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Posts posted by Esterie.7409

  1. Just adding my voice to this bug. I did a few WBs last night before realizing I forgot the Runestone in my bank, so I finally put it on my character and now have apparently 9 lol.

    Edit: Just did a WB I haven't yet done this reset period and the objective is now ticked off on my achievement. bugs gonna bug ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  2. On 9/13/2023 at 1:00 AM, willow.8209 said:

    I found that in the old system, I could track the dailies (adding them each day: they did not persist from day to day not even the meta one) but since I track several things, I would need to expand the list to find the dailies until those tasks were almost complete. My tracked objectives rank themselves by completion, and I don't know whether this can be changed.

    Just in case anyone didn't know, you can drag your tracked achievements in your watchlist to order them how you'd like.

    But yes, I agree, I'd love to be able to see my tracked achievements AND Wizard Vault tasks at the same time.

    • Like 1
  3. This is regarding the Astral Ward Cloak, the reward for finishing the Honorary Astral Ward collection. I finished this collection a few days ago and put it on one of my characters, only to be very confused why I couldn't slot an exquisite jewel into it like other exotic back items. Apparently this cloak is level 0 and thus cannot have anything beyond measly pebbles slotted into it. As this collection is kind of involved and the item has exotic stats, I believe this is a bug and hope it gets fixed.

  4. Title is a mouthful so let me explain. When the elite specialization gloves unlocked by Mechanist are worn, your characters nametag and the ! that appears over their head while fishing now appear at their feet. I've also noticed this on other peoples characters, though have not managed to get a screenshot in that instance.

    With gloves off // With gloves on

  5. I can't speak for general events, but I'm kind of surprised they didn't go the HoT and PoF routes with a choosy chest at the end of each meta. Choose between a material used in the new legendary crafting, some extra map currency, or other materials. I know when I was making my last gen 2 legendary, I ran HoT and PoF metas regularly for the amalgamated gemstones. Would be a way to keep people coming back to the EoD metas once they have their achievements.

    Edit: Ayyy as of the 3/15 patch the metas now reward Hero's Choice Chests!

    • Like 2
  6. Since I can foresee skiff skins being a big thing, I'd LOVE a skin that looks like the corsair sloop. A simple viking-ish ship with a tall bow and stern and a sail. A mini of this ship already exists, as linked previously, as well as one docked near Aurene's Cave in Seitung Province. There could also be a version that displays your repped guild emblem, similar to the Cavalier/Guild Cavalier weapons. 😉

    • Like 1
  7. One Crazy Trick that I would recommend to anyone who dislikes WvW is that even if you have no current plans to make a legendary, always have the Gift of Battle reward track active. At least to have one Gift of Battle to bank for when you do want to make a legendary.


    Every day there's usually at least one WvW daily that can be done quickly with little-to-no need to group up or do the PvP aspect of WvW. Mast of Monuments is easy enough, especially in your home borderlands. Veteran Creature Slayer is also easy if you know the spawns (sometimes you do need to wait 10+ minutes for it to spawn which isn't ideal). I prefer the Veteran Harpy in Alpine Borderlands. If it's your home borderlands, you can wait up on the edge and you are immune to enemy damage to make the wait easier. Even Camp Capturer and Mists Guard Killer are easy to do solo, the latter being very easy if an enemy keep/tower is nearby and you can wait for the guards outside to respawn over and over.


    Is this a quick way to get a Gift of Battle? No. Depending on how many 'easy' WvW dailies you get per day, it may take a few months which is why I would recommend slowly doing 'easy' WvW dailies whenever you can. But this is a very casual, low-stress way to get a Gift of Battle. WvW and group combat in general makes me anxious sometimes, so it's nice to chip away at it little by little, which generally is how I prefer to make a legendary anyway. Yeah, sometimes you'll run into enemy players which is to be expected, and to be honest I would not be entirely disappointed if there were other, non-WvW methods to get a Gift of Battle. But..... there are ways to get it that are as PvE-adjacent as you can get. At least the Gift of Battle isn't exclusively sold for skirmish tickets.... 😅

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, TheDeafGuy.4519 said:

    Yeah they need to do something about the legendary weapons from what I'm hearing.  I think they should have asystem that snapshots the legendary weapon stats  (sigils and infusions too) for the build you're CURRENTLY on and save it in the armory next to a blank copy so you can easily re-equip it from the armory.  This will still require you to open your hero panel and click on the weapon you want to replace.

