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AJVO Havoc.8534

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Posts posted by AJVO Havoc.8534

  1. Improving Deadeye and Specter by nerfing right?? Classic Anet

    That's why you should have already introduced a permanent beta server to test your mess before releasing to save ppl from all complaints lol

    DE meant to be a glass cannon, either if playing sup quickness, should always be able to keep high damage cause it's role as single target lol Like have you ever played Deadeye??? I've done PVE, PVP,WvW, Strike, fractals, raids and so far doesn't compare with the classic Reaper chilling, dancing around and doing max dps even at single bosses then bitching about rest team's damage. Sure Deadeye is a very basic spec yet it's not as easy to keep up closer to top dps while playing game content unlike other specs, single mistake and everyone goes above you on dps unlike other specs who can easily chill around, have their drink while simply spamming abilities lol So tell me why do i bother on playing quickness if not gonna offer much to the group anyways?? rotation is meh plus big DPS loss with a DE as quickness instead of full dps and that's why, that's exactly the reason QB,HB is and will always be on the top on that matter and same goes to specter as meant to be the different type of supports, but sadly different in a way that i'do rather find a QB,HB, HAM.

    BTW When is next nerf to stealth coming? lfmao

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  2. Sigh* After the hype about Deadeye getting quickness i am not surprised at all to express such disappointment jaja Sure, they kept their word on giving DE Quickness, but definitely not in a way that makes worth playing it at all or even trying unless you just want something to "chill" cause not becoming meta anytime soon if not ever with many specs and better options to play quickness for the team. You won't see anybody asking for quickness DE at fractals,strikes, raids and even less at WvW/PvP content jeje as being said; Just an option to chill with no actual improvement on what Deadeye can offer to a group, for quickness rather play another spec or simply play DE DPS and find me an actual Quickness for the group. Ofc gonna give it a try but surely not gonna stick with it unless make the sacrificing of damage a worth trade for the quickness.

    You guys should have considered a while ago to release a beta server for actual players to test your supposely good upcoming changes and provide you of a better feedback instead simply releasing all the mess without giving a heck about feedback here.

    Btw your nerf from last "balance" on Shadowmeld was nonsense lol like you haven't nerfed stealth everytime you got the chance cause most players haven't realized yet stealth doesn't save you from getting damage as spamming shields, reflects and invu does. 


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  3. 9 hours ago, Seneca.6319 said:

    I play 3 classes pretty often: elementalist, mesmer and necro. 

    Changes to elementalist: meh, good they fixed bugs but Tempest could use a rework on the grandmaster traits. Not being able to provide alacrity and heal at the same time is weird, other classes do it so where is the balance? In WvW tempest is mostly a cleanse bot and provides some decent healing but that's it. It would be great if it could compete with Firebrand that way in a group you can either have a Firebrand or a Tempest a.k.a give Tempest the ability to generate more stability and share it with the group. It is pretty much its weak point right now. It could also compensate for the Stone Heart rework.

    On the Sone Heart grandmaster trait: people take that because a Thief can just one shot you if he attacks from stealth and behind at the same time. Not gonna lie, the fact that you have to camp Earth to not die because of crits from sneaky thieves is a bit of a bummer so I'm curious on the number of seconds you maintain Stone Heart when entering and existing Earth.


    Changes to  Mesmer: great you're fixing bugs but not great you're touching alacrity, again. Good that it is in PvE only since in competitive mode it is literally impossible to maintain 3 clones up so Staff Mirage has literally no play in PvP or WvW. But still, half of the alacrity and being forced to take Ritualist gear...I don't like it. And where are the PvP & WvW changes for Mirage? Where is our 2nd dodge while Daredevil has 3 and perma stealth. How can you say "Thief is in a good spot" ??? Are we playing the same game ?? Thief is like the most toxic and annoying class to play against in competitive mode, yet Staff/Axe Mirage is a big offender. If Mirage would get it's 2nd dodge back it could see some play in WvW Zergs with GS. Right now only Chrono reached meta and that is because of boonrips with Gravity Well and Shield. But it's such a boring build to play. 


