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Everything posted by Cromyth.8302

  1. I was able to resolve the issue. For some reason, the form did not like what I was attempting to name the API key, so I cleared my LocalStorage and changed the name to "Test" and it seems to be working fine now. Not sure what was causing the Name field to not read properly. If I were to make a suggestion, I'd say maybe having the error appear around the textbox itself or return focus to the textbox, I had to dig through to see what that match was referring to. I also tried leaving the field blank all together and encountered the same error. I threw a "required" attribute to the end of the HTML element and it stopped it from occurring so that could be an easy fix
  2. Hey yall, I'm attempting to generate an API key for my account and I'm experiencing some strange behavior. I tried to take a look around to see if anyone else has reported this but I'm not coming across anything so I figured I'd report it here. When attempting to generate the key I'm getting the following error in my console: The error is the same regardless of what options I have selected, the error actually prompts when selecting/unselecting any of the options as well. Issue occurs in any browser. As for the GUI, the only thing that I'm getting is a banner across the top of the page with a red warning triangle. I inspected the element and there's no text to go along with it unfortunately. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
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