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Everything posted by Senjun.8149

  1. it also looks like my signet of fire was nerfed, or perhaps the traits that extend duration... It use to actually last about 20 seconds and do alot more damage... noticing it barely lasts now. I had almost 100% uptime in the past on signet of fire, no longer a thing. My condition build has been nerfed into the ground.... Meanwhile so was my survivability and thats not condi build specific thats for all builds.... I can tell you 7 years ago we use to dominate, and not in an OP kind of way against equally geared opponents, we simply contended with them.. Now... I dont know where we are. Sure we were extremely hard to kill in competent hands but now we kind of just melt. Our extra power was to make up for having to deal with 4 different elements and utilize 20+ abilities to be just as effective or slightly more than someone with 10. Why put in the extra effort to play a more difficult profession with no benefits?
  2. In my comment above I kind of explain why this isn't the case entirely. If my abilities and traits werent nerfed or changed in such a manner, I'd still be viable to be a condition scepter build. Also I'd still be viable for a condition resistant bunker/mid damage build but the survivability traits and abilities changed encourage me to not take that route. Instead it's like kind of forcing me to fit a more support role and not a very effective one at that, unless I go with the current meta. Think it was weaver or tempest? I still havent looked into it because I like build diversity but i keep hearing about them. I can't speak for other professions but I do hear similar stories and issues with the changes over the years.
  3. I've given myself some more time to try and feel it out while also talking to more people who i use to know 7 years ago. It seems that not one person minus necromancer mains for some reason (they've been consistently happy) are happy with the changes. I'm also insanely unimpressed still with how versatile professions are these days. I'm seeing the same exact builds over and over and for whatever reason an insane lack of engineers and ele in pvp. Seems like everyone is a guardian,necro or a mesmer. But then, mesmer has always been insanely popular. It may be feeling like this game just isn't for me anymore, maybe it was the new game feel but I'm telling you all from memories of how it was then, there was so much viability in effective pvp builds, I don't know if its just an elementalist thing, but my traits and abilities have been nerfed or changed in extreme ways, and these ways encourage me to follow a cookie cutter route and be like everyone else or suffer being less effective, not mildly but extremely.
  4. I knew people would pick at the 7 year part. All I can tell you all is that what I've come back to is so different in a bad way and as someone who pvp's as much as I do, it's just sad to see so much diversity came crashing down to this optimal build meta you speak of. Can you mix it up? sure, but swimming downstream (as my mesmer example comment mentions) is so much more rewarding. It's almost like they took the builds that were already swimming upstream (alot of opinions from old time friends on here confirm this but I already noticed it myself by this time so it just confirms) and kept nerfing them until they couldn't really do it anymore. Again can you mix it up and play the way you want still? sure, they just complicated it because it's easier to have a cookie cutter balanced game than one where almost every build was viable in its own way. That's the issue here.
  5. Obsidian flesh nerfed, mist form nerfed, my traits... nerfed I mean mist form I get, my traits I don't really get but I can deal. But obsidian flesh... really? Nobody ever used it because of its insanely long cd, but now it's useless almost. Why in pvp... would I want to sit there and channel a 3 second invuln? It has it's niche uses but ultimately... it's kind of useless now. Being able to heal in it is what made it worth while. Can I get an explanation here?
  6. Actually it's what I've noticed and how fast I noticed it. Wouldn't of came here if most of the people I've been talking with in-game (including my friends who still play from release) and from my research, didn't feel the same way. You might want to brush up on your reading before trying to draw your shallow and childish conclusion and 3 days is plenty time for me to focus on this one area of the game and map out my problem with it. There is alot for me to catch up on. Although I'm not a fan of mounts or gliding but that's subjective. It's sad because gw2 was never about a flavor of the month mentality. That's not the direction I wanted to see for this game.
  7. Well I'm extra disappointed to see PvE has been hit so hard aswell, I figured it that seeing how hard my build alone got changed for the worse and others telling me how theirs did aswell, that the goal was to create a "team effort, cookie cutter group play mentality" The whole point of not really having a designated healing profession at release was to destroy that idea. But even in WvW I'm not seeing much diversity. It's basically all one meta now per profession. And I've barely seen any elementalists at all come to think of it.
  8. It is sad, although I can't imagine anyone ever complained about obsidian flesh but I could be wrong. But when I played there were so many "metas" that you almost couldn't even call it a meta, it was simply so diverse and so many good build options that meta was a term used for very few builds that are google copy and paste builds. You would see almost every weapon combo being used competitively in pvp in some form or another. I don't doubt players had a hand in complaining alot, they always did and always will but I do actually have a feeling that when it goes for what it use to be, to what it is now, that Anet themselves have taken an interest in dumbing the game down and making it more cookie cutter so it's easier to grasp for the playerbase and easier for them to balance (per your #3 example) I mean the slice is just so clean that they took the diversity away in such a potent manner, I mean my nerfs alone for what I use to run, these aren't small nerfs, they are massive nerfs that don't make me say "oh jeeze guess i gotta pull myself together and try harder" it makes me say "wow I've actually been rendered useless, they took away every edge and every advantage i use to have" and that's the god honest truth. It wouldn't make me raise an eyebrow if it was just me and just my build but I've been talking to oldbies and researching posts and videos and I'm far from the only one who's noticed this immense dumbing down of the diversity this game use to have. I see how they so intricately changed my traits to encourage me to be a certain way with certain weapons. It didn't use to be like that, there was a far wider range of viability. I just need to know that Anet knows that this wasn't the right way to handle this situation. And if they turned back time 7 years ago, the people who didn't play back then would be in for such a treat and arguably, alot more fun than the system offers you now.
