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Posts posted by Mewone.3247

  1. They didn't do the testing to that extent which is why this has been released in a bugged state similarly to every other strike in existance. Does anyone honestly believe they tested HTcm and tuned it to the version we got and actually beat it and concluded this is exactly the challenge we wanted it to be? If so, why didnt the million bugs came up during that process? For HTcm they either tested it, didnt care for the million bugs and released it anyways or they never tested it to that extent in the first place which is just as bad and exactly what happened here. There is no quality control and people need to stop making up excuses for a company that doesnt care about you. You payed for this and you deserve better. I payed 30 bucks and waited months in hope for a decent new strike mission and the result is garbage that even an AI could have made better.

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  2. The fight is considered a dps check because by current means there is no way to actually beat it even when played perfectly. It is also considered a dps check because this fight has no new mechanics it is as lazy as it gets design wise. Only the rate of mechanics has been increase as well as the health pool. If you think Anet tested this iteration or htcm for that matter you are wrong

    Edit: Why is a simple dps check boss fight even a thing? Are you too lazy to come up with actual interesting mechanics? Maybe do it similarly to Ankka cm where you have a dps check for the actual title. Also, how is anybody supposed to build a group for this dps check when you would need a 3rd party tool to identifiy who is actually capable of playing their class to the extent that is needed? Or do we prolong the process by hours and meet in the special forces trainings area and everyone has to prove themselves before the strike? Is that what you want players to do? You know, when players ask for a boss that is at least a slight challenge they didn't mean a stupid bullet sponge with boring, generic and spammed mechanics that also favor certain classes to an unreal extent. I am not interested in most of the open world content or the poorly written story and in my books the new instanced boss fights are a disgrace and would have been a disappointment even for a free update let alone a payed expansion.

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  3. I can hardly believe I am saying this but this fight is even worse than Dagda CM and that fight stood as one of the worst and laziest fights in all of gw2. At least Dadga CM has something different to it while Cerus CM is literally normal mode but with all mechanics spammed and overlapped. With the current HP pool/bug there is no way you could finish the fight in time. This is a very different situation compared to HTcm and the only things that both have in common are bugs. At this point I can only conclude this fight was rushed, not extensively tested and not put any effort into similarly to Dagda even though we waited like 6 months for it. What a time to be a gw2 player.

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  4. 22 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    Cscourge was far worse and was toned down.

    Csourge was hardly played until the patch before SOTO where it got to like 41k. With SOTO and to the suprise of nobody the access to all weapons and the new relic system absolutely destroyed all previous balancing efforts and Cscourge benched for 49k. Naturally it was toned down but the omnipresent class Virtuoso wasnt touched at all. So you want me to focus on Cscourge that was op for a short while in the early days of SOTO when Virtu is an issue since over a year? Also, I never said Mech wasnt overperforming for its time so why are you stating that as your last sentence? I think the one thing we can agree on is that Anet hasnt done anything to an overperforming class for over a year.

    Edit: It appears most people in this thread agree that condi Virtu is overperforming but for some reason they are really mad about the point being made its as broken as Mechanist was when this doesnt really matter because it cannot be proven anyways. It was my subjective opinion backed up by wingman statitics that average cm strike pugs get carried by this build for a year now and there is no denying that. But thank you for wasting everyones time by focusing on this point and giving your anecdotes on how you don't see that many in your open world groups. I really hope there is at least some awareness for this issue but judging by the balancing preview I doubt it. All these Mechanical Genius changes really made no sense in the greater context of this class being dead in endgame pve but I love how Anet made it even worse to play months into its destruction.

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  5. 1 minute ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    yes the goal post was moved a lot. We have had a ton of power creep since then. Power mech would likely not be as overpowered today as it was back then. I am glad you decided to make that distinction (oh right, you didn't)

    I love that you talk about power creep in this post because it just shows the sheer lack of understanding from Anet since it makes the content more and more free. Raids have been a joke for quite a while now and every year it has gotten worse. I have no idea how you could unironically imply that Anet knows what they are doing in any post considering this fact. Your point that Mech was stronger back then than Virutoso nowadays is just made up and has no evidence.