    Changes to Reaper: the class just feels clunky with a Greatsword. I don't care about a power coefficient when my attacks are 3/4-1 second spaced out. Greatsword on Reaper feels like a staff only it's melee. There is a total disconnect between changes to Shouts and the use of the GS. Shouts reward you for being in melee range but the spec's weapon punishes you greatly. So most Reapers take Axe/Focus and Staff and avoid using shouts too much because they avoid being in melee range outside of Reaper's Shroud. 


    Closing words: Please play the game yourself in competitive modes and see how each class & spec feel. Focus on competitive mode balances, spare us with the PvE balance patches, who cares we're able to bring down a giant hitbox to 0 that fast. I haven't played a raid or a strike in months because they are that boring. Fractals & dungeons are more fun than raids or strikes but because they reward you better people obviously play those. Once they get their gear they go away because who wants to grind the same raid indefinitely ??? Might as well go hit the Kitty for 10 mins a day if I feel like doing a Raid. 

    Fix the stealth problem with Thief in competitive modes, figure out ways each class can counter it! It is quite funny that a Mesmer (basically the Trickster), an Elementalist (the Mage) and Necromancer (the King of the Undead) have basically no counter play to Thief. These classes should have the most counterplay to stealth because they are squishier and, except for the necro, require a lot of skill to play.

    All your complaints have something to do either with thief this blah blah, stealth this blah blah, counter counter like dude, Ele is on an actual pretty good spot right now, a good elementalist can stand a fight against anybody they got on their way, repear and harb are not easy at all to play against and if make a single mistake while fighting a good harb (even a mid tier one) you pretty much dead and tbh the changes on mirages are lame, it has been a while since they should have put some actual work on it and buff it to be on the spot it was before the bs nerfs (including taking the second dodge away) , but have you play Virtuoso? that's a one shooting machine if you get caught by surprise and can easily stand a fight against most classes if not all within a few seconds of preparation. You are free to cry as much as you want about thieves and the stealth but as you said yourself noone of the extra stealth or dodges makes you a better player, neither crying over stealth, dodges or asking to have all mechanics on classes you like and play just to counter stealth cause you feel it's impossible to kill a thief for you now. Out of offense, with all the due respect and even tho I find your reasoning very annoying., not even i used to cry as much over the same thing when the condi meta started. You just making pug players believe they gonna get better if either stealth gets nerfed or they get full countering stealth skills on their specs... So to rlly be done with it and be done with you i'm telling you what once was told to me me when i used to cry about what i found nonsense nerfs to my spec and nonsense buffs to others jeje get good, learn to play and if at the very end you didn't make it well that means you suck cause many other players have made it, i play every mode in game and i've seen them myself obviously. Not the best player but i've worked hard on my main class and that's why i feel free to say i deserve buffs. 🙂 Anyways, you free to cry over stealth, thieves and blah blah as i am free to cry over stuff i don't like on game (Including balance team) lmao be well dude.

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  4. 9 hours ago, Seneca.6319 said:

    Stealth is a broken mechanic, everybody hates you in WvW and PvP. The fact that being hit or CC'ed doesn't take you out of stealth is just wrong. The fact that 90% of the time we can't see you or target you doesn't make you a better player.. It makes you a cheesy one abusing a broken mechanic. Even Virtuoso or Guardian with their huge number of Aegis applications are not that broken because they can be targeted or boonripped. But nothing against stealth. 