  9. Correct, I can speak from a pvp bias viewpoint but overall what effects one ultimately effects the other. I can only imagine that build diversity has become an issue with these nerfs for both sides of the game, which again, may be for the reasons I stated that a game is far easier to balance this way but not necessarily what's good for the playerbase. Ill give people an example, Imagine you got sword mesmer and staff mesmer both running condi builds. One has more utility than the other, and one has more dps than the other. Both are viable builds, both are good in certain areas and for certain situations but say more people complain about the staff mesmer or perhaps, the staff mesmer had one or two things that made it slightly more appealing but NOT NECESSARILY overall better than the sword mesmer. But these one or two things were "problematic" You now take away or nerf those one or two things. Now the sword mesmer is the better option. there is no longer any reason to go for the staff mesmer, because those one or two things they changed, were the reasons it excelled in some areas that sword mesmer didn't and it no longer has any edge over the sword mesmer in almost any given situation. It doesn't mean you can't do well but it does mean you are swimming upstream when you could be swimming downstream. They now keep it this way because when you think mesmer and conditions, you now think about the sword mesmer alone and not the staff mesmer. Which makes balancing it for them far easier and lowers build diversity for the entire playerbase.
  10. This may be lengthy but I'm passionate about this game and I had alot of good memories here, so I want to give my input honestly and fully so firstly, Hi all I've been back for 3 days now. I use to play 7ish years ago (I Received 7 birthday gifts in the mail thats how I gage this) and I am alittle upset with the changes, not for just my sake, but for the game as a whole and heres why. I've always been an avid pvper, it's all I do in games. That's it. I may get involved in the story here and there but pvp is what I'm about and not to brag but to let you know where I stand, in mmorpgs it's always something I've been very good at. After leaving gw2 to accomplish real life goals, I always bragged about how good and balanced the pvp was here (of course it had it's issues) but gw2 was far far from the worse game I've played as far as balancing goes. It had extremely wide diversity with a hint of meta but the fun of it was that almost every weapon/profession had a way to be decent-great. Pvp was very diverse with all types of wacky builds that would leave you saying "oh ok never seen that before" and I would tell people as much. Here's my problem now, coming back to the game I expected as much that I'd struggle. That's fine, I always played unorthodox things, I was basically the only elementalist in pvp running scepter/focus back in the day, a custom made condition build that people would laugh at until I 1v3'd them and their friends, but you didn't see anyone else using it. I came back to find that my traits have been severely nerfed which I'm half ok with. I guess some other people discovered the build and it may of been tuned down. Then I find that obsidian flesh, dragons tooth, mist form and my perplexity runes which i spent a fortune on back in the day have all been nerfed severely. Now this has completely rendered my entire build useless, a condi focus ele is pretty much no longer viable. At this point, I take a look around, every single profession is basically running the same meta. With a few exceptions here and there. I thought to myself, maybe people just discovered metas but from what I've been reading and hearing is that Anet has nerfed and tuned down a ton of things since I last played. WHICH would be ok! If it didn't basically force people into the metas we see today. It's just really sad to me that I came back to a game that was once so diverse and so fun, to find that its become another cookie cutter mmorpg. Like I've never had to google builds i love making my own, and guild wars 2 gave me so much room to do that at the start. Now it's like I need to get with the program and be a puzzle piece and fit in where I belong or else im just hindering myself and others. I get what they are trying to do or at least what I think is going on. Obviously over time as the community thins out a bit, It becomes far easier to just balance the game around a few metas. Let those metas have their time in the sun and then nerf those and buff other things so people are encouraged to keep playing and grinding new gear and trying a new build. it is EASIER to balance a game this way. I really hope I'm wrong and that this isn't what they're doing because the thought makes me sick to my stomach. But I really am tired of seeing the same exact builds over and over and I can't blame the players. I really can't because all I keep hearing is that their previous builds/weapon choices have just been over-nerfed or modified and it leads me to believe they chose this route. Overall, I'm disappointed. This definitely isn't the same feeling I use to have. This was the first game I came back to excited to experience the good pvp this game had and I've come back to what feels like something completely different. I don't need alot of time to make this assessment, I've quite enough experience with these things even after my 7 year break, to spot issues pretty quickly especially when they have effected me so directly. I'm wondering what any other old school players think about this and I'm wondering what's going on with my once beloved guild wars2.
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