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Posts posted by Markgov.2138

  1. Hello, 

    During the 2nd half of the main story and onwards I have had consistent disconnects after certain cutscenes and dialog sections. I tried the clientport 443 trick, mashing keys, as well as running a YouTube Video in the background which seemed to have fixed fixed problem for a bit but I eventually started disconnecting again. I then tried deleting the gamecache folder and that seemed to stop the dc's for a few story missions. I then experienced another dc in a later mission, deleted the game cache folder and then successfully got through that story mission. So now, every time I play gw2, I make sure I delete the game cache folder and have not experienced any disconnects since. I am just wondering if anyone knows why this is working and if there is a technical reason behind it? Does the gamecache folder really get corrupted that frequently or is something else going on? 

  2. Just updating hoping to possibly help some players out. When I originally started getting disconnected around "Battle of Claw Island", I started doing the following...

    - Clientport 443 added to target name in properties

    - Have a long YouTube video running in the background while playing

    - Continuously press movement and skill keys during cutscenes.

    Doing these 3 things helped me get through several story missions up until recently when I started getting disconnected again in the exact same spot after an unskippable cutscene. 


    What I am doing now is only 2 things and I have now successfully completed the story mission I was stuck on for a couple days. This is all still taking place during the core lv80 story missions by the way.


    What I did differently is I switched clientport 443 to 80. I read on reddit I believe that some story instances seem to work better with certain clientports. So if I have a disconnect again, I will either switch back to 443 or try a different clientport to see if that fixes it.


    The other thing I am doing is I cleared the game cash and I am actually thinking of doing this every time I launch the game just as a safety measure.


    Hopefully this helps some players out.

  3. I too am having the same issue after story cutscenes. Right after I see my character with a "film" icon over their head and then I disconnect and get kicked out to the character select screen. I didn't have this issue until around the "Battle of Claw Island" story missions. I have tried the client port 443 trick, as well as running a YouTube video in the background while playing and also hitting movement/skill keys during cutscenes and these have helped me successfully finish a few story instances but now they don't seem to be working on the current story step I'm on. I have also reached out to support and they have gotten me to try several things such as run programs like HijackThis, run as admin, compatibility mode and even creating a new windows account but I am 100% certain that there is nothing wrong with my computer as I don't have any issues with any other game. I also went through the traceroute procedure that they have on their website and in the results it shows that everything on my side is fine and that the packet loss is coming from their game servers. The fact that this issue has been going on for several years is ridiculous. I am considering dropping the game because its just not worth running through the same instances multiple times hoping that it doesn't crash. You shouldn't have to use workarounds either just to get the game to work. Fix your game. 

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