    Dude, I've never said stealth isn't broken or anything at all yet you should play thief yourself and understand we cannot spam shields, reflectives, , etc etc all day like most classes can. Everyone hates what they cannot kill with their comfortable no risky builds and yeah, calling most these players not as good including myself also cause me personally i cannot stand a fight against a DD. Yet i've seen other players, good players that have fought them and kill them if thinking way ahead of them. Like seriously, back in the day when Deadeye was on it's prime, full damage, full stealth, no autoreveal, alot more of freely movement and ofc there weren't builds from other classes that were so comfy to play with perma shielding... I'do get smashed by actual good players who knew what they were doing even tho I'do perma stealth and they couldn't spam reflectives, shields and other bs as often as nowdays. I play thief, got the lowest health and can easily get killed while on stealth if any player knows what they doing good enough i'm pretty much all time on risk if not fast enough. I am main deadeye, i've had to evolve my own build out of meta not to kill other players only but to stand a fight against unfair builds and can freely say my class deserves more stealth, damage and more initiative even on a meta full of builds with alot of movement, shields, reflectives. Not asking to take aegis out of x classes, or reducing perma shielding from actual meta, neither giving me skills that will ignore these conditions to do nonsense damage while sacrificing nothing. It's not about asking for the classes you like to have everything to counter the class or spec you don't like dude and btw and fyi the reveal mechanic was added long ago as a way to counter thieves stealth, if you want to simply counter stealth and see thieves then go play ranger or something instead of asking every class to have everything to counter stealth. Most metas nowdays are pure aoe condi damage, don't even need to see the target to use some damage plus if you have already targeted for a skill on a thief that goes to stealth it will still get hurt if doesn't dodge. and now i say to be done with it; Took me time to get use to fight against all these spamming condi builds or the fact i no longer had a "right time to shoot" due to the current perma shield covered metas and yet i've done good so far. You got everything against stealth, that's for sure 🙂 but imo thieves do deserve more stealth and more damage even Tehe! Obviously should be top damage and by pure logic and thematically.

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  5. So "Thief is generally in a good spot" *Sigh* 😕

    Just finish already killing all thief specs to be done 😒

    You guys might take more from Deadeye in order to provide that quickness buff as you have done everytime you supposely provide of a buff to Deadeye and so far it has been only broken promises on putting some work on specter as a support.

    I wouldn't be worried about general nerfs to guardian or ranger's specs tbh, usually when nerfing these classes on mini balance updates is to use as an excuse for an upcoming big buffing.


    theoretically thieves should have the highest DPS

    But we do not and yet we have lowest health, while every now and then still getting nerfs to our stealth, which is to us what these perma shielding, invulnerability, protection, etc, etc is to other classes and so far that's the reason most of the main thieves playing Daredevil at WvW now, best flow in game with the core thief 2.0 cause nobody playing DD the way it was meant to be played but just as a core thief instead.

    That's not our fault tho, we don't have many options with the lack of actual builds we have at our disposition either if we play core, DD, DE, Specter... That comes from someone who does roaming as a Deadeye in WvW and spams skill 2 like there is no tomorrow lfmao.


    Out of joke and no offense but actual balance team is doing a terrible job... 


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  6. These are the Deadeye changes nobody asked for tbh, at this point the only useful & worth DE skill to  keep is "Mercy" yet i'm afraid it will be next to be doomed. Only purpose for "Shadow Meld" nowdays was to remove revealed not to get one shoted by a ranger for example. It's such a shame since DE will never compare to other specs at PvE and now it's also getting vanished from PvP & WvW, you know it's tiring seeing ppl trying out DE's and having such a bad impression on a meta full of shields, reflectives, invulnerability, blah blah. There are still some good DE's around, not me for sure but soon they might find out their roaming spec will soon end up on the same state as chronomancer. It's either core thief or quit PvP modes 😕 cause certainly DE will no longer be a safe option with so much reveal jeje for that u should have simply deleted stealth from the equation dude. Awful change in my opinion, hope other folks got it better with their specs 🙂

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  7. It tooks months if not 1, 2 years for last dude in charge to finish up messing up the way he did and this dude within a few weeks has done a much worse job and it's not insulting telling someone is doing an awful job when that's the case. How the hell u call all this balance?? How u dare to call that a "buff" to Deadeye lol You giving us a RP walk,increasing cost initiative on an already not useful skill and reducing our freaking range, what's the point of kneeling then??? Also giving us a piercing in the most useless way for what??? to reduce also our damage to unmarked targets??? Like seriously?? Any idea how Deadeye works??? Not asking for damm damage increasing. 

