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Everything posted by Stalima.5490

  1. well technically if you trigger big boomer and use the scrapper super speed with medical disperion you can heal for a nice amount passively by throwing grenades xD
  2. Just a crazy thought but this is an elixir, what if they made it so you press elixir X and then you get a set of keys that can be used to mix several ingredients to create some kind of effect or transformation, a true mad scientists elite skill
  3. Everyone is getting longbow, a longbow just shoots little spears, use your imagination.
  4. I think it's best used as a precast before the fight starts to get medkits on the ground or as a post-disengage recovery rather than while hot in combat, although it can cause allies to win fights if you drop it in the middle of a duel.
  5. to be fair, it does cleanse every single condition in the game at the simultaniously from multiple people while also dropping close to 8000 healing worth of medpacks so that is pretty powerful even with the cast time considering it is also pretty low cooldown with tools especially. Amusingly as tools it will even make up a 15th condition and then also cleanse that too
  6. well it's a tank spec so why should it be doing the best dps? Realistically mechanist should be doing the highest dps since it has dps baked into no matter what build it runs with scrapper being the main support and holo being the tank spec.
  7. Just to re-iterate, this trait doesn't seem to correctly sync with juggernaught, which by the timers should provide it every 3 seconds but doesn't (juggernaught also fails to maintain relic of the herald.
  8. I disagree with you, because the entire point in engineering is to simplify complex issues and thus it is thematic for engineer to have the simplest spec in the game available to it. Unlike the other 8 professions ours is not a neanderthal still stuck in ancient warfare practices and overcomplication of what should be straight forward, this is even reflected in the toolbelt which simplifies the weapon swap mechanic into having a second bar without the need to swap weapons. Engineer has always had some of the strongest automatic gameplay and taking that away from the profession is to take away what it means to be an engineer.
  9. In my opinions the spear is quite good with the only real issues being animation based, that and the 2 skill does not combo if you are not in combat for some reason. Besides this, the skills mostly feel good, there is a bit of slowness to some of them but that is not an issue if they adequately powerful and a 3 second knockdown is quite powerful indeed. it is very rare that we get slower weapons built for significant individual output.
  10. All the mech does is give the mechanist a high low point and the trade of is a low high point. I fail to see why this is an issue, using your mech manually is still far better than using it automated, the only thing adding a weird mechanical glueness mechanic does is kill synergies that weren't even being complained about and severely cripples any concept of tactical and skilled play by the mechanist as they are mostly forced into incorrect and bad positions to play effectively.
  11. Was this with mechanist or holo?
  12. The engineer one is amazing, it just need a little bit of jank in the animations ironed out.
  13. um... I'm not sure if you are aware but most professions can already do this, without a mech, I'm pretty sure even all of them may be to do this without mechs.
  14. Keep in mind that just because you gain benefit from being closer with the rifle does not make it a melee weapon, its abilities are still usable at substantial range and thus it is indeed a ranged weapon, also one must remember that all engineer melee weapons have some form of ranged capability, even the melee ones and thus can be used in ranged only grenade builds as an example.
  15. I'm trying to figure out what kind of build would be running this, some kind of flamethrower scrapper maybe?
  16. I find this a little odd considering we can get fury from just about anywhere and especially when elixir B can permanently maintain fury anyway if you are really going for alchemy self-buffing. Regardless, there's kinda a problem with self buffing in the game atm considering such traits become the equivilent of taking nothing once you are in a group. The only way I could see it working very well was with juggernaught but then juggernaught does not trigger it on cooldown so you would need the scrapper trait for might to keep it going. I mean maybe if they just made this where lesser elixir B was but with the might trigger and then it could also trigger purity of purpose but then they would need to figure out something else for the first minor trait. It may be prudent to expand the boon system, possibly splitting it into major and minor boons to fix this problem, major applying to yourself and minor applying in an area as an example, thus allowing self-boon builds to exist in a party environment properly.
  17. Imagine all the salty engineers that will need to randomly get a lich roll to be the best engineer dps
  18. That also means you get to choose to push enemies or not with the ram, at least for now
  19. frow what I've seen he appears to want to use a strict ability rotation which seems to randomly break after the 6th aoe circles > suck in > X waves > aoe circles > suck in > X waves > Inconsistently timed defiance absorb/broke extra mechanic Perhaps they need to look into why he sometimes decides to absorb at what really seems like an incorrect timing.
  20. I actually half built the predator all the way back in vanilla gw2 and never bothered finishing it until now, ironically I will probably end up just going mace/shield or spear instead.
  21. Why does the second Rifle Burst shot not get the visual effect...?
  22. I think you mean the concept, the concept of a mech engineer is cool, but it is a nigh impossible task to try and implement a dedicated pet over the core mechanics of a profession and still be able to keep what makes the profession what it is meant to be, realistically the mechanist would have been functionally better if it was instead the engineer version of a minion necromancer but with jade robots as there are enough of them to make a small army i believe. Under such a system, the toolbelt could easily be maintained on the mechanist while also allowing for all of the minions to have active abilities you can also press.
  23. To specifically address this, much of engineers capability is mostly categorised by kits to which 4 out of 6 are primarily ranged (the FT would put you out of mechanical genious range while still maintaining any close range bonuses) as well as it's only 2 base weapons also being ranged. The toolkit and bomb kit are designed to augment ranged builds, the toolkit's design being for pulling enemies to you while also having a ranged toolbelt and the bomb kit is generally more of a utility kit to discourage engaging the engineer in melee. So yes, the engineer is for all intents and purposes a ranged profession especially as it's core components are designed to compliment it being the predominantly ranged focused profession that it originally was.
  24. You are only thinking about a static environment, out in the world where you will get demolished for standing in melee with the rifle you basically need to sit at least at mid-range most of the time to avoid unneccessary damage intake. In this environment your mech will be sitting at weakened cooldowns almost 100% of the time, this is actually even worse for the ranged mech in this case
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