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Posts posted by Puck.3697

  1. 1 hour ago, Leo G.4501 said:

    nd this takes away agency from game devs, companies and critics.

    Critics can use terms, videos, audio and feedback to accurately describe how they feel about a game.

    Game devs can look at that feedback with an analytical eye (like they're supposed to) to make their game better for a bigger audience

    . Your criticisms are aimed at a mmorpg charging u £10 a year for full access, it’s the cheapest mmorpg on the market and if became any cheaper would go bankrupt

    your Complaints are the demand of the games shut down effectively 

    no dev will take your argument seriously as gw2 is literally the cheapest mmorpg available today, you want something for free and sad you aren’t getting it.

    this game has no sub fee, half the expansion costs of others, and nothing that severe to invest money into, with full access to the store via gold. 

    you kill your player agency by demanding something absurd the company simply can’t afford to make cheaper. 

    Bigger player base? How do you add that up, the less money the game makes the less development is added to it which reduces the player base lol, gw2 has never lacked players because of its business model, but it’s lack of content, due to the fact they’ve already made the game cost so little they can’t afford to push content development 

    They have given you player agency, this game was launched on the least amounts of cost possible, and completely blew other mmorpgs out the water in terms of accessibility

    . The issue is, players want something for nothing, and no, no company or dev with self respect would honestly spend time reading into that 

    and what? Power of criticism? lol, WoWs been told to go f2p for a decade, it’s changed nothing lol. And the games more popular because of that. Saying no to demands is healthy, players don’t understand the business side of the situation or the losses that would be taken to reduce costs further, they just expect the same quantity of content for less money

    ,”criticism holds value, when it’s pointed at worthwhile topics,  and someone’s personal opinion is worth grains of salt. 

    just because I don’t like WoWs verticle progression systems with gear it should be deleted tomorrow right? But I’ve criticised it, so it gotta happen ye?

    your screaming out to a game developed to make money, as a player who doesn’t want to spend money, and you think that’s gonna change what? 

    • Like 2
  2. 5 hours ago, Leo G.4501 said:

    u keep saying that but it's like you're attempting to remove agency from a subjective observation. It'd be different if this were a legal definition used in court or something related to science, but this is a consumer observation description. Why you trying to take away consumer agency? If someone wants to label something pay to win because they believe it, is there harm in that

    But I’m not am I lol, 

    by calling everything p2w by default nothings p2w, that’s just as it works I’m afraid, the wider you stretch a word the less meaning it actually holds. 

    You have taken a word used as critic against specific models and made it a meaningless opinion, 

    Critic is used in absolutes, the moment you imply personal opinion your customer agency is gone, Anet already know there’s a % of the market who won’t like their game, so anything Opinon wise, is simply redundant it holds no player agency.

    p2w was used to make example of games which passed the normalised standard of cost of the market, i.e games that moved progression from the game itself to sell to you on the market to enforce unacceptable micro transactional payments.

    its now moved to basically being nothing, you can’t call every mmorpg in the market p2w, and expect results why?

    because the market will have a normalised bar to what’s considered acceptable, if your stating every game is at that bar,

    the problem is no longer the company, but simply the player is out of touch of the costs of entertainment, and that’s how any game dev will read ur statement. 

    Hence the biggest factors in complaints

    content quantity





    thesr are all measurable points where Anet can physically see the rate of fall off from content drops to measure if content ends too quickly as a example here

    the Moment you say p2w has a thousand definitions, and every games p2w, devs ears will switch off, because you can’t measure this. Because all they read is “our game is at the standard cost” because ur saying the identical thing about the other 5 mmorpgs on the market. 

    • Like 1
  3. On 4/8/2024 at 1:33 PM, Kuma.1503 said:

    Gamers will never agree on the definition of Pay 2 win. 

    It is not a binary thing where a game either is or isn't pay to win. It is a spectrum

    Except pay to win is a binary thing, it’s simply people have decided to blurr its definition. If we want to go by a spectrum every available game on the market is p2w, that’s just fact

     p2w has no meaning these days, because gamers just use this word now to aimlessly critique because they’ve decided they should pay less for the same quality

    this Happened with subs, when players boycotted games demanding f2p access

    and Now the same players are sat here unhappy with the f2p models they originally demanded for.