    1.- Delete that bs reveal it gets from almost every action it does when it already lacks of stealth nowdays anyways

    2.- Reduce skill 3 and 4 initiative spend back to what it was, as it should have always stayed, as it is on pve in both PvP & WvW

    3.-Binding Shadow should be always F2 skill when marking someone


    Deadeye was meant to be high mobility,sneaky and powerful spec

    So far you have took every of that from it, any idea what stealth was for??? to repositionating and doing high damage

    like there is a reason all ppl playing core thief nowdays you know, they don't reveal theirselves and can do the job.


    Always very well done when buffs to any ranger spec but such awful changes to specs that didn't need either buff or nerf

    like Mechanist for example, since the start it was always op AF but it was killable after all, unlike rangers or guardians lol they cover all damage by just standing on the same spot while doing high damage


    Where is the feedback you guys always talking of??



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  8. 6 hours ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

    I'll do it cause I want thieves to owe a warrior something 😎

    I'll just split it in paragraphs frfr


    Hello, I've played game since a while ago and i'do like to express myself here if no problem jeje.

    Tbh reason i remained in game was simply because of Deadeye's release years ago with the PoF expansion, couldn't find myself to enjoy game with any other class and believe me i tried but couldn't find any joy... Guess i like how simple and basic DE is on it's own way? Even tho i knew it sucked for most stuff because yeah, i got kicked many times from PvE groups simply because of playing  as DE, fractals, dungeons, etc. Got to the point i went to solo my own fractals just to open group at last boss and get kicked from my own group 😛 Anyways, that's not the point lmao.

    Thanks to DE i got to introduce myself to other modes, PvP which i suck to this day and WvW which i fell in love with instantly even tho at the very start i sucked so bad too (Killing myself by shooting  reflective shields) It was fun tho, to chill and learn even sometimes get pissed, but still getting more into it and then i realized found my home in game. DE was fast and deadly as it's name and traits describe it to be and for a while i had so much fun with it doing WvW and sometimes other stuff.

    This time with the chance to prove i wasn't that bad even for a spec that wasn't meant for PvE but mostly for PvP and WvW modes, yeah it was a killing machine and even fighting against them was fun, i would end up laughing when someone was fast enough or i was slow enough to give them the chance and activate a reflective and boom, one shot myself and done, these were the days....

    Unlike now that u will find players shielding theirselves for almost all the fight, full of boons, shooting you from who knows how far and also using stealth and adding traps while by your range you cannot reach them and shadowstepping to them. It's even more risky since you gonna get on their traps while they running away and shooting you all from their safety spot, yeah i'm speaking about rangers in general and DH, the ones i find in my opinion the favorite specs from game and no, not mentioning necro, engis, warriors because they don't have free stealth plus their skills.

    Anyways, going back to my point DE was fun to play and everything was perfect till that day the horrible balance patch that changed the whole meta to a full condi, killing power dps meta almost if not completly from game... and not only that but also getting nerfs on my own spec by itself which i found normal at that point, just took me time getting used to it, to the reveal everytime i use my skill 1 on stealth , the lack of initiative when using my skills since they increased the initiative spend each time i would use them, etc, etc All that and yet i got used to it, didn't give up on the spec, somehow still found it fun to play even tho i had to change alot my build.

    At that point i never considered on switching from full berserk gear to marauder pieces but i had to or else i wouldn't be able to at least stand a fight. I get it, the game has to grow, meta has to change, we must learn to chill and get use to the changes and so i did, even tho everytime i'do get a mail with important upcoming changes for wvw i would get worried. But why?? Well the reason is simple, the times i've check forums and read about specs and player's complaints i would find out they were usually speaking about nerfing the same specs, ELEMENTALIST IS TOO OP!! IT NEEDS TO BE NERFED!! or I DON'T LIKE HOW OP MESMERS ARE, THEY GOT STEALTH, THEY DO DAMAGE! NERF THEM NOW!! to the point these players from our community got a spec like chronomancer killed, i'm sure many agree to that and so my own spec got through the same. I don't like to start bs but these same players asking to nerf this, nerf that were and are still the ones asking for more buffs to their already not op, but still strong classes and specs. Yeah, i'm speaking about the most played classes and that includes the already nerfed warrior. Don't get me wrong, I know nothing about other classes personally, but i've experienced the fights againt each like the time i saw an elementalist (Don't remember if elite spec) fighting 3 folks and winning the fight in a very kitten why, yeah it seems op but the dude ofc had to master all that , i mean, isn't ele like playing a piano? haha

