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Kori Jenkins.9017

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Posts posted by Kori Jenkins.9017

  1. 3 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    What are you rushing towards? 

    The entire point of WvW as an endgame mode is that it's infinite. You cant "finish" it. Every new enemy encounter is unique - even when you repeat fight someone. 

    Do you have like... a deadline? 

    Because otherwise ascended work perfectly fine until you make your legendary sets. In fact it's kind of made so that you get them first.

    No one is rushing towards anything, they're simply comparing WvW reward gain rate to the other two methods of obtaining legendary armor, and it's absolutely horrendous. The only things that seem to take a relatively normal amount of time are Warbringer and Conflux. 



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  2. 15 hours ago, Twilight Tempest.7584 said:

    Somewhere in the past year (?) Anet acknowledged the WvW-compared-to-other-modes rewards disparity and the glacial rate of Skirmish Ticket gain, and suggested they want to improve these as part of their efforts towards making WvW a "cornerstone" game mode.  While it would seem relatively simple to implement, I suppose it's paced with World Restructuring development.

    it was fairly recent yeah, they said "more rewards" is something they want, but decided to prioritize alliances.


    My issue with that is, surely increasing the rewards in WvW is not hard at all. Why wait until after Alliances are finished to improve that part of the game mode? Just do it now and stop wasting our time. 

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  3. On 8/29/2022 at 4:25 PM, Telgum.6071 said:

    For zergs they are non existent. They will instantly die.

    For smallscalle they will only work if you play around them and against full melee enemies, and even then they can be easily disabled. Most people won't stand inside the areas like PvE mobs do.

    Sorta begs the question as to why they can even be attacked/killed at all. All it does is lower the damage output in PvE and make the legend non-existent in WvW/PvP. (Though in PvP I've gotten some use out of them from people who don't kill/move away from it)


    Seriously, imagine if you could just kill Dragon's Maw. Sound dumb? Well that's the state of every Kalla ability. 

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  4. On 8/27/2022 at 9:16 AM, Gorani.7205 said:

    Problem: In two to three weeks, everybody would be up in their repeatable Diamond chests and would run on "full reward mode" all the time. Also, that would require the repeatable Diamond chests to change to include Skirmish tickets.

    I assume your reasoning behind the suggestion is the lack of Skirmish Tickets you can acquire in one week. Therefore it would make more sense to normalize the tickets across all chests to get rid of the current "back loading" of the ticket rewards. Chest would drop roundabout what the gold chests currently do (search for my posts, I did the math for that a few weeks ago). Normal rewards from the chests would still escalate from "Wood to Diamond", so WvW mains can still profit from their bigger portion of game time compared to casual players.

    PS: Reward tracks need a boost to complete for general better loot. I think most of us can agree that during "special weeks" a +280 or +360 (depending on the amount or type of your boosters) per tick felt a lot more in line with what you can get in a PvE / festival meta (e.g. a single Boss Blitz gave me more loot that over an hour of intensive WvW two weeks ago).

    The bigger problem is it takes 15-20 hours to cap for the majority of players. I don't believe either raids or PvP take as long to earn the weekly rewards in as WvW does, and both are way more rewarding in other ways as well. With that amount of time required, most are having to negate the rest of the game entirely to reach the cap. 


    This also doesn't even begin to cover the fact that active play doesn't speed up the process at all. You'll cap just as quickly capping SMC over and over as you will running yaks to keeps with Netflix open. If it were up to me, you'd get pips for completing activities on top of the 5 minute ticks, maybe 1 for a camp capture, 2 for a tower, 3 for a keep, 4 for SMC with additional pips for x number of player kills. 


    The simple solution is to reduce the amount of time it takes to reach and complete Diamond. 

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  5. 5 hours ago, Farohna.6247 said:

    As opposed to bringing back the achievement that was for those?  I do agree the new tutorial ones should have achievement points.   But neither are exactly game ruining experiences that are a blemish upon one's account.