    Nothings going to be free, a level of cost is normal.

    p2w is buying your power which is otherwise unobtainable in game, or demands a unreasonable amount of time to reach without paying, 

    p2w today just means the game costs something realistically, because nowadays players have decided anything and everything’s p2w., and that’s fine, we wanna make 100 different criteria’s for p2w

    but it’s pointless to accuse games of being p2w, because if every game does it, it’s simply a normalised demand

    games in china are very p2w centric, they don’t consider them to be however, because it’s the standard of gaming across the board in terms of accessible games.

    the same applies to western, the normalised standard is not p2w, it’s just the standardised price of gsming

     By default, overusing a form of critism and blurring definition of that criticism is more damaging to customer agency then revoking it as a argument, 

    For p2w to hold meaning as a Con, it has to be above the normalised standard of cost, hence why this is used heavily to describe things such as blade and soul, tera after f2p, Aion.

    because these games don’t cost a sub, or a expansion fee to keep up, they require investments of 100s of pounds just to be close in power to whales spending thousands on endless progression you can’t access as a f2p player. 

    gw2 holds many marketing tactics which can be off putting 0 aesthetic rewards from the game itself is a big one, and legendaries being sellable is another that removes reward from players who achieve

     but u don’t realistically actually win anything buying them 

    • Thanks 2
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  4. 4 hours ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

    As I said above I think Snowcrows is one of the worst things to happen in this game. GW2 would be a completely different game if it wasn't for them and their golem benchmarks. They are to GW2 what Goonsquad is to Eve, except I don't even know that Goonsquad is really harmful to Eve, just noobs

    How do you make that out to be?. 

    golem bench marks will exist with or without snowcrows, just like they exist in every other mmorpg without snowcrows. 

    optimal rotations will always inevitably exist lol, it’s pretty wild to think snowcrows created that. Lol

    Arena net created that, Anet just makes it public information lol the game would be identical either way

    • Like 6
  5. 5 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    Snowcrows, one of the sweatiest guilds in the game, lists forced movement as being a bad thing in a build. I guess even they're just not gitting gud enuff

    Professions having pros and cons is a good thing. lol. 

    it labels strict melee builds being a con too, shall we delete melee combat entirely to add? 

    They’re not realistically made to be put as bad things, more they’re labelled to be things to be warned of, same as those that have high skill ceilings under cons 

    it’s listed due to having a impact on potiental difficulty and skill cap, not as something bad as such

    • Like 1
  6. Active mobility is important to many aspects of the game

    also scrapper hammer swings are target based, if you target the mob you will dash towards the monster always.. if your doing that with a gaping hole in the floor in front of you that sounds like a experience issue 

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  7. On 3/14/2024 at 7:17 PM, SWLDguitar.5746 said:

    My biggest regret is the race of my rev.  I'm a norn male - voice actor is fantastic though.  Kinda wish i picked something different, o well. 

    Regret of Race choice is the worst 😞

    With no Race change, and the Huge story if u dont wanna stare at incompletion on a Main character continously, Feels terrible when you do these sorts of things haha x) 

  8. S: Mesmer, Engineer

    A: Elementalist, Warrior,

    B:  revenant, Thief

    C : Ranger, Guardian, Necromancer.

    would be my list, I love Mesmers aesthetics, Engineer I think falls second mainly because it has a perma pet elite, but scrappers awesome, holo bug kinda stops me fully enjoying that as well.

    Rangers primarily down to the fact it’s a perma pet class in most builds, Guardian I like DH but I feel like I burn out of it really quickly, necromancer I feel like a lot of its weapon sets feel bland as a trade off to shroud which I can’t rly get behind

    i Was a Ele/ warrior main when I first started the game, since returning from a long long break I’ve been mainly playing Mesmer / engineer 

    • Thanks 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    The fact that you can face-tank more effectively with Necromancer's high HP pool and Reaper's Shroud actually means you need to think less on Reaper than on Willbender and Thief, which need to consider how to utilize their active defences.

