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Posts posted by Madara.7435

  1. 11 hours ago, Terr.4758 said:


    It's a few days later now and while I still don't think my FPS is higher, I think the stuttering when loading into a busy map and looking around is a lot less than with DX9.

    before, with v-sync turned off, the stuttering was a big pain and the fps jumped around like crazy. with vsync a lot of frames are lost, but the stuttering was ok. I have the same, smooth experience now with dx11 on and vsync off. fps are a little bit higher overall, but not much - I guess dx11 can only do so much. BUT it was worth it.


    also new 2.3.2 package works fine (manjaro stable)

  2. so guys, problem solved!to answer your questions: I do have libpng16 installed, and yes ubuntu20.04 has ncurses6 as default. /wiki did not work either.I installed a neat little package called aa-notify. it interacts with apparmor and gives you a notification whenever apparmor is blocking something. and indeed, it was apparmor preventing firefox to be opened by the game. Which means yes, apparmor does its job - works as intended. So I temporarily set the firefox profile to complain and voila it worked. after that just put it back to enforce and gg.one could also add one or two rules to the apparmor profile so you dont have to turn it on and off every time you wanna buy gems, but as far as my experience with apparmor goes even if you add the proper rules it still doesnt work as you want it to most of the time lol.

    Long story short: anyone who uses apparmor and has a profile for firefox active should watch out for this.

  3. hey guys! thanks for the quick answers. i tried some stuff.first of all, I am running the custom wine package provided in this thread, with the exact install method, on ubuntu 20.04. I use firefox as default browser and, even though i have some crazy addons, it usually does its job or notifies me if something went wrong. The issue is, as mentioned above, when i press on "proceed to paysafe" firefox does not open at all. if its already open, it does not create a new tab or anything...

    using xdg-open in terminal works just fine.I made myself a shortcut so i dont have to run the play.sh from terminal all the time, but right now i tried it because usually the terminal logs the complains. when i start the game it tells me it cant find some library (libncurses.so.5) but that has been the case ever since i installed the game, and it works just fine so thats not the issue. BUT when i try to "proceed to paysafe" or any other link of the gemstore (for example the privacy policy terms of sale you name it) it gives me an error message"XPCOMGlueLoad error for file /usr/lib/firefox/libmozgtk.so:libpng16.so.16: failed to map segment from shared objectCouldn't load XPCOM."which sounds like he knows firefox is my standard browser and wants to open it, but somehow cant.any thoughts?

    first thing that comes to my mind, that could cause the issue here, is the standard apparmor profile for firefox (which i am using). tomorrow i will try again with apparmor turned off.

    thanks again for the help

  4. hey guys maybe you can help mePlaying on linux with the custom wine provided here works very well for me so far.my problem is as follows: I want to buy gems through the gemstore. so i select 800 gems for 10€ and set the payment method paysafecard (which i used to do in the past when i was playing on windows). for the transaction you get redirected to a paysafecard website, where you enter your code. for that usually your standard browser starts up, which in my case is not happening. obviously because im not on real windows... is there any way to fix this/make this work?I'm relatively new to the linux world, so I have to ask instead of fixing it myself

  5. hithis looks promising. dont let your curiosity be tainted by all that meta nonsense.I dont have much experience on heal herald, but alot on heal renegade. 2 things i would like to add to the discussion.

    1. if you are healing and not tanking at the same time, i found that taking assassin's annihilation over swift termination results in a good selfheal for free, so that you keep yourself above 75% without loosing much dmg if at all. especially with alot of healing power you get a lot of passive healing. together with regen this should be pretty ridiculous.
    2. healing orbs. now on heal renegade i personally prefer to use the orbs, because heal renegade is just unbelievably strong when it comes to heal output and i trade a small amount of that healing for having another boon on my squad permanently (vigor). which means taking vital blessing over tranquil balance and generous abundance over selfless amplification both in salvation. while it would add one more boon to the list, in case of heal herald as described above i have some doubts. because you dont camp staff (which produces orbs with aclick) and you dont swap legends regularly (most orbs come from tablet spam rly). if you camp herald most of the time + use sw/sh over staff, effectiveness will decrease greatly. still i wanted to add the experience i made with this.

    thanks again for the build. i will try this soon-ish. i always was thinking about heal herald, but since alac rene / alac heal rene is so preferred right now i wasnt able to try. BUT if granting 25might to 10 people really works reliably, then this find is HUGE.EDIT: some wording

  6. as for a "bug" I dont know if this was mentioned already, but as of the patch the xp i get in pof just vanishes because the skyscale masteries are not hidden.... I dont care much about spirit shards, but still this is just bad. it would be great if you could hide the mastery like you did with the raid masteries, until you actually unlock the mount.