    Just because you don't understand why someone else would care primarily about achievement hunting doesn't mean they should just arbitrarily delete achievements with no warning. Someone who is a completionist is going to be very bothered by not being able to ever go back and finish that last achievement of the bunch, and the only reason they can't is a complete failure to communicate on the part of the developers. 

    Edit: You can spam confused all you want, it does not make it any less true, but certainly exposes your own lack of empathy. 

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  6. I really don't think GW3 ever gets made with the industry as it is, heavily favoring low-effort live-service games. The upfront cost of an MMO is staggering compared to less expensive and more profitable games that can be made. Compare how much work is involved in a Living World story patch to that of the average Fortnite update. A handful of skins in Fortnite vs an entire zone, voice acting work, armor and weapon skins, mastery implementations, narrative work, etc. 


    To put it plainly, there's a reason new MMO releases nearly ceased after Wildstar. There's a reason Valorant, League of Legends, GTA Online, Fortnite, etc. are smashing successes. The genre isn't overwhelmingly popular right now. The novelty of interacting with other human beings online has been replaced entirely by social media. What was once unique is no longer that. 

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  7. 4 hours ago, Monarc.9726 said:

    I love the new Decades Armor set for my Guardian, favorite set to date. Thanks, Anet, and whoever designed it! The cape is also amazing.

    My one note, which might seem silly considering how pleased I am with the design, is that it was so easy to obtain! For being (imo) one of the coolest sets in the game, it took me all of two days to collect. I guess that’s still better than it being a gem store item, but it seems like a lost opportunity to not build more content around collecting this set. It makes the set feel less valuable, although I appreciate the goal was probably to make it more accessible to entice newer players to explore the full game.


    All in all very happy with it.

    Rarity isn't all that tbh. Some of the most popular plate gear, for example, is the Revenant gear that is basically just given to you. 

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  8. 2 hours ago, Arnox.5128 said:

    I 95% agree. Make all the "land" weapons usuable underwater as well, and allow us to use the spear and speargun on land as new weapons.

    Would be a bit of work, but I think it would definitely be worth it, and we get two new weapons to play with. At the moment, underwater gear is such a chore to get and is too niche in the game to give much excitement.

    Absolutely want them to do this. Give life to the old aquatic weapons while also making underwater combat less irritating. Win win situation. 

  9. Sad that you're getting spammed confused on you when you're 100% right. 

    1 hour ago, Farohna.6247 said:

    I have a shiny weapon achieve I'll never complete because I don't participate in raids.  Boohoo to the blemish.

    Yeah, because someone being denied achievement points by the developers is definitely equal to you being a lazy. 

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  10. 7 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

    *gets out tinfoil*

    *shapes it into a hat and puts it on*

    I will be eating crow if there is a big sale tomorrow (or... later today, rather?), but... my pet hypothesis (and fair warning, this is gonna sound pretty doomer) is that despite stuff said about account numbers, the overall engagement with the game is in decline and they are concerned that sales too good will cause a too small playerbase to get most of what they want all at once and then not spend much in future financial quarters. And that said decline is why they turned to steam after all these years, with a hope to turn the ship around.

    If I was doing occam's razor tho, I would say it's probably just that they are understaffed and have barely anyone managing the store. Which I guess is doomer in its own way too.

    Well, I tried to find a less doomer outlook. 😛

    The playerbase has absolutely grown. PoF was absolutely outsold by EOD. There are certain things they cannot legally lie about. Sure, maybe there's some weird metric they look at that shows players are engaging less with certain elements of the game,  but I doubt it's related to a decline.


    I don't really believe expansion 4 would've been announced as early as it has been if the game was on the brink of death. Realistically as WoW continues to bleed to death, people get turned away immediately by the awful FF14 introduction, and ESO "balanced" the playerbase into quitting entirely, GW2 only stands to gain from that. I assume the executives are aware of that. 