    8 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    power mech was doing it's damage at 1,200 range, piercing with a ton of utility on its rifle. Glad you made that distinction as well

    Once again why does this even matter in the first place? Nobody in a cm strike is just running and using Auto Attack? I just made that point to show you how bad your point was and that is still true. If you factor in other content like raids the range argument really falls off because most of them are golems at this point that you could have near perfect dps uptime with close range AA. There are builds that have strong benches with nothing but AA and it doesnt matter as long as its within a certain range.

    12 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    power mech had a huge component of its damage tied to the mech (around 12-15k worth of it at its peak). The pet was always on target, couldn't be cced, and remains to this day near unkill able

    I think this is tied to the point above and really only affects players who are afk while playing, otherwise it doesnt matter that you have 12k AA plus12k AA from the Mech vs. 30k AA on a different class


    14 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    The fact you can even draw ANY comparison to it today, nearly 2 years after EoD and it STILL outshines or compares to builds which have been power crept is why it was SO overpowered back then.

    The reason I remember this era so vividly is simply because they buffed Mechanist and overtuned it like they did with Virtusoso which is my point and one era (patch) later, they buffed Mechanist again because they programmed something in the wrong way that should have actually nerfed it..

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  6. 56 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    Unless it pushes 25k with 1 apm, it's weaker than power mech was.

    This point is so stupid I have hardly an idea how to respond if at all. Reaper, slb and other specs bench for almost 30k with auto attacks, by your logic these specs are broken. But they are not because nobody cares what the DPS of 1 APM is. If you think people who lack the mental capacity to press a single button did well in cm strikes on Mechanist, you are wrong. By usage only anyone with any knowledge of game balancing would understand that the current state leaves much to desire and there is a reason why it is this way. The spec is easy to get into and not even hard to master. Range damage has a huge advantage in this game because of dps uptime, so why does condi Virtuoso bench this high in the first place?


    "I get that you don't care since it doesn't fit your narrative."

    No I gave you the reason why this point is irrelevant.


    "It must have gotten pretty bad number wise for them to nerf the newest toy, which on its own says a lot."

    People everywhere cried, on the forums, on reddit and ingame. There were even squads that told people to play something else or they would get kicked which is something I have never experience before that and since then - so the Mech hate was real. Most agree that condi Virutoso is at least overtuned so tell me why hasn't there been changes in the past year to adress this? Why did they keep changing Mechanical Genius when Power Mech completely vanished from endgame because of its abysmal performance? Your point that Mechanist had to be the most broken class of all time because Anet did ANYTHING is actually really funny.

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  7. 16 minutes ago, Sigmoid.7082 said:

    On the whole nothing you stated is really incorrect. The number of cVirt I've seen game mode wide pales in comparison to the number of pMech at it's peak. 

    I literally posted usage of cm strikes aka endgame which is the content the game is currently balanced around. Nobody cares that you dont see a condi virtu in your 50 man octovine squad. Also your subjective perception doesnt mean anything and on wingman you cannot remove supports from the usage of peak Mechanist eras.

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  8. Just now, Cyninja.2954 said:

    mech was pushing 40% representation and hadn't even peaked, not 20% across all fights and not just condi. Official numbershad mech at 22% and growing.

    I already addressed this and it is due to Mechanist also being a very good alac dps/ heal spec.

    1 minute ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    mech was severely over-represented in every content, even open world. Squads with less than 10-15 mechs where unseen

    Once again nobody cares about open world because Anet balanced around endgame.


    2 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    mechs floor performance was far above where cvirt is now. it was around 25k without ANY skill use

    Currently condi virtu has fast rampup, its one of the easiest if not the easiest spec with no downsights. You have a full sigil build that requires no understanding of anything other than pressing buttons on cooldown. 


    3 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    It's by far not as overturned across all skil levels as mech was.

    What skills levels are we talking about? Both specs are so easy that it takes no effort compared to other classes to perform on them. Having insane single target and the best pierce while being 100% ranged helps.

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  9. 3 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    And you don't see that level of dominance with condi virt.

    This has to be a troll or are you really that high on copium? Or maybe you have no idea what you are talking about, can you tell me your experience with pugs and cm strikes?