    Back to the point. I found last balance patch to be very disappointing as many people did with the changes and at some point insulting ( funny ik :P) for example seeing the new rifle skill on engineers to basically be skill 3 from Deadeye with a plus thanks to it's traits and bot if playing Mech. I get it, new expansion, new specs have to be strong to make expansion look cool and i don't mind that, it's cool rifle getting more popular actually so keep going, not asking for a nerf to this or that, not asking to instantly add a buff on damage, give full quickness to my spec and perma stealth while having a full time protective shield. All i ask is for it to be fair, to not forget about the old specs, to not fully kill old specs as it has happened already.

    Stealth has always been part of thieves and mesmers identity and it's slowly taking it from it, keep in mind thieves don't have a 5-10seconds cd shield, reflectives, invulnerability like other specs do now plus the stealth from trapper rune and super speed. Stealth for us was for offensive yeah, but also it was our "shield" even tho we would get hit still by skills and attacks while on stealth, but it was our barrier, our way to repositioning while on a fight. These changes to Shadow arts were meant for Specter and only a few were good for Deadeye in my opinion, but i've got all stealth skills on i have lost more than half my stealth. Silent Scope only has 1 second stealth when dodge on rifle, that cannot even be considered stealth, even if it was meant to do our stealth shot, they see were we going, they will know we are about to shot it all and so shields here, reflectives, etc. Tbh DE was an already very predictable spec to fight against but now me personally i find it awful and this time i just can't find a way.

    So again i'm repeating, not asking to nerf other specs that i personally find op and as easy or way easier and safer to play, no no i am asking to fix what has no attention since a while ago because certainly some old specs are outdated and no matter how much you buff or nerf them it's not gonna fix the problem. I'do like to see the less played classes to be as op as they were on it's prime days... Would be nice to see Deadeye and power builds in general once again alive, i guess rifle Mech is a starting?? I hope so

    By the way, i am not pretending to insult anybody by sharing my thoughts jeje I hope whoever reads it can understand it's my way to express and not blaming on anybody well mabe a little on those who cried till they got most specs didn't like nerfed 😛 Guess that makes me a cryer now too... Jajaja




    Tyvm Mr Warrior, i will use your edit hope you don't mind

  9. Hello, I've played game since a while ago and i'do like to express myself here if no problem jeje.

    Tbh reason i remained in game was simply because of Deadeye's release years ago with the PoF expansion, couldn't find myself to enjoy game with any other class and believe me i tried but couldn't find any joy... Guess i like how simple and basic DE is on it's own way? Even tho i knew it sucked for most stuff because yeah, i got kicked many times from PvE groups simply because of playing  as DE, fractals, dungeons, etc. Got to the point i went to solo my own fractals just to open group at last boss and get kicked from my own group 😛 Anyways, that's not the point lmao.

    Thanks to DE i got to introduce myself to other modes, PvP which i suck to this day and WvW which i fell in love with instantly even tho at the very start i sucked so bad too (Killing myself by shooting  reflective shields) It was fun tho, to chill and learn even sometimes get pissed, but still getting more into it and then i realized found my home in game. DE was fast and deadly as it's name and traits describe it to be and for a while i had so much fun with it doing WvW and sometimes other stuff.

    This time with the chance to prove i wasn't that bad even for a spec that wasn't meant for PvE but mostly for PvP and WvW modes, yeah it was a killing machine and even fighting against them was fun, i would end up laughing when someone was fast enough or i was slow enough to give them the chance and activate a reflective and boom, one shot myself and done, these were the days....

    Unlike now that u will find players shielding theirselves for almost all the fight, full of boons, shooting you from who knows how far and also using stealth and adding traps while by your range you cannot reach them and shadowstepping to them. It's even more risky since you gonna get on their traps while they running away and shooting you all from their safety spot, yeah i'm speaking about rangers in general and DH, the ones i find in my opinion the favorite specs from game and no, not mentioning necro, engis, warriors because they don't have free stealth plus their skills.

