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  1. True...but for clarification, Anet considers Dungeons, Fractals and Raids as all being dungeons. Strike Missions and Dragon Response Missions are classified as "Missions" and not dungeons. All of them are considered "Instanced Content" The use of the word "dungeon" as a classifier is flavor text. They don't mean it literally that fractals and raids are replacements to open world dungeons, they are all just dungeons. Strike Missions even though they are nearly identical to raids, are considered missions and not dungeons...so there's no logic to the flavor text.
  2. And I've been with the franchise for nearly 2 decades. Back in like 2012 or something they renounced support for Guild Wars 1...then what happened nearly 9 years later? They dropped an update for the game. So...Gw2 didn't REPLACE gw1...they abandoned GW1 and at anytime they could go back to it if they WANTED to...and they did. So about dungeons would they? Probably not...but nobody knows. But could they? Yes they can. They could get a new game director tomorrow and just announce that they will be focusing on dungeons and abandon fractals and raids for all we know. That decision is at their discretion not yours.
  3. And like I said before, at anytime I can unabandon my main account if i wanted to...because it still exists. Therefor it hasn't been replaced. Just like how A-net can unabandon dungeons if they wanted to...because it still exists. Imagine living in a world where you swap characters and thinking each time "This character has now replaced my other character" Imagine living in a world where you have a kid, abandon him, then have another kid and say you've replaced your kid.
  4. I'm didn't say Dungeons didn't get abandoned... That's the logical thing to believe actually...to say that they've been abandoned. The Claim being made and I quote, is whether "Fractals is a new type of dungeons that was created in place of the old dungeons" When you say X replaces Y, it means that Y gets removed in place of X...Do dungeons still exist? They do...so clearly fractals did not replace dungeons. Dungeons were abandoned, Fractals were not abandoned Raids were not abandoned... this is the logical thing for a logical person to claim and a logical thing to believe. Anet if they WANTED to, could unabandon dungeons tomorrow...and the reason is because they haven't been REPLACED anything...they've just ABANDONED it. Anyway, this is my alt, main got banned, so this is last comment you'll see from me. Not interested in this conversation anyway...not worth getting my account locked up for it. Guess since I'm now using this alt account that means this alt account replaces my old one... spooky.
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