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Posts posted by Raven.1524

  1. 22 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    Are you on EU or NA?

    You seem to fail to identify a problem where you open a lfg, see no squads and close lfg instead of... That's right, creating a group by yourself. It shouldn't be a problem considering you say you know the mechanics. If everyone presents the same stance, where they only want to join a squad instead of making one, there will be no squads to join. It's that simple.

    Meanwhile, that also speeds up squads feeling up, which is why they don't exaxctly linger in lfg for that long, feeding your perception of "no active squads in lfg". 


    Oh, don't worry. I know what my problem is and it's most likely related to the way it's forcing me to start a group and managing it instead of a one click and join a random group of people on specific roles assigned based on gear or some other factor, which is clearly not how everything is designed.


    So, I believe that arenanet choosing a way to implement an lfg, gear builds is fine and I'm not really interested on criticizing how they want us to socialize either


    After reading some comments, I came to realize this simply isn't a mode I'm interested in. Unless of course, like I said before, I make 9 friends of mine to start playing the game with me.


    You could say that meeting people, creating groups and guilds is part of the experience, so I should start my own group... I don't think I really care about that, but I don't think it's bad either, just not what I'm looking for right now.


    In short, I believe the healthiest approach I could have is to think that this mode doesn't exist for me, ignore it completely and simply do whatever mode I find fun.

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  2. 50 minutes ago, Keymaster.7362 said:

    I don't know how frequently you did look at the lfg, but raids have a weekly cap of rewards. The most people are already done and waiting for the reset on Montag.


    I wonder if there's meaning or a reason for a weekly cap to exist on a game that has horizontal progression.

    Or if it's just something that came as an old practice?

    • Confused 2
  3. I came back to gw2 after a while.

    Haven't really raided since HoT the first time raids came to the game.

    I recently opened the lfg and noticed 2 things,

    - The clear tab is only filled with raid sells

    - The training tab is empty

    I won't compare it to games like wow since I never played that because I always disliked how that game looks.


    I did a bit a a research and started questioning if Is it normal to play a raid and everyone be expecting to either have some weird amount of LI, see a video and know all the mechanics before even starting the fight or join a training group and forced to be on discord.


    Since the situation seems to be like this, I personally won't raid unless I get a group of friends to start playing this game with me,

    But I really started questioning if it was really designed to be this weird to start getting into raids or is it like this for every other mmo raiding scene?


    Honestly, If all raids are designed to be like this, maybe the simplest answer is that in regards to hard content, I should either only play games my friends play or play single player games with hard difficulty (I don't know, monster hunter after master rank 200+ event stuff?)


    So what do you guys think it's the issue here?

    - This is simply not my type of game mode on an mmo?

    - It's designed to be started with a group of friends

    - The learning curve or the way it's implemented on the system is wrong?

    - Some other issue I'm not seeing


    btw: I won't talk about selling raids. I just don't like that and simply ignore their existence instead of making drama about it.

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  4. I was recently trying to unlock the siege turtle and spent a while looking for the achievement until I gave up and decided to wiki it.

    Was it supposed to be a hidden thing you find when you clear every achievement (or some) or are we actually supposed to go to a wiki or external website to find out how to unlock features of the game?

    The mastery says that I need to unlock the "turtle mount collection" but the first achievement is linked to "Stomping Around" which has no "turtle" word on it nor is it on the collection category.

    This kind of makes it impossible to search by the word and makes it pretty obscure.


    Since a few things are already buried deep inside the achievements as an obscure feature, my best guess is that this is a design and we are probably supposed to ask in-game people to discover things?

    I'm not against Arenanet design decisions, but curious if my theory is right.

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  5. I just found out about System76 and their ubuntu based Pop!_OSIt seems to have a compatibility for nvidia gpus and steam comes on their os store.I was wondering if someone has this OS and tried to play gw2 (which isn't on steam, duh.. xD) without installing any other software and booting it from steam.

    I'll probably have to wait a bit since I'm mostly using my laptop on the office and it would be really bad if I started playing games on it at work, lol.Though sometimes I feel like they rather have me do that, than taking accidentally down the entire development server :p

  6. @Drew.1865 said:If I want a challenge I’ll raid or run a dungeon. The difficulty and health pools of the living story bosses are ridiculous in my opinion. Difficulty should also be tied to an actual reward. If I was rewarded it would be worth it.

    Dungeons, really? They feel seriously nerfed, specially after the release of elite specs that seems to destroy every dungeon out there. (Unless you are referring to fractals, in which case you could just ignore this comment)

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