    Not sure i'd really take this as a argument, Yes Reaper has Shroud, but tbh Its damage is going to suck if your walking into fights face tanking. 

    • Like 1
  10. 6 hours ago, gglx.5286 said:

    Talking with more engineers in game trying to find support so people at least report it in game i have find that one of the usual response is that they are not worry because they don´t use sword, the mechanist was the spec that increase the number of playes of the engineer class to the level of the hight ones like guardian ranger etc in open world but crearly holosmith is still not popular even to new players seeing how many new people haven´t notice that the sword is broken in his character

    I took it to several discords, and got 0 reply across the board tbh, it does seem like this issue flys under the radar, for the fact it only is affecting new created engineers as well as only holosmith to stack, 

    engineer while definitely has risen in popularity, I don’t think it’s still reaching heights in numbers, it defiantly did at eod launch, but it’s fallen dramatically in Soto since they nerfed mech 

    • Thanks 2
  11. On 3/19/2024 at 9:29 AM, Fueki.4753 said:

    I'd love being able to camp Water and do fine dps.

    I've put out a few ideas on how to make Water better for DPS without infringing on its primary healing role in another thread.


    Tbh I don’t think camping water should be good, but I do think it’d be a massive boon for Water and Earth to hold more DPS, to make swapping into these elements for eles primarily active sustain to be less of a DPS loss.

    elementalist is balanced on the concept that we trade off passive sustain for abundance of active defense, this only really works if water and earth don’t tank the eles DPS

    also I’d like to see maybe a bit more access to protection through earth, and maybe some sorta access to aegis, to help bolster defensive options for the class 

    I don’t want to see the core of Ele loss, or the model shifted from the concept of swapping between the elements, but I think it could hugely benefit if they can aid its minimum DPS so it doesn’t feel as bad as current in the average players hands 

  12. 3 hours ago, jason.1083 said:

    What got me most discouraged was when I emailed support about the issue, with 3 clips of Refraction Cutter being used with a top-down camera view at <50, >50 and >100 heat, 2 blades in all 3 clips, and they still didn't understand what I was talking about, they thought I was talking about the Forge...

    Then I was like "yup these guys don't know kitten about this class, can't even bother looking it up.

    Unfortunately yeah, engineer I don’t think is one they play at all, so prolly flown under the radar, I imagine it will take a while before enough do, whenever u mention this bug people go silent, no one seems to know this is a current issue,

    Likely due to how unplayed the class is to begin with, I tried multiple discords to discuss this, met with 0 response, maybe I should just play my ele or Mesmer for now 

    • Sad 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Gaiawolf.8261 said:

    st because fb, dh, and wb share the same base class, doesn't mean they have anything close to the same gameplay. You have to learn different skill combos and styles for each. I consider myself a fairly decent FB player, I can't play DH or WB for kitten. I'm better on my mirage, virt, and vindi than WB, but not chrono. They are that different

    Neither is support core guard anything like burn core guard, but their still both guardians even if play completely differently. 

    we play a game where using a different weapon changes your gameplay, 

    you can play FB, entirely without ever playing any other build, but that’s all FB is, a build Guardian is the class 

    • Like 2
  14. 24 minutes ago, Jugglemonkey.8741 said:

    See, I don't like this argument because while it's true thief is the stealth archetype, it's not the only class that has stealth. Ranger, engi and mesmer all have stealth, they have decent mobility, decent tankiness when built for it and critically they can all build to one shot people with much higher damage than thief cranks out these days. So what's the difference? 

    I was simply stating why anet balance it this way not if i do or dont agree with it.

    Also, if you want a answer to above, None of those classes come close to thief access to stealth realistically, Also because their restricted in access Tanky builds DOnt have access to stealth, its generally the glass cannon builds which have access to these things and theyre generally squishy glass cannon builds to match, Thief has no way to trade off its stealth due to how engrained it is into ALOT of thieves kit. 

    Thiefs issue is it lacks flexibility because of that simple reason, Because they decided to implement stealth into almost every elite barring Spectre. where these other classes can simply Play multiple roles because it isnt engrained. 

