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Posts posted by Dakiaris.2798

  1. story is ok but has some very blatant political messaging it's mostly easy to ignore though. The general story was decent though.

    Class balance is very... I'll just say bad and direct you to the respective forums you'll get a better picture there.... I suggest just picking a class you enjoy for it and sticking to it till they do a balance pass.

    play time if you sit and go through the story is around 6-7 hours if you don't skip the dialog and only do the story missions. Mapping and stuff is a bit longer.

    Fishing feels ok nothing to write home about.

    Maps are all good though they do feel a bit smaller than pof was at launch. Overall though they are nice.


    Overall I would give the expansion a 6.8/10

    It's nothing to write home about but it's worth the play through at least once and the game is the same gw2 you've known all this time.

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  2. My suggestions are this.


    Unlink rocket punch from the mace and just make it weapon slot 3.

    Bring back jade siphon and link it to weapon slot 4.


    This allows you to use pistols/rifle/shield with mech without losing anything while also adding jade siphon back which was a nice little ability.

    Another is having the boon copy on the shift signet makes it feel mandatory I would rather see it moved to one of the minor traits to make shift signet a optional ability.

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  3. Honestly I think 1/2 of the power should be the engineer and 1/2 of it should be from the mech. The mech is already more impactful than a rangers pet not just from damage but the actives being more impactful.


    I wouldn't mind if the power they shifted to the engineer through triggered golem abilities similar to how they did with rocket punch. Like honestly I feel like they should bring back jade siphon but link it to weapon slot 4 and delink the rocket fist from the mace and instead have that as weapon slot 3.


    I didn't mean simply give the engineer more raw damage but I want the engineers abilities to feel more impactful and to feel more control over the mech instead of it just auto attacking while the f keys are on cooldown.

  4. 2 hours ago, Swizzle.7982 said:

    Why not just make this baseline for how the mech works? Literally everyone is going to take this signet for this effect. So making it baseline changes nothing - everything still has this effect. The only difference is that people now have a choice, do they want a speed boost and shadow step, or do they want something else?



    Honestly I think they could do 2 things to balance it some one of which was posted in another thread. Make the mech have set stats and just use a amulet slot similiar to pvp that you can select stats for your mech. This would give static numbers that you could build around and also open up a lot of options for building the mech. The other would be move that from shift signet and instead put it on the minior trait so that you don't have to take it everywhere.


    There's a lot of changes though so I don't expect to see anything like that done.

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  5. Honestly I think this would make it easier to balance in the long run since the mech would have the flat 1k stats baseline then the set stats of the amulet.


    The amount of work they would need to do to make it work this way would be massive though.


    Honestly I still feel like more power should be shifted to the engineer themselves.

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  6. 7 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

    As far as I know, CMC even made an exact statement that this is how they would like to approach balance.

    Overnerfing something to the ground, then slowly buffing it up bit by bit until it turns out right. So we just gotta live with being bad for a while.

    Yea I think I heard him say something similar on teapots stream. Honestly I think that way of balancing really sours enthusiasm a lot of people have in something. Like doing small nerfs to bring it down feels better in the long run... Also I feel like they went as heavy handed as they did to also kill hype to lower the number of people playing engineer so they don't have a constant stream of "I WANNA DYE MY MECH PLZ" posts that would pop up on launch day since you see how bad it is now.

    I just wish that they didn't heavy hand it quiet as much as they did... The full removal of jade siphon also removed a very very powerful ability because it was one of the hardest hitting mech abilities and they straight yeeted it into the fire along with all of the other nerfs.

  7. Honestly simply giving back the toolbelt skill only for the healing slot and making the mech turn into a little jade submarine would go a long way to helping with this issue. Like rangers get underwater pets so the tech is in the game to have a underwater pet. transforming it and letting it shoot torpedos or something would fix the underwater isssue.... Or increase the frequency of the barrage while under water while allowing you to use underwater versions of the f skills.


    As it stands now it's feeling more and more like they are going to release the mech in a broken state and it will stay that way for a few months after launch at the very least.

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  8. 32 minutes ago, Adrianna.3092 said:

    um...one of the traits gives the mech your precision... which is why they removed all of its base precision cus having base precision + your precision was too much giving your mech essentially 100% critchance before...but now that trait is mandatory for crit builds...

