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Posts posted by NotOverlyCheesy.9427

  1. @Ohoni.6057 said:

    @Sarrs.4831 said:Of course, you're not interested in a solo experience, because that means that would come with two champion bags, five loot bags and 25 volatile magic as a reward, not legendary armor.


    Why should anyone take your opinion seriously, when all you quote is the line about the loot, with a joke response? We get that you're only here because you've gotten the idea that you can argue your way to legendary armor, but can you at least keep pretending otherwise?

    I'm serious. Why do you believe that a solo experience could only ever come with "come with two champion bags, five loot bags and 25 volatile magic as a reward, not legendary armor?" What is it about being carried by nine other people that you believe makes you more deserving of a reward than someone who manages it himself?

    Pretty simple: I don't get carried.

    You aren't answering the question. You posed your statement as if it was self evident, it shouldn't be difficult for you to explain it. Why do
    believe that a solo experience should
    be worthy of anything more than "two champion bags, five loot bags and 25 volatile magic as a reward, not legendary armor?"

    Will you stop trolling already? It is obvious - group content is much more challenging. Greater challenge = greater reward.

    Why? Again, serious question. Doubly "why" actually, why do you believe group content is more challenging, and why do you believe that greater challenge must equal greater reward?

    If you've read about philosophy of fairness then you'd know why. If you work more/harder you deserve more and if you work less/easier you deserve less.

  2. @STIHL.2489 said:

    @Ohoni.6057 said:I think you've made perfectly clear that
    don't, nothing more.

    I'm not going to allow you to get away with these extremely vague accusations. Moving the goalposts is where when you present an argument (or demand for proof), someone answers it, and you retroactively change said argument so the answer doesn't apply anymore. It's one of those fallacies that allows the user to (incorrectly) trick themselves into thinking they don't ever have to be wrong, which is what you're doing.

    It's also what you did. You said someone's suggestion had no pros, I listed some pros, you say they weren't pros, I saw that's because you're only thinking of yourself.

    And then you hit me with this:

    @Teamkiller.4315 said:So ohoni, i understand those aren't positives for you but you're not the center of the world.

    Yes, and neither are you. Raiders already seem to be mostly fine with how raids are now, and if there are things they'd like changed, I mostly support that, but right now we're talking about the people for whom raids do NOT currently work, and making the mode more fun for
    players. The changes I advocate for are in the service of that goal. I do not expect existing raiders to benefit significantly from those changes, but that is not the point of them.

    That's just drawing a big ??? for me there.

    The more I read these comments,the more I wonder if putting Legendary Envoy armor behind Raids was a good idea. Had they not thrown in the armor would many of us even be discussing any of this right now? Hypothetically speaking of course.

    It was a positively horrible idea to do what they did.. and it is about the only thing that is bringing in new blood to the game mode.

    Thankfully they had a bout of common sense and put in alternate paths to Legendary Armor.

    I honestly don’t think people wouldn’t be complaining nearly as much, if they only kept the current raid skins you find now like the pieces of Dhuum’s armor, Matthias staff etc.

    I mean Raids were designed to give people the challenge, no? That’s what the driving factor was, yes?

    Scripted Encounters can never truly maintain challenge, this is why trying to make PvE Content like Raids is a failure from the get go, unless the game is built from the group up to provide this kind of content, which GW2 was not. With any kind of scripted content, once the mechanics are figured out they become a grind.

    The only Challenge Raids bring is dealing with 9 other people who may or may not know what they are doing. So, in short, it does not provide challenge from the content itself, it just kills PUG's and breeds toxic elitism as everyone doing raids does not want challenge anymore they want a fast grind of content, speed clears and 100% completion.

    Now for me, I have always understood that skins were often content exclusive. That has been the nature of the game, but you know, games evolve, and if they can change one way, they can change another, so even trying to cling to exclusive skins for content is not really worthwhile at this point. But I don't really care that much for the skins as they are, so it's not an issue for me. In fact, I think they Evony is awfully ugly.