    Anyways, going back to my point DE was fun to play and everything was perfect till that day the horrible balance patch that changed the whole meta to a full condi, killing power dps meta almost if not completly from game... and not only that but also getting nerfs on my own spec by itself which i found normal at that point, just took me time getting used to it, to the reveal everytime i use my skill 1 on stealth , the lack of initiative when using my skills since they increased the initiative spend each time i would use them, etc, etc All that and yet i got used to it, didn't give up on the spec, somehow still found it fun to play even tho i had to change alot my build.

    At that point i never considered on switching from full berserk gear to marauder pieces but i had to or else i wouldn't be able to at least stand a fight. I get it, the game has to grow, meta has to change, we must learn to chill and get use to the changes and so i did, even tho everytime i'do get a mail with important upcoming changes for wvw i would get worried. But why?? Well the reason is simple, the times i've check forums and read about specs and player's complaints i would find out they were usually speaking about nerfing the same specs, ELEMENTALIST IS TOO OP!! IT NEEDS TO BE NERFED!! or I DON'T LIKE HOW OP MESMERS ARE, THEY GOT STEALTH, THEY DO DAMAGE! NERF THEM NOW!! to the point these players from our community got a spec like chronomancer killed, i'm sure many agree to that and so my own spec got through the same. I don't like to start bs but these same players asking to nerf this, nerf that were and are still the ones asking for more buffs to their already not op, but still strong classes and specs. Yeah, i'm speaking about the most played classes and that includes the already nerfed warrior. Don't get me wrong, I know nothing about other classes personally, but i've experienced the fights againt each like the time i saw an elementalist (Don't remember if elite spec) fighting 3 folks and winning the fight in a very kitten why, yeah it seems op but the dude ofc had to master all that , i mean, isn't ele like playing a piano? haha

    Back to the point. I found last balance patch to be very disappointing as many people did with the changes and at some point insulting ( funny ik :P) for example seeing the new rifle skill on engineers to basically be skill 3 from Deadeye with a plus thanks to it's traits and bot if playing Mech. I get it, new expansion, new specs have to be strong to make expansion look cool and i don't mind that, it's cool rifle getting more popular actually so keep going, not asking for a nerf to this or that, not asking to instantly add a buff on damage, give full quickness to my spec and perma stealth while having a full time protective shield. All i ask is for it to be fair, to not forget about the old specs, to not fully kill old specs as it has happened already.

    Stealth has always been part of thieves and mesmers identity and it's slowly taking it from it, keep in mind thieves don't have a 5-10seconds cd shield, reflectives, invulnerability like other specs do now plus the stealth from trapper rune and super speed. Stealth for us was for offensive yeah, but also it was our "shield" even tho we would get hit still by skills and attacks while on stealth, but it was our barrier, our way to repositioning while on a fight. These changes to Shadow arts were meant for Specter and only a few were good for Deadeye in my opinion, but i've got all stealth skills on i have lost more than half my stealth. Silent Scope only has 1 second stealth when dodge on rifle, that cannot even be considered stealth, even if it was meant to do our stealth shot, they see were we going, they will know we are about to shot it all and so shields here, reflectives, etc. Tbh DE was an already very predictable spec to fight against but now me personally i find it awful and this time i just can't find a way.

    So again i'm repeating, not asking to nerf other specs that i personally find op and as easy or way easier and safer to play, no no i am asking to fix what has no attention since a while ago because certainly some old specs are outdated and no matter how much you buff or nerf them it's not gonna fix the problem. I'do like to see the less played classes to be as op as they were on it's prime days... Would be nice to see Deadeye and power builds in general once again alive, i guess rifle Mech is a starting?? I hope so



    By the way, i am not pretending to insult anybody by sharing my thoughts jeje I hope whoever reads it can understand it's my way to express and not blaming on anybody well mabe a little on those who cried till they got most specs didn't like nerfed 😛 Guess that makes me a cryer now too... Jajaja


    Thanks to Grand Marshal.4098 for the edit lmao

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