    Yes! If the armory would remember what stats etc. I had on a legendary when swapping it out it would feel much more fluid. As it is now, it feels very clunky to swap from, say, staff to greatsword on my Necro and having to reselect all stats. It feels like a step down from just keeping weapons in my characters inventory and quick-swapping.


    (And I know templates are an option here, but an unnecessary one for the Legendary Armory imo.)

    • Like 2
  9. I tend to use Knight of the Thorn for my Sylvari, because... obviously. Some of my other favorite titles include: Illuminated, Ex Machina (this one is perfect for engineers), Dark Traveler, The Emperor, Master of Secrets, Mistwarden, and The Hunter.

    I don't care much about the exclusivity/prestige of a title or if it was tied to a difficult achievement, but more about if I think the phrase or word sounds interesting to me or matches a characters "theme".

  10. @firedragon.8953 said:Yeah, I don't like that it is visible to other active players as well. I keep thinking it is something I have to avoid and waste dodges when a downed player uses it.

    Same here. I knew the skill had been changed but had no idea it was now visible to everyone. I kept seeing expanding red circles at Gerent and thought it was an attack I hadn't noticed before or something, so I'd dodge out of it to be safe. Interesting.

  11. Is your current backpack one that is non-dyable? Because this is an issue that's been around since dyable backpacks became a thing. If you have a non-dyable backpack on, previewing any dyable backpack through the wardrobe moves the dye panel way off to the lower left side where it's unusable. If you transmute your backpack to one that is dyable, then the dye panel works as intended.

    Edit: I made a topic about this way back in December. Almost a year on and it's still an issue.

  12. (Note: I haven't made Verdarach specifically, but I have made many gen 2 and gen 2.5 legendaries.)

    Yes, once you purchase the first recipe from Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs you can craft the first tier of the precursor right away. After crafting it, you can then purchase the recipe for the second tier precursor (in this case, Lament), and after crafting Lament you can then buy the recipe for the actual ascended precursor, Call of the Void. Verdarach is one of the gen 2.5 legendaries, meaning there are no collections tied to crafting the precursor, it's all just straight crafting.

  13. Congrats! The skyscale is quite literally a game-changer and is absolutely my most-used mount now. Especially with the Bond of Vigor, it's so nice to be able to traverse horizontally or vertically without having to swap mounts. Of course I still use springer for quick CC and griffon if I'm starting high and want to get somewhere fast, but skyscale is just my favorite functionally and aesthetically. The first day I unlocked mine I used it to re-explore HoT maps. Figuring out how to get from ground level to the canopy in Verdant Brink was (and still is) super fun!

  14. 11,565 hours and I've had 2 precursor drops, both within the span of a few months. Got Dawn from an unidentified gear bag, and got The Hunter from the Matriarch chest in Verdant brink. Sold both to fund other legendaries. Within the span of those 2 precursor drops I also got the Aurillium infusion from Auric Basin (which I also sold to fund HOPE). Crazy, crazy RNG and now nothing for 2+ years.

  15. Not necessarily a mechanic but more a UI feature I guess. Absolutely unnecessary and pie-in-the-sky, but I would LOVE if we could chose the order our characters appear on the character select screen, and increase how many are shown at a time. Include how it is now (by play order, a single row of 7 you can scroll through) as an option, but being able to see more than 7 characters at a time by having more rows would make me so happy. Also the ability to put them and "lock" them in a certain order; I would personally love to always have my main character first, then all my crafting toons always together, then WvW toons, etc. Instead of shuffling back and forth and back and forth between 40+ characters to find the one I want, I would know exactly the order they'd be in.

    It's such a niche problem, and I've managed 5+ years without this and I'm sure I'll SOMEHOW continue to manage without it, but it would be handy. For me at least. ;)

  16. The two most recent episodes of Icebrood Saga are missing voice lines, but will eventually have voice lines added. From https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/110653/an-update-regarding-voice-acting-in-guild-wars-2:

    "While adjusting to developing Guild Wars 2 remotely, we’ve also been hard at work on solutions so we can move forward with our cast of over two dozen actors while keeping everyone safe. Our audio department created home recording kits for the voice actors, and on July 21 we recorded our first remote session!

    We’re recording the most immediate upcoming content first—the new fractal—so you can experience it with voice acting right away. We’ll also record voiceover for the “No Quarter” and “Jormag Rising” cinematics. In September we’ll work on recording the remainder of the content for Episodes 3 &4."

    There's no ETA that I've seen for when the episodes will be fully voiced (someone please feel free to add if I've missed it), but the fully-voiced fractal is coming next week so perhaps sooner rather than later.

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