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Everything posted by Kuronca.4138

  1. Is the Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic always available on the gemstore or only from time to time? I saw that its on sale 3 times a year, but is it always on the store?
  2. I have tried DXVK and it works way much better than d912pxy.Im amazed and my pc is not bad at all, 2017 high end. Anet should work on it. Edit: the only issue found so far is that the mini map changes everytime you alt+tab
  3. I think that the general view is different.They can use their main Gw2 twitch channel for that but it will only attract existing or returning players not new.Those big big channels are big because of the streamer not the game they are playing.If someone small will play and has a giveaway will be only his regular viewers, the rest of the world wouldnt know. The problem with Gw2 is that the game doesnt have new players, for new people its not attractive, its an old 2012 game with not updated graphics. People can agree or disagree but that's the truth that a new player see.Postponing Steam release for the new expansion...bad idea, good for the already players but that wont increase the numbers of new players, the visibility of being in Steam and release the new expansion there, could attract many people. Uploading videos to youtube is the best way to catch people and re direct them to a twitch channel as youtube videos many times are randomly recommended or associated to another mmo. What its for sure is that Anet needs money to continue in the business and they need to invest on marketing, improve their engine and create something new if they want to grow as a company.
  4. EU. I want to buy LWS2 because its on discount today, but cannot pay, no error nothing.Already a week and it still not fixed?
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