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  10. Remember the outcry when Power Mechanist was in every raid and strike because it was easy to play, had ranged damage and good cc? Even though the actual usage numbers were inflated by support Mechs/HAM? Ever since Power Mechanist was made into an absolute joke and a million bad iterations of Mechnical Genius, most people switched to (condi) Virtuoso. Since day 1 this spec was literally just as broken as Power Mechanist but with (bursty) condi damage:

    - its fully ranged (even more than Power Mech)

    - it has even better pierce

    - its just as easy to play

    - it has all the CC and utility in the world

    So why exactly is nobody crying about Virtuoso when there is hard evidence this spec runs the endgame? Can you call the balancing of the game decent when this has been true for over a year now and the only reason the average pug clears cm strikes is this build? I will give you some numbers from the current cm strikes that are a good representation because they are the only "difficult" content this game has atm:

    AHcm: (Virtuso as only pure DPS option, rest in Top 5 is mixed DPS/support)

    Most popular professions:

    https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/up.png 19.1%   https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/professions/Virtuoso.png   Virtuoso
    https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/up.png 11.07%   https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/professions/Herald.png   Herald
    10.93%   https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/professions/Scourge.png   Scourge
    9.96%   https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/professions/Mechanist.png   Mechanist
    https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/down.png 7.03%   https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/professions/Firebrand.png   Firebrand

    XJJcm: (Virtuso as only pure DPS option, rest in Top 5 is mixed DPS/support)

    Most popular professions:

    https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/up.png 27.28%   https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/professions/Virtuoso.png   Virtuoso
    https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/up.png 16.07%   https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/professions/Scourge.png   Scourge
    10.47%   https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/professions/Mechanist.png   Mechanist
    9.81%   https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/professions/Herald.png   Herald
    7.82%   https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/professions/Firebrand.png   Firebrand

    KOcm: (Virtuso as only pure DPS option, rest in Top 5 is mixed DPS/support)

    Most popular professions:

    https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/up.png 41.97%   https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/professions/Virtuoso.png   Virtuoso
    https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/up.png 12.29%   https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/professions/Firebrand.png   Firebrand
    10.16%   https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/professions/Mechanist.png   Mechanist
    https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/down.png 9.35%   https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/professions/Scourge.png   Scourge
    https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/down.png 7.11%   https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/professions/Herald.png   Herald

    HTcm: (Virtu as decent damage dealer and essential utility)

    Most popular professions:

    https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/up.png 19.8%   https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/professions/Virtuoso.png   Virtuoso
    https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/up.png 19.2%   https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/professions/Herald.png   Herald
    https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/up.png 15.42%   https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/professions/Vindicator.png   Vindicator
    https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/up.png 13.44%   https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/professions/Mechanist.png   Mechanist
    https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/up.png 12.4%   https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/professions/Reaper.png   Reaper


    Most popular professions:

    https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/up.png 34.34%   https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/professions/Virtuoso.png   Virtuoso
    https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/up.png 12.87%   https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/professions/Herald.png   Herald
    https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/up.png 12.34%   https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/professions/Scourge.png   Scourge
    https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/up.png 12.03%   https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/professions/Mechanist.png   Mechanist
    https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/down.png 5.75%   https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/static/professions/Firebrand.png   Firebrand


    This picture has been cultivated because Virtuoso has never once seen any significant nerfs to its damage or utility. It is just as easy to play as ever (compared to other classes) and has no downsights. Where is the outcry and what is different to the Mechanist situation from 1 year ago?

    Edit: I forgot to mention that the usage includes kills and wipes of the respective bosses which means the actual usage number of Virtuoso of successful kills is even higher. Natrually low KP groups that bring any DPS build will perform significantly worse and most likely won't clear the fight compared to Virtu stacks.

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  11. Before relics I could just craft or buy the runes and now for every char I need to farm those boring SOTO maps for currency to buy relics that arent available in boxes. Huge step down and since relics are inherently just as plain as old rune effects, there is literally no advantage to this system. There is no legendary relic to fix this issue and once they nerf the fotm relics you need to start again at square one. Amazing content - its literally just change for the sake of change with no thought put into it. Id rather have bugixes

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  12. On 10/10/2023 at 10:08 AM, Jitters.9401 said:

    For you To be so wrong about virtuoso tells me you are a pve hero and have no clue what actually goes on in wvw.