    The Steam release doesn't feel like it was particularly for any reason other than the industry having shifted from "each game has a launcher" to things like Steam or Origin or Epic long ago. GW2 was simply well behind in jumping on that wagon. It doesn't hurt that it will increase engagement with the game. 


    It does seem a bit weird that there are no sales though. I don't think it's due to the in-game store being understaffed, realistically it probably takes them 5 minutes a day to manage. 

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  11. 3 hours ago, Miragen.6127 said:


    I don't think bank tabs, backpacks slots are really 'shinies' as much as 'essentials'.. before you even hit level 80 as a new player you'll be constantly managing your inventory every 5 minutes and your bank will very quickly max out on materials.

    You don't run into these issues in games without a cash shop, it's creating an inconvenience to sell convenience and people refuse to acknowledge it.


    Edit: Would love for the people who leave confused reactions to every single one of my posts to actually come up with some arguments themselves.

    Yeah you'd love for them to do that, wouldn't you? 


    Reaction system on this forum needs to be thrown into the sun. Discourages discussion, encourages spamming them. 

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  12. On 8/24/2022 at 2:28 PM, Miragen.6127 said:


    Great, really enticing for new players to have to pay a $100 and then they can splurge on the cash shop on sales and a $25 steam pack because $100 wasn't enough yet as an investment.

    Confused reactions to this are funny given that it's absolutely true lol. 

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  13. 5 hours ago, GeneralBM.5781 said:


    You're looking at shield in its current state all wrong. It cannot be realistically considered a support weapon, it's more like the bruiser add-on, meaning it's inherently selfish.

    Therefore you should look to damage builds to synergize with it, not support (ie power or condi).


    If Anet decides to add group healing on s5/longer & more valuable boons to it/light field, then maybe you'd be right in wanting a good support main-hand to pair it with. But for what it does currently, it works well with damage.

    That's true, maybe they should straight up buff it to be more viable for that role, because it's certainly not seeing much use now. 


  14. 8 hours ago, Whirlygig.9685 said:

    They were talking about a new 'adventure guide' that we now know replaces ours and they did not think at any point to mention this? not that i think they should have removed them, because i don't , it does not have any rationalisation that is reasonable.


    To make it worse for me, i was trying to persuade a couple of people to get an account as they only really game on steam, so i was waiting until steam launch with an offer to buy a new character slot and do all the tutorial areas ( 25 things per map needed for each) with them, and get my achievements!



    THAT is the problem. It's not the removal, it's the fact that there was no warning whatsoever. A complete lack of awareness that there's a sizable portion of their game that focuses on achievement hunting, which they've now spurned. 


    I'm not really an achievement hunter, but I fully understand how irritating it is to be told you can no longer get something after the fact. 


    The worst part is, just because they added a new set of tutorial achievements doesn't make the old ones obsolete. They had no reason at all to remove them; the current game would not have been impacted in any way by having two sets. Absolutely baffling. 

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  15. I feel like shield's main issue isn't just that it's terrible, but that it doesn't really have a main hand weapon that synergizes well with it. I guess you can just throw a sword on and alternate between shield and staff as a support Herald (hell, maybe people actually do that) but shield is still weak even as a swap during staff CDs and pretty much all other supports will outclass you. 


    It's not an issue I expect they can fix either. If they were to add scepter or something in the future, it'd be locked behind an elite spec (and wouldn't be able to take a shield in the off-hand because shield is locked behind Herald). 


    Sorta feels like the class lacks a bit of flexibility because of the core weapons available to it in HoT. One ranged option back then, no ranged condi core options, no support main hand weapon. The problem, obviously, is that if we didn't get it then we will never get it. They aren't going to add a main hand support core weapon in a random patch, so shield will just suck forever because Rev will always be more valuable with other builds. 

  16. Not for other players. This isn't a "I'm sick of seeing everyone else's effects >:(" post. This is mainly in reference to dual wield weapon loadouts that completely negate the footprints of whatever off-hand weapon you're using if wielding a main hand legendary. Say I really like the appearance of Eureka but prefer the footprints of whatever off-hand weapon I'm using, the only way I can have those footprints take priority is to transmute Eureka into something else.


