ranked anymore because there's no point in sweating in a game that doesn't care about good PvP gameplay. I can get more rewards afking in WvW or just playing Meta Events.

  6. The current PvP meta and mechanics in this game is the worst I've seen in any MMO. Even a pay to win game like Black Desert Online isn't as bad when it comes to PvP. I don't blame the guy for afking unless he afk'd for no reason. Going against Willbenders, Bladesworn and Condizerkers that will 1 shot you is just not fun. Then there's Scrappers with 10 seconds of stun without any counters. I recently subscribed to WoW just to PvP and the difference between GW2 is day and night. It's so much fun to PvP in WoW. GW2 is just good for its PvE content and nothing else.

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  7. On 10/25/2023 at 2:47 PM, TheGrimm.5624 said:

    As a backer of AoC, I doubt they will balanced based on the system design. Just like in GW2 it will matter how many people are willing to self balance versus those that will just zerg. 

    I'll mostly be playing the Open World rather than an instanced PvP match. Defending caravans with my own resources I farmed in my own player home is so much more rewarding than what GW2 has to offer. You should also know about the bounty system if any enemy player decides to flag up and PvP. With the state of GW2's PvP, AoC is a game to look forward to.

  8. Magumma has so many people which makes WvW not fun to play anymore. After capping SMC or a Keep, they'll just zerg the place and outnumber in every fight. Here's hoping Ashes of Creation will deliver a much balanced PvP experience.

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  9. I just returned to GW2 to try PvP and its possibly the worst PvP experience I've had in an MMO. WoW managed to fix Paladin in a month but GW2's PvP got really worse over the years. Now I'm getting stunned for 5 - 10 seconds, not being able to move from 1 spot and each time I move I get damaged. It's ridiculous. The best PvP was at launch where Power Survival Ranger and Radiant Greatsword Guardian were fun. Now they get knocked out instantly.

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  10. I've just finished End of Dragons despite Pre-Purchasing the Expansion. I honestly do not care about the Lore but I care about good writing. And through my hours of playing the Expansion, there is no good writing to be seen. Everything is completely Westernized and I just wanted every conversation between every character to end. If ANet can't hire an Asian woman with an Asian accent that's just a pity. This goes same for the male Asian characters. Everytime they talk to my character its like a clip from a modern movie scene and it just disgusts me. I did not pay money to watch a crappy Marvel show with Western bravado.


    I understand that this game is on a budget but holy crap the writing is just so bad. And now there's a lesbian marriage in an empty tavern, good grief. I would rather play FF14's A Realm Reborn TWICE than go through EoD in this game again. Because atleast the plot in FF14 gets way better with every Expansion. Such a pity because I enjoyed GW2's writing back in the day, especially the original before the Expansions.

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