  7. @WraithOfStealth.1624 said:Not sure if this is a bug or intended, but fragments created by Centaur Stance's Elite (Energy Expulsion) do not actually spawn when inside an anti-projectile field. They're not listed as projectiles... so that seems like a bug to me.

    Tested it twice in Armistice Bastion by having a mesmer from opposing team cast feedback on me and detonating tablet inside.

    On the same topic: It's been the case since release of revenant, but is it actually intended for the blast finisher on Energy Expulsion to occur on the revenant instead of on the tablet location? Seems counterproductive if i want to solace+elite double cleanse an allied player some distance away.

    thank you for sharing this!since I dont play wvw and dont play ventari in pvp, i never encountered the bug you described. This is definitely a bug, because healing orbs should not count as a projectile imo. perhaps game engine wise they do. I unfortunately dont have friends to try this, but perhaps you can try whether there is a different behaviour if your opponent blocks projectiles vs reflects them? as feedback is a reflect. does this only happen when enemy uses reflects/blocks or do teammates block them aswell? stuff to be tested.EDIT: It would also be nice to know whether this behaviour is the same for the smaller healing orbs from staff auto etc!

    as for the blast finisher, it occuring on the rev instead of the tablet has been like this since rev release... doesnt make much sense I agree, but worthy of a bug? hm.

    I add both to the list until it is fixed/confirmed to be intended.

  8. i tried what you described. i can see the searing fissure issue, and I am sure this is rather "new". havent played mace in a while. perhaps when they changed the dmg something went wrong?as for the UA issue with quickness/slow, i cant reproduce it to fail. i tried in pvp environment with quickness. you are right in as when quickness ends during the cast there is something off with the animation, but in my case the skill just performs as usual after that. where did you see it fail entirely? perhaps you got out of range during that animation weirdness?EDIT: still added both to the list.

  9. did you confirm this in your combat log? because 20% of almost nothing is less than almost nothing.wiki says the rune shows weird behaviour with passive healing anyway. it could be that the trait just doesnt count as healing for the rune. but i think that is more of a rune issue than a revenant issue.

  10. thanks for your contribution, havent been able to reproduce this. some more information could help, like are you using facet of nature? pvp or pve?funnily i tried some stuff and found another bug with drachonic echo... when you use consume skills and swap legends, your 6s facet buff is there but it does not pulse. this trait seems still to be a mess

  11. Updated the list.Unrelenting Assault shows some weird behaviour when your cast time changes during the cast itself. I havent tried this with slow condi, but quickness is easily reproducable. If you have quickness and it runs out while casting UA the animation seems to bug out, but the actual skill (jumping, dmg and evasion) do still work at least in PvE.Demonic Defiance does work as intended, although the timing of resistance application is not the same for all skills. Empowering Misery (heal) instanly applies Resistance after casttime, Embrace the Darkness (elite), Banish Enchantment and Pain Absorption apply Resistance about 0.5s after casttime, Unyielding Anguish on second pulse of its AoE. kind of inconsistent. I tagged this as bug, because I believe the intentional behaviour should be as with Empowering Misery -> instantly after casttime without any delay.

  12. @Livmused.6271 said:Facet of Strength and Elements seem to only work if you have Facet of Nature activated for some reason.

    I can confirm this. The weird behaviour I stated above is not there with Facet of Nature active. The other Facets (regen, fury, protection) work just fine without Facet of Nature.

  13. Since I found a new bug and I dont want to create a new thread, I am going to bump this one. Also I am changing the tag from "herald bugs" to revenant bugs, so that this thread can be something to come back to for everyone in order to check things. Still, I urge everyone that knows about some bugs on rev to let us/me know!The bug I found this time is about the trait Rising Momentum. It works fine, you get one stack for every upkeep arrow you "spend". Bug is if you use the True Nature skill (no matter on what legend), this instantly removes 5 stacks of Rising Momentum. So for example I use Facet of Nature on Shiro and IO, I get 8 stacks. But when I use True Nature, it reduces to 3 instead of 6. It always reduces stacks by 5, I tried different combinations on glint.I will add this to the list and clean up the fixed bugs

  14. As the new patch is live and I dont have time to play it right now, I looked into the bugfixes. I updated the list accordingly. Drachonic Echo is unfortunately still bugged, but just partially. Facet of Strength (Might pulse) and Facet of Elements (Swiftness pulse) still dont work, the other ones now do.EDIT: After Elemental Burst is used, Facet of ELements passive is applied and swiftness ticks once right at the start. the other 2 ticks are not there.After using Burst of Strength the Might stacks show a weird behaviour. If I use it before it naturally caps out, the amount of stacks stay the same as long as facet of strength passive runs. When I let it first naturally cap (at about 5 stacks) and then use it, the might stacks just run out like they normally do.