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  15. On 3/11/2024 at 1:45 AM, Gaiawolf.8261 said:

    think you misunderstand the point that "guardian" doesn't represent me or what I play. I don't play guardian. I play firebrand, mirage, tempest, virtuoso, and scrapper. It doesn't matter what willbenders or dragonhunters can do if I never touch them and their playstyles. This is true for a lot of players, so comparing by base class just doesn't mean anything to

    Firebrand is a guardian. Just because you refuse to play 3/4s of your class doesn’t change that, firebrand is a trait line of a class. Your not separated just because you don’t play it. 

    weather your firebrand, willbender or dragon hunter your all guardians.

    if I wanna have a discussion about willbender, where do I go? The Guardian subsection of rhe forum

    If I wanna talk about firebrand where do I go? The guardian subsection. 

    You literally use the identical weapons utilities and traitlines, the only defining difference between you and a willbender is 3 traits in the last row of ur build. 

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  16. 9 hours ago, Jugglemonkey.8741 said:

    held more weight before willbender and basically all the EoD specs were a thing though. Now that virtually any class seems to have mobility comparable to base thief while retaining their classes' sustain and damage, thief players are starting to wonder why we can't have better damage and sustain too

    I can give you the answer easy in all honesty.

    Stealth. It’s that simple,  a willbender you will always see coming, put that same damage on something that is invisible and you start seeing one shots occurring too fast for player reaction. And that’s just simply put

    willbender doesn’t stealth 

    regardless of believe it’s the realistic truth, Anet put a lot of power in stealth, so it’s considered a large balancing factor. 

    • Thanks 1
  17. 12 hours ago, jason.1083 said:

    Well hopefully with enough dedication and pressure from enough people we can have this fixed soon enough, and then you won't need to regret anything, you or anyone else in the same position

    Tbh it’s not as much of a regret as a dissapointment, kinda terrible way to re-enter the game to be hit with something alike this. 

    there are likely many engineers in game trying to practice holo rotations not understanding why they’re unable to pull numbers without knowing this issue exists,

    I’m not a number chaser I play what I enjoy, however being by default lower Dps then players the same class because of the time of rolling my character feels awful. 

    • Like 4
  18. 2 hours ago, jason.1083 said:

    nd now all of you guys are being screwed over a feature that no one makes use of anyway, it's mind blowing

    Tbh I just came back to the game, kinda wish I found this out prior completing several LWS and have built 50% map completion lol

    • Like 1
  19. 15 hours ago, AIex.4105 said:

    yeah, instead of nerfing they should make counter mechanics. the baseline guardian was so cool 10 years ago, now is garbage, just an example

    If they did this do you have any idea how power crept the game would be?? 😂😂 core specs got nerfed because elites are innately stronger then them, thus meaning things took nerfs to reduce the elites strength

    also, core is 10 years in design, design has changed over the years which means by default they run on a lot of outdated systems 

    • Haha 1
  20. On 3/12/2024 at 3:31 AM, NotABandwagoner.9654 said:

    I don't want it, wah wah wah!" is not a reason

    Lol. Because “I want it wah wah wah” is a reason? . It’d cause nerfs to engi, a ton of them while at it, go play a class with weapon swap if you want weapon swap lol

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  21. Tbh Shortbow was the biggest dissapointment to be of these weapons shown, this isn’t because of balance or whatever just sheer gameplay. 

    Shortbows concept to me is cool, and something I could envision someone like a engineer doing, utilising magic through creations isn’t a unknown thing in the class fantasy.

    however its execution is a let down to the potiental to the concept, 

    imho. I don’t think the issue is with creativity, balancing, or design.

    i think since PoF Anet have become too focused on this concept of “every class can do everything” that now it’s damaging design. 

    Not every class needs to be able to heal, support, DPs and tank, meta will exist regardless of choice, the concept should be built on being unique, I think Shortbow could have been a lot better in the concept if they weren’t so focused on it “adding something the class can’t do” and more focused on being used in what it can do. 

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