    It seems like it would be extremely easy for Anet to just make a slumbering version of the weapon as a skin and grant it to players with the weapon unlocked in their armory, with footprints turned off to allow the player to either disable them for themselves, or have the off-hand weapon take priority without compromising whatever appearance they might be going for. 



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  17. I think it sucks, but that's admittedly because the beta took me out of the ROFLstomp that was the Mag/FC link for a week and denied me easy first place pips. 


    If I'd been in a mediocre matchup I think it would've been about the same. Was on Moogaloo for the record, it wasn't really that bad. 

  18. On 8/16/2022 at 2:08 PM, Odin.6487 said:

    you mean the 4 meta events that you run on repeat?

    Good grief what a response lol. 


    It's so true though. They've pretty much just been ignoring all content that isn't open-world PvE. 

    On 8/16/2022 at 11:03 PM, Izzy.2951 said:

    In the past they already added that chest that gives 5 gold after doing a few different dungeons. And recently, they added a gold unidentified piece of gear in the chest of the dungeon bosses.

    Doing dungeons is pretty okay to win gold, aswell as gear/runes etc. The only thing is that is old content, and that the LFG is so so bad that you cannot even see all the dungeons forming in 1 click.

    LFG needed a revamp before the Steam launch. I think it's going to be viewed as a mistake that they didn't do this. 

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  19. On 4/24/2022 at 8:15 AM, kharmin.7683 said:

    Ok, so you've complained.  How about some constructive suggestions that you feel would better help the new player experience?  How do you think that you could make it better?

    Why should he provide free solutions to Anet when they're the ones being paid?


    Ultimately, he's right. The initial levels in this game are obscenely boring. The story isn't even consequential and your choices in it don't have any meaningful impact. In a way it reminds me a lot of Wildstar (god help us) in that the leveling grind for a brand new player is so long most are burnt out by the end and just quit. 

    On 4/24/2022 at 3:58 PM, mindcircus.1506 said:

    There is a ton of truth in what you are saying here. I find it really unfortunate that the mob is spamming confused faces on your post.

    That's just how the forums are at this point. People spam confused reactions to show their disapproval, and they usually disapprove of something not because they disagree, but because it offends them to think the game they've put thousands of hours into is flawed in a major way.


    The same phenomenon used to happen on the WoW forums a lot. People would confuse criticism of the game for criticism of them for playing the game. Essentially "if you're saying this game is bad, you're calling me stupid for continuing to play it." 

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  20. 15 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    You get Raptor unlocked when a character hits any tier in multiples of 10 level, now. 

    The basic raptor isn't really that useful and won't allow him to keep up with any HP train he joins. 

    18 hours ago, firedragon.8953 said:

    Nothing new to add. 


    It doesn't take 15-20 hours to unlock an elite spec. It takes about 2 hrs to get the need HP by either joining a HoT HP train (check lfg), or soloing PoF or EoD HPs.

    You can get the "feel" of elite specs without doing much (getting an alt to lvl 3, I think?) by just playing some sPvP or practicing on the PvP lobby's golem. GW2 let's you play a new fully unlocked "class" easier than most (maybe all?) MMOs I've ever played.

    He's already stated he doesn't have leveled mounts. Keeping up with any HP train is going to be impossible without them, as a large amount of people have finished their skyscales and fully mastered every mount. 


    His realistic options are to do just the commune HoT HPs, whichever PoF HPs he can do without the mounts (and a fair amount require them for navigating the terrain, especially when you get to Elon Musklands), grind WvW for proofs, or simply do the slog of the PoF story without an elite spec. 


    It's entirely understandable why he's frustrated if you've played on a brand new account recently. Basic raptor, which sucks, and no gliding. Navigating the terrain has become so easy with masteries that I feel a lot of us have forgotten just how painful it used to be. 

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