  15. Thanks for the extensive research, it is very helpful and seems to back what I tried to explain. It is all about swapping legends, even if you swap to the same legend. You just found the exact way to reproduce this with the underwater issue, well done! Considering this, its the same as you would use IO in shiro on land and just swap to another legend, which results in IO being deactivated automatically. So I would say this behaviour is generally as intended, but ofc when you think about the glint facets we would consider them an exception of the rule. Depends on deves whether they deem this to be important enough to fix, since it is compared to some of the other bugs (which are much more "gamebreaking") a smaller issue gameplay wise, but perhaps (or most likely?) a much bigger issue coding wise. We'll see about that. But nevertheless, this was very helpful! Thanks again.EDIT: adjusted the list accordingly. It appears it is not tied to the Drachonic Echo bug then.

  16. @Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

    @Benjamin Arnold.3457 said:Probably should have mentioned this sooner, but make sure you have a mesmer with a jackal portal if you want to make it through the raid on day one.

    as always Mesmers are 100% required

    I think it's more about making sure that everyone can get through even if they don't have a jackal (or have the mastery for the doggo portal).

    That said, it's a little weird. I'd prefer that there's an alternative that doesn't require a specific class. Even just having five people stand on buttons to activate an in-instance portal.

    While I fully agree with what you said, nah. Anet loves Mesmer too much <3

  17. I did some testing on the underwater thing. I can confirm this is an issue with going from land to underwater and vice versa, you dont necessarily need the skimmer to do this though.I dont know much about coding or how facets interaction is implemented in the game, but i believe this issue is tied to the drachonic echo bug: As you are on land in glint stance and have facets on, the buffs pulse out. when you go under water, you swap stances to glint (you can even see the "stance swap" in the UI). Even though you switch to the same stance, I think this is the issue why facets dont pulse buffs anymore. It is most likely a "safety mechanism" that we all know from regular play. you have passive facets on, swap away from glint and facets turn off as a reaction. But what, if the stance you swap to is glint again? Like when you go underwater. or like when you swap away from glint but the facets are supposed to stay with drachonic echo. I obviously have no proof for this, this is just what makes some sense to me.

  18. Thanks for the report guys! I havent tried glint underwater yet so thats why i have not experienced this. Gonna try some stuff to narrow it down. But its most likely a similar problem to the Drachonic Echo bug: spaghetti code. Facets implementation seems to be tricky.

  19. There are several Bugs right now, and since I dont want to open a thread for each of them I just write them down here.Skills

    • Facets: activating facets on land and then jumping underwater without swimming (assuming you swap from glint(land) to glint(underwater) ofc) the facets will stay active, but no more boons will be applied
    • Ventari Tablet: When you swap to Centaur Stance while midair your tablet will not spawn
    • Energy Expulsion: When the tablet explodes while you are midair, the tablet just vanishes. No healing fragments, no condi cleanse, but also no energy lost except for the initial 10 to activate
    • Energy Expulsion: Healing fragments do not appear when tablet detonates in projectile reflecting field like feedback.
    • Energy Expulsion: Blast finisher occurs on the revenant position, not the tablet (intended?)
    • Pain Absorption: tooltip issue when traited with demonic defiance. instead of just showing 2s resistance it shows another "self resistance" and adds the duration of trait and selfresistance. the applied time of resistance works as intended though, its just the tooltip
    • Unrelenting Assault: When your target moves to "no valid path" territory while casting, unpredictable behaviour. sometimes it works, sometimes you evade on spot, sometimes you jump to your enemy after 3seconds being rooted in the animation... observed in pvp.
    • Unrelenting Assault: Skill is canceled completely when your target moves out of range while casting. intended?
    • Unrelenting Assault: Shows weird casting animation behaviour when casttime-changing modifiers (quickness,slow) run out during cast.
    • Soulcleave's Summit: This skill's combo field is not working.
    • Searing Fissure: The "blowout" animation seems reversed, exploding towards the user instead of away. animation issue only, skill works as intended


    • Demonic Defiance: Resistance applied by this trait has some delay on all demon stance skills except heal (see comments)
    • Blood Fury: This Trait changes the ingame Fury tooltip to show 25% condition duration instead of 25% bleed duration. works fine, just tooltip issue
    • Notoriety: tooltips for legend skills except shiro dont show the 2 stacks of might being applied on use. again just a tooltip issue

    Rune Interaction

    • Rune of Resistance (PVP): Soulcleave's Summit (Renegade elite) does not trigger 6th tier Resistance.


    • Some legend idle conversations refer to wrong gender. also some shiro audio does not add up with chat text.

    If anyone knows of more bugs, let us know. Thanks

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