    With that said, it was a horrible idea to put legendary Armor behind Raids as this bottlenecks the the end game, moving away from several game styles that provided equal yet unique rewards, to One game Style that provided the best rewards. They started down this bad direction path with Fractals, but they at least had the awareness to put in alternate paths to Ascended as opposed to them just being drops in Fractals, but, that still gave fractals the best gear drops in the game, till they
    branched off on that.

    But this whole thing where they lock the best tier of gear behind a raid, that's going to hurt them, quite a bit to be honest, as while many players may not care about raids, in a game like GW2 a lot of them at least like the idea of being able to progress towards long goals like Legendary Armor and Gear, and with raid locking these things that kills the goal before they even start on it.

    Which will demoralize their casual base, and there is no question about this. As such, I would bet a large portion of the current community is already looking for another game to replace GW2 for them, but with poor lunches by games like Bless and many other really exciting MMO's being a few years off, no doubt most of the people already miffed about this have stopped spending money, hence the current change in how the store works, and have been looking at other games, with that said, BDO could have been beyond great if their UI was better.

    So, their move to put in this content, and then lock legendary armor behind it.. oh.. that's hurting them and it's gonna hurt them a lot more as time goes on.

    Just because something is scripted doesn't mean it's easy. That's like saying playing flight of the bumblebee 300 bpm with a tuba flawlessly is easy because it's scripted.

  3. I don't buy into this easy mode would introduce players to mechanics thing at all. Mechanics are what make fights hard and they are meant to be punishing. If they are not punishing the path of least resistance is to bring healer druid or some other way to cheese non punishing mechanics. We can already see this with VG. They decided for the first boss that missing greens shouldn't be an auto wipe and now everyone just outheals it.

  4. You need to have a more holistic way to the marketing than adding random quotes from people I don’t know to an already existing trailer. I found this kind of lazy from the marketing team but I see the motivation to not send this ad out to the public but rather get the community involved in how to do marketing better so I’ll give my thoughts about this.

    1. Get influencers to play the game with sponsored streams/videos. — It’s incredibly important for people to be able to find content from their known gamer to see how a game is before making the purchase decision. Also make sure that they don’t play just open world for 4 hours straight. Have them try out fractals, meta-events, raids or even a story chapter or 2 (recap for story is ESSENTIAL).

    2. After you’ve got the basic ”bread” content available from influencers, you can start to get people hyped with a trailer and you have to reshoot it. The one shown with the quotes shows that we have pretty game with mounts. Following points are things that in my opinion are strong points of GW2. The order is all over the place but I’m not here to make a script for the trailer, I’m here to give ideas.

    2.1. Structure new trailer in a way that shows strong points of GW2. — New players are interested in what a game has to offer. There are tons of pretty games out there but if the gameplay/content is unknown why would they go for GW2 instead of any newer game with better graphics.

    2.2. Have a few scenes of cool fights from different perspectives. — The combat system is awesome in this game so you have to show it off. For example you could have some footage from what it’s like when a squad takes on a boss like Dhuum from players perspective and from an angle that shows the whole arena. Or you could show WvW clashes, Serpents’ Ire meta event or even someone soloing Lupicus.

    2.3. Continuous story updates. — Game gets updated frequently now and footage you have works with this segment.

    2.4. Joy of movement. — Mounts are incredibly cool addition to the game and should be definitely shown off. You could show an actual mount race and griffon master adventure from player perspective.

    2.5. Simple yet diverse class system — We have 9 classes with 2 elite specs each for incredible build variety. Also we have no gear threadmill.

    2.6. Show off the terrain. — I know what I said before and it is definitely an asset but don’t focus on this above all else.

    2.7. Use quotes from critic reviews in segments that make sense. — Metacritic has critic reviews and you can use any of those for example in you mount segment. Don’t overdo it though ’cos it’s a bit cheesy if you have a quote every other second on the screen so find the right balance.

    1. Use your community. — If you need a guild that you can record for raids, contact a raid guild. If you need WvW footage, contact a WvW guild. If influencers don’t know how to participate in meta-events, fractals or raids, offer them a guild that can help out. There could even be a gift for those who help out.

    2. Optimize internet marketing better. — I saw GW2 ads only in videos that were about GW2. If you want to get new players to join you need to expand your keywords. The people who look at GW2 videos most likely own the game already.

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