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Posts posted by JiggyStar.6204

  1. Hello

    My name is Jiggy and I am a necromancer main. I must say I am outraged at the news that necromancer is getting a sword. The class does not need another one-handed weapon! It needs more diversity into it, another 2-hander. So far it only has the staff and greatsword. Give it the HAMMER!

    You can not tease us with Dhuum and his weapon collection and not give us the option to be little dhuums ourselves. It is so unfair. How am I supposed to use all those cool hammer skins I have unlocked? My necro needs the hammer! It needs the diversity of 2-handed weapons! Stop it with these one-handers all the time. 
    Need help designing the move set for hammer? I can help you with that. In fact let me start now:

    Attack 1 - A swing with a cone-shaped poison effect, a second swing, a spin that focuses on knocking back one target. 
    Attack 2 - A slam with an AOE effect. Summons a graveling for every foe stuck, up to 5.
    Attack 3 - Can't have hammer without a leap. A ghostly leap that leaves a trail of poison for 1-2s and foe struck gets hit with 1,6s fear. Not a hard-hitting skill.
    And more. To sleepy to write suggestions, but you get the point.

    How about you, friends? Do you think Necromancer should get hammer? Where are my hammer bros? 

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  2. What everyone else said + 
    Why pistol? Who came up with that decision? How did you come up with that decision? Necromancer doesn't need any more ranged weapons. 
    Hammer. Hammer is what necromancers need. 

    P.S.: Couldn't you just give legendaries to beta characters instead of clustering inventories with rare gear? Oh and why are beta characters allowed in RANKED spvp? 

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  3. So... Here I am.
    First ever forum post (I've been playing since launch) and it is not on a happy note. 
    Let me tell you my story from tonight's 3v3 matches and I am pretty sure others have experienced this.

    With a guildmate we double queue for 3v3. We won two games and I got to 1510 rating (Finally can wear that plat badge again). But then we queued up against of 2 necros and 1 not logged in yet. When the third person loaded in he was a necro too. We were up against a team of 3 necros. (For those who don't know: You can not queue up as 3 of the same class.) And of course our team got completely destroyed. It wasn't even fun.
    We reported for match manipulation and moved on. Of course I lost more points in that match than I can win back. Two wins after I got back to Platinum. And guess what! Just two games after the first nightmare we got queued up against the necro trio again. Of course we lost. Of course I fell off platinum again. Yada yada another bad day in PvP, right? 
    We were having doubts about the 'no more than two of the same class' rule, so we decided to test it out.
    The game did not let us queue as three of the same class. So how did they do it? 

    I can not name the people, because I did not write down their account names. My friend got on with that. All I did was report them for match manipulation and I believe I did the right thing.
    Have you had such experiences? 

    P.S.: Sucks you lose more points than you can win, but understandable. 


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