    Nobody cares about pvp in this game, not even the devs. Do yourself a favor and play any real competitive game out there with a decent elo system and dont waste your time in a dead game mode that people do for daily. Also, why would you try to shittalk pve when doing stuff like ko/ht cm is miles above the capability of your average wvw player that you encounter? Like, everyone knows how casual this community is and you wanna brag about how you zerk these noobs in a wvw stack? As I said before, we do not play the same game.

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  13. 2 hours ago, Asum.4960 said:

    And to answer your question, cDPS can be worthwhile over Strike Damage, even with slightly lower Benches, but only if they have a drastic advantage in terms of DPS-Uptime and Utility

    Condi is always worse than power damage because burst damage or direct damage has no drawbacks. The moment both damage types bench for the same number, you have the same boss damage for long phases and much worse for short phases where 50k burst > 30k rampup.

    DPS Uptime has nothing to do with condi or power damage, but with range and how skills work. Its true Scourge has mostly ranged skills and a ranged AA so the uptime is above average for the average gw2 andy (minus something like plaguelands that needs a boss to not move for 10secs) compared to something like condi Holo, where you have to place bombs that explode with a delay in melee range and similar skills. Utility has never been part of any balancing from what I can see, same with range vs. melee dps, so lets not bring it into discussion when it will never happen anyways. So how can cDPS be worthwhile over pDPS? The moment you have a team with good raid damage and capable players, you have a good damage uptime on pretty much any boss with any build and phases become exceedingly short. This is where cDPS falls significantly behind because it already benches less than pDPS for no reason. There are pDPS builds with ranged options so even if you have one of the few bosses that punish melee builds (that are usually pDPS) you can still at least be on par with cDPS if the build benches a few thousand dps less. The moment your cDPS build isn't fully ranged, because cDPS unequal ranged dps, you lose the last straw against pDPS.

    It also doesnt help there are already encounter that heavily favor pDPS due to low toughness (VG,HT) or true burst phases (CA,KC etc.).

    • Confused 1
  14. Is there a point of playing condi dps if your rampup time is slow and your final number after 2mins on golem is still lower than power? Most boss encounters have phases and sometimes phases are very short 30-60sec, which really makes condi rampup an issue compared to bursty power classes that deal 50k in the first 30sec. The better your group the worse condi dps gets because with good groups comes good raid dps and shorter phases.

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  15. On 10/2/2023 at 4:22 PM, Jitters.9401 said:

    We must be playing different games.

    I've been in squads with 30 people and been the only virtuoso

    Yes we are playing different games because I couldn't care less about your open world or meta event experience in 30man squads when Anet balances around endgame content.

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  16. 1 hour ago, Jitters.9401 said:

    That is all I know they play... but does any of them play something else? 

    They fired the guy who made power Mechanist great again and naturally the community tried to make a scapegoat out of him for the unbalanced state of the game which is just the perfect showcase for the amounts of copium in the community. Shortly after firing him and making power Mechanist literally useless (to this day) they buffed Virtuoso and since that day there were more buffs than nerfs and its by far the most played dps class in any non braindead content such as cm strikes because it has everything you need and more. Virtuoso is literally oldschool power Mechanist but even more broken. Where is the outcry about Virtuoso being in every cm strike? You can neither take this community or Anet seriously.

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  17. I only log in to do cm strikes in the last couple of months so there is nothing I could give away since cm strikes are the least rewarding content in this game and my buff food + writ are more expensive than the stuff I get for clearing. Wait a second, maybe this is the reason I sometimes wait an hour for the group to fill up? Could it be people don't feel like committing to the most difficult content without appropriate rewards? I think I am onto something

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  18. 7 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    If by "EoD sucked" you actually mean "EoD didn't receive the Living Story followup content than HoT and PoF received"

    No I mean the maps, metas and masteries were boring. And yes it doesnt help we got jack for 18 months after that. That xpac introduced lots of bugs and so many were left untouched. Strikes still have gamebreaking bugs, classes have bugs such as toolbelt skills mechanist, dodge bug vindi that still isnt fully fixed etc. And don't get me started on bugs that are left from HOT/POF. All I remember from EOD were mediocre balancing attemps and changes to firebrand mantras that nobody asked for.

