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Posts posted by marmaladebacon.2064

  1. On 6/25/2024 at 12:43 PM, Santo.2419 said:

    Pretty sure that in the live stream they said that it is only visible to you, and not you allies. They just see the circle as a marker (maybe it'll be an option?). 

    This prob does not fix the problem if it's about what the caster can see themselves. But at least you will not be covering for allies.

    yea, definitely would prefer if it doesn't obscure the caster's view as well!

    • Like 1
  2. 34 minutes ago, ippy.9048 said:

    This is completely my personal opinion,

    but I don't think beautiful effects will be removed or given an on/off option because they are, in a sense,

    in a trade-off relationship with powerful functions.

    In other words, large and beautiful effects have the disadvantage of being easily spotted by enemies.

    It seems that this disadvantage is traded off for the powerful functions they provide.

    Should the effects be visible in PvP to allow counterplay from the enemy team? Sure, that is valid design. Should the effects be disruptive to your teammates and your own efforts when doing mechanics in a PvE setting? No, because that would just lead to the weapon not being used. Your teammates would hate you for it and request you switch or be kicked, and if it's not being used then what's the point of all the dev time making the weapon?
    Some middle ground like removing the atrocious oil spill effect under the ley lines glyph while keeping the glyph lines and making it translucent would be a good start. The effects would still be large and beautiful minus the oil spill.

    An example of a player controlled skill just trolling teammates is the RDM's Limit Break 3 in FFXIV, it's basically a flashy skill that covers the arena and makes it impossible to see common mechanics like an enemy aoe until it's too late, this video being a great example.  FFXIV allows you to toggle off other player effects, but not their limit break. And therein led to the unintentional griefing.


    • Like 2
  3. 14 hours ago, Noodle Ant.1605 said:

    except visuals like these are heavily culled for allies, so theyll only see that the ele went downstate and not the visual vomit that caused them to miss that red circle

    even if that's true, they still need to solve the visual clutter for the ele themselves by not having an opaque black mess under the leylines blocking mechanics.

    • Like 3
  4. Finally


    As for the balance update, here’s what we’re looking to address:

    •   Improving the feeling of moment-to-moment gameplay for many boon support builds. We want these builds to have more flexibility in their utility skill choice, and not be required to press a particular utility type on cooldown to provide quickness or alacrity.
    •   Introducing alternate playstyles for some specializations, including quickness-support deadeye and damage builds for druid and tempest.


  5. I enjoy the mesmer(Chrono, Mirage, not so much Virt) playstyle but I was wondering if there was a recommended support healer build for mesmer for endgame pve eg raids, t4 fractals and strikes? Looking around snowcrows and metabattle i can't find any. Since i mostly play pug i don't think groups would understand if it's off-meta.
    Also i'm not able to find a build that utilizes the Inspiration traitline effectively, is it just not viable at all?

    • Sad 1
  6. To add on to this list, PLEASE GIVE US THE OPTION to toggle off PERSISTENT spec effects.

    Some of the more annoying ones that come to mind, in my opinion:
    * Herald's weird circle ui underneath the character which sometimes persist even after switching out of herald spec. imo this is a unnecessary and noisy addition which does not display properly on uneven ground, which is much of the game in addition to the bug mentioned above

    * Virtuoso mind daggers (yes mentioned but it's infuriating when it takes you out of the non-combat pose)
    * Scrapper's orange floating bot being there all the time, it's distracting
    * Soulbeast green effect (i've seen that being mentioned but while i personally don't mind it i can see how it can be annoying for others playing the glamour game)

    Again, i'm just asking for a toggle, even if it's just something that controls the visuals on the client side (but others can still see it on your character). For reference, something like the summoner's pets size toggle in FFXIV.


    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  7. Back on the premise, teapot just released a new video explaining the problem much better than i could, tldr: support boon providers that need to use all their utility slots to provide max boon uptime and by mashing those utilities as they go off cooldown feels terrible because you don't get to use those same utilities to actually react to fights. And it feels doubly terrible because we do have a profession(mechanist) that is able to provide full alacrity using profession mechanics and traits and not utility skills, freeing them to choose utilities depending on the encounter.


    • Like 1
  8. 19 hours ago, Mungo Zen.9364 said:

    This is an important factor here.

    Anet could create a trait which simply says 'Every 5 seconds buff 5s Alac (or Quick) in 360 degrees'  and then you just take your boon provider and sit in the middle of the squad and do nothing different.

    Like what is the actual point of all the work some professions need to invest into providing a boon?  There is absolutely no payoff for being a good boon provider.  There is also not much of a punishment for being a bad boon provider.  Either you do it or you don't. 

