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Posts posted by Marikus.1875

  1. 1 hour ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    He is just streaming on YouTube and made valid points on why he is currently enjoying WoW more: because it provides way more content and he is currently bored in GW2 for he's got nothing really to do and considers Rift hunting a completely mind-numbing activity that bores him to death.


    WoW does not give "more content"... it's the same gear treadmill every. single. patch. Every patch is the same formula and it's all so artificial because it's just chasing the latest catch-up/seasonal gear...that's it! If you don't enjoy the 2-3 raids per expansion, the 8 new mythic+ dungeons, and incredibly inaccessible PvP unless you're a sweatlord who plays 14 hours a day or buys carries...you are not going to enjoy WoW. The "open world" content they've been releasing lately is laughably bad and becomes irrelevant weeks after launch (see the caverns...)

    The real problem here is burnout, the same as a WoW vet who's been playing since Vanilla for almost two decades...

    You have vanilla players there coming here and vice versa... this has nothing to do with "content" and everything to do with some people just playing too dang much and not diversifying their time. These games are MMO's but they weren't designed to be played 8 hours per day everyday, I don't think any game ever created has that much unique replayable content... at some point you're replaying existing content within a standard gameplay loop...

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  2. The LFG tool was arguably the start of WoWs social downfall. If you want a lobby Q simulator, that's the way to go.

    There is absolutely no reason we need that in GW2. 

    If you want to do instanced content, be social, like an MMO requires, and find one.

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  3. 10 hours ago, Lucy.3728 said:

    Opposite, it speeds the story completion up since you don't need to interrupt the story-playing to level up to reach the next minimum level to start the next chapter. And you may have the needed waypoints by then too. Saves you to puzzle out how to reach the next instance fastest.

    This...this just makes incredible sense. Thank you, I will do this.

  4. 17 minutes ago, Heibi.4251 said:

    Gyala Delve is only about 1 year old. LOL

    Be happy you had those 20 people in 1 year old content lol. 

    I also especially love how no mention of server/time OP was on was mentioned. 

    Could have been at 1am on a Thursday for all we know...CONTEXT FOLKS, IT MATTERS.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Heibi.4251 said:

    Just did the meta in Gyala Delve. Barely had 20 people. We were able to finish the first and second meta.  And once we finished the original metas we had fewer. The Third meta(Legendary Ravenous Wanderer) needs massive numbers. We failed miserably. Couldn't even get the boss to 75%. The fight does not scale at all. 

    The main reason this angers me is because the third meta fight is tied to an achievement collection that can't be done anymore due to the map being a ghost town. Either make the fight scale or make the achievement count even on time failure.

    In WoW, we don't even have people running in old zones. They are literal ghost zones.

    Be happy you had those 20 people in 10 year old content lol.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Morvran.8265 said:

    Not just Teapot, we're kind of losing everyone.

    I was afraid this would happen. Living story works only as filler content between expansions, rebranding it as a mini expansion while cutting expansions doesn't work.

    This should come as a surprise to absolutely noone since this model has failed twice already (S1 and IBS).

    I think Anet knows this. They are sunsetting the game while charging us a bit more to fund their other projects, they don't mind if GW2 dies.

    There's nothing in sight that would revitalize the game. We're officially in managed decline and content creators have noticed.

    That Horizon MMO better be good, Anet..

    and you've made all of these opinions without a shred of verifiable proof just anecdotal interpretations...

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  7. 7 minutes ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

    As a new CEO, I first would like to Congratulate my Support Team, Forum Moderation Team, Production Team, Program Team, Art and Design Team and other Team that I forgot to list aside

    This is precisely why you will never be CEO. Because you can't give credit or appreciation where it's due. Your fellow capitalist CEO colleagues will take one wiff of that humbleness and cast you out. You'll never get another golden parachute opportunity again after that.

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  8. 4 hours ago, illuminati.8453 said:

    I've never seen a company abandon features as much as Anet.

    then you haven't played WoW...the devs literally reinvent the game every single 2 years with each new expansion...there's features every 2 years that are abandoned...it's madness...there must be over 100 features that have been abandoned...so I don't want to hear anyone complain about that here...we have it GOOD.

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  9. how often does gem stuff cycle? is there a calendar somewhere that shows what's going to be available when for those of us who are freshly back to the game?

    what are your thoughts on the travelers appearance? 

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