    7 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    Balance-wise, we really need to rip off those nostalgia goggles. The balance pre-SotO, while far from perfect, was probably the best we've had in terms of the variety of viable builds.

    Your nostalgia argument makes no sense. The current balancing is terrible and pre SOTO was so aswell. Just because it was a step up from pre EOD, where they did literally nothing (evidence is on wingman see group composition and usage of classes) it doesn't justify anything. You basically try to defend a game where they did literally nothing for years and then they start stuff while showing poor understanding and judgment and somehow that should satisfy me? A period of 18 months (EOD) with no content was enough to show the poor balancing efforts and at this point I can only conclude it was intentional so people have something to talk about while they promise "real content updates" that never came. Just imagine for a second EOD had no balancing updates because you could solve this stuff in 3 patches within the first month, what exactly leads you to belive the game wasn't on life support with no further patches?

    7 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    Scourge takes 41.5k to be viable? Hahaha. Arenanet's target is probably still around 40k

    I never said Scourge takes 41.5k to be viable, I said it was a viable dps option after the balancing patch that made it deal around 41.5k damage. The class was played severely less with the introduction of EOD and a lot of usage came out of hscg being able to carry even the worst of the worst through any content. So when a class appears to be in a decent spot where people are happy about the state and enjoy the class in raids, strikes and fractals, why make drastic changes? Like, it took 18 month to arrive at a point where scourge seemed to be in a good spot pve wise, so we can conclude this was anet's goal all along. But now scourge sits at 38k and has a much more complex rotation so how does that decision fit in the context of 18 months of balancing efforts that appear to contradict that? How does that not feel like we have arrived back at square one? For a long period condi holo was a very rewarding class in the context of overall damage and compared to the easy mode spec condi mechanist. From all the talk on stream I can conclude that was intentional even though it took them way over a year to arrive there for obvious reasons. So how exactly makes the recent balancing patch sense? Maybe wait until the new weapon is released and balance around that or even better, maybe release the new weapon with SOTO so you can balance around all factors and not just one which leads to futile efforts once the next factor is introduced (in this context a new weapon). The way you argue apparently justifies every poor balancing attempt right now because in the future there is a new weapon we get. I have an idea: maybe delay the new weapon to somewhere in the far future so we can justify every bad decision with the future event in mind that a new weapon will someday release.

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  19. 3 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    EoD was lacking in content updates primarily because they were going back and finally redoing Season 1, albeit in abridged form. The current balance issues are because ArenaNet didn't account for the effect of weapon mastery and the relic system on builds, not due to some conspiracy to use balance updates as a substitute for content updates.

    So, can we at least now all agree that EOD sucked compared to HOT and POF? Also, the relic system is literally just removing the 6piece rune bonus and put it or something similar onto an extra slot. Most relics provide, similar to runes, 5% extra damage. With the exception of the akeem relic, none of them temper with prior balancing efforts in the slightest. How do you explain that it took 18 months for scourge to be at 41.5k, which was the iteration where it was finally viable again and now its down to 38k with the need for a second weapon? What exactly is the goal of the balancing team, can you help me with that? You also completely ignored the issue at hand that a very difficult spec in condi holo was nerfed significantly and pretty much matches a much easier spec in condi mech. I also want to remind everyone that the bug to be able to use all toolbelt skills even as mechanist is still present that has been introduced with EOD. For the love of god you deserve better.

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  20. You have to understand that nobody from anet wants a truely balanced game (and this isnt a gw2 specific thing) even though with no vertical gear progression this feat is way more realistic than in other mmos. The moment you have a game that is universally considered to be well balanced you lose every opportunity to release "balancing patches" instead of real content which is what they literally did for the lifespan of EOD. There is no way more than 1 hour of brainpower went into the latest balancing changes and still everyone talks about it instead of the lack of content such as cm strikes or new metas etc. Once you have your community conditioned to no content updates why put in the effort to be the best version of the game you could be?

    Edit: Btw this is no different from the lack of bugfixes. People have been conditioned to not expect any bugfixes in "older" content (looking at strikes and raids). And since this community similar to WoW consists of tons of boomer, the amount of copium is off the charts.

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