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Everything posted by draner.5213

  1. We're a raid static that runs Tuesday mornings at 0700-0900 EST/EDT. We're a mix of semi experienced and very experienced raiders. We work backwards from wing 7 and just try to get as many kills as we can, moving on if we fail a pull or two. For some bosses (Q1/dhuum) we're currently skipping over while some members train up on the fights. We're currently looking for a member that can either play banners or usually DPS and occasionally RR/alac-mirage on bosses where that's ideal. If you're a semi-experienced raider looking to up your game, or an experienced raider that likes the time slot, let me know.
  2. Looking for a static member that can fulfill multiple roles on the same character. One of our goals is to limit downtime by swapping builds within the same characters rather than swapping characters. Discord is required (that's how we operate/communicate), though you don't have to speak. We run Tuesday mornings 07:00 - 09:00 EDT. Tomorrow morning will be our first run with this group, though we're a guild that raids together frequently already. We are a pretty experienced group - I believe all of us have cleared everything, though some have only killed a few bosses a handful of time (such as dhuum/Q1). Some will be practicing specialized roles (i.e. dhuum greens, Q1 kiting, Q1 lamp, etc.) but we wont be specifically "training". Feel free to respond with your experience level, your preferred character, and what roles you can play on it. We're able to cover all specialized roles so far with our group so we aren't too particular. We definitely want at least both power and condi DPS on a single character.
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