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Posts posted by Alkariel.5670

  1. 12 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

    My concern would be these bosses being overtuned which may well dissaude new players.  These bosses are in starter zones for a reason.

    Dont think so.

    Maybe they are gonna go more similar to shatt rework.

    Some phases, some damage to avoid maybe some cc.

    I think that they are aiming to a more dinamic encounter than a piñata state the world bosses are today.

    • Like 6
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  2. 6.9% of Gw2 Completed the Meta as today...
    8.8% Completed Map exploration in Dragons Ends.
    13% Had completed EOD story.

    7.5% Had Cantha Explorer
    9.9% Completed Seitung Meta
    8% Kaineng Meta
    0.8% Completed Echovald Meta.... (This need to complete all phases) 

    Numbers seems pretty close overall... i dont see a problem overall.  Even they are pretty good to be the expac only 2 weeks.. 
    Perople are going to get better doing the Meta, rewards are gonna get buff, turtle is going to have an alternative path. 

    • Confused 1
  3. On 1/23/2022 at 12:08 AM, Sobx.1758 said:

    Not long ago some people said exactly the same thing about the release of new world, soo... good luck with your prophecies.

    Depends. The "Honeymoon" period of an mmo its like 2 -3 months if the content is good. 
    New World only demostrated that that phase can be reduced to 2 weeks if the content is bad, or the game is incompleted. Lost Ark is different in this way, because the game is alredy done they are only "adapting" it. 

    My take: Eod will only mantain the gw2 population for a bit more, the important is how the next update cycle is gonna go. 
    Why that? Mostly the features that Eod had presented are  ways to expand the experience of the content in the game. When the game ,considering that is  going to have 10 years, need a soft  or hard reebot of the systems in the game. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, jasepo.1527 said:

    I heard Bellular the other day that he was going to give a chance to GW2. ANET cannot let it pass this chance, he has a very broad audience!

    Bellular had alredy had played GW2 before, At least in the 2012 state and the 2015 state. I remember that he quoted gw2 in some old videos of legion opinion, he did like the mastery system as way of progression. Maybe to abroad its content is going to expand to gw2, like he did to FF. 

    But i dont think anet want to capitalize the streamer audience. They know it can have an impact in the game, but i think they simply dont want it to much. Thats why they promote some videos in specific and critical streamers, like Josh Hayes, even in stranges niches as Wowcrendor. 


    • Confused 1
  5. On 1/16/2022 at 6:54 AM, witcher.3197 said:


    • New maps with metas that are still popular today
    • Story
    • Raids
    • New PvP gamemode with a new map
    • New WvW map


    • Maps that died a week after release
    • Story

    I don't see where that "objectively more content" is hiding.


    I agree that PoF was a luckluster in terms of content. Specially when anet advertized as a "content expansion". Mounts in Pof was a big feature, but the feature itselft cannot define an expansion. Its the content; the replayability and the quality of the same.  PoF itself was a bad expansion, only LS4 give it the content that it needed, but anet dont bundle them both when you purchase.

    Hot added a lot of thing to the game, not only what you mention but also its reworked a lot of the systems of core gw2.
    Hot (at release)
    -Including what you said. 
    -Added a new class
    -Reworked fractal progression.
    -Reworked Guild progression and added GH.
    -Implement the mastery system 
    -Legendary crafting (Gen1) and 3 weapons Gen 2 

    Problem is that Pof was constructed in the based to be and expansion (haha) of current systems. But when you finished the content ...there was nothing left to do. People didnt go for the armor or weapons set  (bounties currency)in PoF, because the most people dont care about skins when the gemstore is in place. If the skins were tied like for example to a legendary something... thing maybe would had played different. The same the gift of the desert, it was presented a an alternative to the magumma one. But it was far more tedious than the other. Pof failed in their reward structure a lot. Its was a nice RPG experience for 2 months.

    Eod at least is hinting  that they are thinking about replayability in paper. Beside the features like fishing of skiff, even the turttle. Strikes progression and the Gen3 weapons could be tied to replay metas and content.  If they reward structure of EoD is good the expansion will be good, because people will stay playing for the rewards. 



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  6. 17 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

    So ff14 is the worthy competition closing in for the kill?

    Cant say I agree could not even get past the base game in that one.


    Nah, FF14 is not going for the kill. They kept their formula, and their formula attracted more of the wow reffuges. Its a good game in some aspects (like instance content)  and worst one in other aspect (open world).  Even ESO had an expansion released  at the same time of the wow debacle and it didnt attracted the same numbers of players. 

    What amaze me is how FF14 do their marketing. Their trailers are far superior and generate a lot hype in their playerbase. Meanwhile the bubbles and rainbow EoD trailer  had to many mixed reactions. In a personal take, i think the Eod teaser was better than the trailer.

    I know that anet dont have blizzard market Bombardment, but i remember that one month before shadowland release, each week they had something to "hype"... trailer, scenes, lofi music, art.... they went with everything. 

    • Like 5
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  7. After the first reveal stream i typed in the youtube trailer video 
    "Its a nice escenic trailer. But the expansion needs a feature trailer" 

    Like 6 months after..and still no a overview of all the expansion in a video that can be easily marketed to friends. At the moment we do have the features but in like 10 videos, some in livestream.

    I doesnt have to be espectacular only a overview.

    They did it with HoT when they did announcement it. 

    Anet also had done this work in some LS trailers in a more simple way
    Example are in recent patches as IBS and some LS4



    In the other hand, other mmos also have them in their expansion and they are a good way to show the features.


    FF14 also did some of this for their patches.


    Dont take me wrong. I know that most of this trailers are like some scenes with big letters.... and yes they are. They are a overview.. if the feature is good or bad, is not because of the trailer.


    • Like 2
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    • Confused 3
  8. 1 hour ago, Kodama.6453 said:

    One detail about the elite spec reveals: I think quite alot of people were expecting the necromancer elite spec to get showcased today, to bridge the time to the beta and also a teaser for another elite spec at the usual time.


    It didn't happen yet. I just wish that Anet communicates this stuff about the reveals a bit more with us, so we know when to expect new info and where we will get it.

     There is a IGN article that said that each friday anet will do a livestream about the expansion. Still anet has not communicated about this. Maybe they will do the elite specs reveal in this way weekly before the betas. 

    • Like 1
  9. Vanilla Ost fits the game far more...
    Hot one is good, but maybe its to overkill to had it as the login screen. It did have a good first impression.

    And the is PoF. Lets take a a nice vacation in the desert, the same desert that is in fire thanks to a "friendly" .. The problem with Pof one its that we had it for 4 years and still counting.  They lost an opportunity changing the login screen in Icebrood Saga. 

    • Like 1
  10. @TheQuickFox.3826 said:Bans probably have little priority right now because most botting is being done on newly made free accounts. So banning them will do nothing because the banned players will just make a new account. And previous ban waves also hit a number of innocent players which leads to frustration and many support tickets.

    The image of the post was posted in reedit 2 weeks ago. The same guy said that most of the bots he tracked were Scourges. Also he tracked their ap. Some accounts have 15k-18k and some others 30k. Free accounts can be bots, but the most problematics one are players that want free money and know that anet is not taking action at the moment.

  11. @Dark Red Killian.3946 said:

    @TheArtOfMouts.7468 said:I strongly believe the Legendary Armory will be a selling point for the expansion.

    Hopefully not because that means that expansion is complete kitten

    Templates are a core feature, and legendary armory is an update to this feature. It won’t be an expansion feature.

    Core features can be updated in a expansion release. But as a marketing selling point its far better selling it as an expansion feature.

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