    Hear me out here, I actually tend towards the opinion quickness and alacrity should never have been added to the game in the first place, since these buffs provide an oversized benefit to player power. You hardly have anyone creating a build centered around 100% regen for example, or 100% protection, but you get quick or alac builds.

    19 hours ago, Mungo Zen.9364 said:

    To the OP, I am not a fan of your suggestion.

    Quick and Alac should appear in this game in 2 methods only:

    1 - Self buffed only.  In this case we would want to create builds that can self-buff 24/7 Quick or Alac to create unique playstyles.

    2 - 5 Player Short Duration Long CD Buff.  Used to pump up your team for burn phases such as after CC is broken.

    Having Quick and Alac 24/7 in PvE is such a bad choice and I hope Anet finds the stones to go back to the drawing board on this one.

    and, if you think it is too late to back out of how they have implemented Quick and Alac, this is software, they can do anything they want with it, include right this mistake they have made.

    If they had been judicious with how quick and alac has been (also possibly having lowered effectiveness in the first place) and applied with your 2 methods, we might not be having this discussion.  The original post is how the meta for certain quickness and alac providers are centered around spamming certain abilities and discouraging actual decision making especially if said ability also has other useful properties such as a group stun break or defiance bar breaking. This isn't interesting gameplay at all.

    The problem is not just software related, this is where I would disagree with you. Reworking to have quickness and alacrity providers be as you described would include rebalancing many things to take into account the diminished quickness and alacrity provided in PvP, PvE mob health, and potentially affect other properties of the 'rebalanced' skill such as it's other effects. There's probably a lot of work that goes into testing, rebalancing and testing again that we won't ever see.

    Player expectations on player power has been set, and there has to be much better communication and "preparing the ground" so that players are not just blindsided by the changes. If they want to do what you mentioned rightly and back out much of the changes. Again this requires  time and discussion to align on how players should be informed and I don't think this is a simple process, especially if this can affect player retention.

    My point with this post is to provide a passable solution that can achieve a quality of life improvement without upsetting the entirety of the current balance and in a relatively easy implementation, which i could be wrong as I do not have access to their workflows or code. I may not have foreseen all ends and hence I welcome the discussion.

    Maybe we will have reduced alacrity and quickness providers as part of the goals in our upcoming dev manifesto in November, but I am unsure based on the current trajectory of patch balance.

    • Like 1
  9. Not sure if anyone's mentioned this before, but here's an idea to reduce spam


    Spamming abilities to achieve a usable amount of preferred boons such as alacrity or quickness is overly repetitive and deprives the player of the opportunity to use certain abilities in a useful manner such as a stun break, defiance bar destruction, projectile block etc. For example with quickness herald the current rotation to upkeep quickness is to consume facets as soon as they are activated in order to maintain 100% quickness uptime. For heal FB it is to spam mantra of potence off cd and their heal skill. (in fact for the FB trait it already has an internal cooldown for quickness generation!)

    For elementalists the need to continually overload as soon as it is off cooldown as tempest to upkeep alacrity can potentially lock them out overloads when they are most useful.



    Reduce unnecessary spam by increasing base boon duration for the alac/quickness trait, and introducing an internal cooldown. Just as an example with draconic echo, instead of producing 2 seconds of quickness, we could have a base 8 seconds of quickness with a 12 second internal cooldown, so players would still have to spec into concentration to achieve the desired 100% uptime, but it makes spamming abilities off cooldown unnecessary for generating quickness.



    Less spamming of abilities just for the desired boon

    Better readability of total boon uptime and appreciable difference when investing into concentration. Reading a 0.2 or 0.5 seconds increase in quickness uptime in the trait tooltip feels terrible after investing in an additional an extra 200 concentration for example

    Encourage more players into the support role, without requiring a high spam floor.



    Internal cooldowns have always been annoying to manage since they are often not actively shown, or are shown as a tiny buff icon when available and missing when it is not.


    • Like 4
    • Thanks 4
  10. Hi, new player to gw2 here, really enjoy the Charr animations, only this is sticking out for me so far.

    With the hammer/staff drawn on the revenant, (possibly affecting all professions whose race is Charr) there is an odd frame with a fully extended right leg on the charr while running. 
    Slowing the playback down to 0.5 shows the right leg momentarily fully extended before snapping back into the rest of the running animation.

    Comparing the above to the 1h weapon like a sword, the running animation is perfectly smooth, would it be possible to use those frames (i'm not an animator, no idea what this entails in the engine but just asking) instead?


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