    The trait is bugged out. It shows your pet with precision when you view its stats but if you just have it attacking a golem in the test area you'll notice no matter what it only crits around 1 in 13 hits and if you give it fury it only crits roughly 1/4 of the time meaning the crit chance is only 5% base + 20% from fury. If you don't give it fury it feels like it never crits.

    I should mention the precision you gain from the mass distributor does show on the stat page of the golem to be affecting it but in practice it's as if it's not affecting it.

    Also the beam on the ult skill is a really good test as well since it is 5 ticks you'll notice that out of those 5 ticks you usually only get 1 crit tick.

    On top of all these issues the % damage/boon/condition bonuses of runes and sigils don't apply to the bot.

    LIke if you're running say rune of strength with a sigil of strength. The +% might duration doesn't apply to your bot due to it not being straight concentration and the +5% damage from the 6 set only applies to the engineer themselves and the sigil of strength only procs on the engineers crits and not the mechs.


    The other thing they changed was the double dipping that was happening with might how you would get might and a portion of the power/condi you got from that might would go to your mech while your mech was also getting might which ended up with the power scaling being way high.


    Honestly they hit with a multi pronged nerf that ended up yeeting the power off a cliff without really compensating the engineer themselves... Going from .6 to .8 scaling on the mace no.1 was a nice little buff but if they really wanted to fix it they should have linked jade siphon to no.4 and rocket fist to no.3 not just the mace but the slot itself so you can use other weapons.


    Honestly the way it stands now I don't think we're going to see much change between now and launch and honestly I feel like this will be the 3rd expansion in a row where engineer gets released in a sorry state that doesn't get fixed till quiet awhile after launch.

    • Like 3
  9. I posted about this awhile ago and people kept "lul get friends"ing me so I stand my ground and say if it launches like this it's going to disappoint a lot of people. Making a headlining feature of the expansion require 2 people is a very bold move since most people are already lukewarm on the expansion due to the especs mostly being reused animations and very meh feeling.


    Some will say I'm just a pessimist but honestly I'm not alone.

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  10. 12 minutes ago, hash.8462 said:

    LOL, not only damage, since all base stats including toughness have been nerfed, the mech is not even able to tank for you as you always have higher defence than him so you are always the target when fighting a boss!    🤣

    I honestly don't know how they took something that felt really good previous beta and just broke it to the point of feeling really kittening bad this expansion.... They simply had to lower the base power a little and it would have been fine.


    I should at least give one good thing about it. The pet commands do make it feel better since you can control it better... The removal of jade siphon though is actually noticable since it fully lost that ability. Rocket fist being on the mace 3 needs to be made to be all weapon 3s or weapon 2.

  11. They said it's because precision does nothing till 1000 and having the golem with 1000 then gaining a passive 25% of your precision was boosting it to much.


    What they did was make it have 0 precision and 5% base crit chance and if you choose mass distributor it gets 100% of your precision so it has the exact same critical strike chance as you....


    The issue is that it's showing on the tooltip for your golems stats but in practice it's only getting the 5% base crit from what I've been testing. So far I'm at 30 minutes of just letting it auto attack with fury and it's only 24% crit on average right now. I'm just ticking 2 tickers to keep track and breaking every 15 minutes to figure out the average.

  12. The golem isn't critting like it should.


    The paper doll says that it has 70% crit chance but sitting here for the past 15 minutes letting it auto attack the golem I've noticed that even with mass distributor the thing is only critting at 25% which is due to having fury and the base 5% chance.

  13. It's a kit so I don't think they are going to do it. Engineer has been stuck with the same look for kits since gw2 launch with only slight tweaks to the models after the hobo sack got removed. Since then they have forgotten kits exist considering most legendary effects don't even show up on them.


    I hate being a pessimist about it but after all these years and the utter lack of support given to kits I just don't see this changing. Customizing the mech as much as everyone wants it is going to fall into the same vein and I seriously doubt they will do anything to allow us to dye them.

  14. 53 minutes ago, Teratus.2859 said:

    Is kinda more a novelty much like Warclaw is in PvE (since Anet won't just make that a core game mount already)
    But im still glad to have both of them.

    I'm very much looking forward to forcing the turtle into active roles against certain event bosses etc, I'd love to see more stuff like that being done in Gw2, and PoF missed a big chance to do that as well.

    Imagine if they had put a giant sand elemental world boss in PoF that would have phases where it put up a huge sandstorm barrier around itself and the only way to get through it and break his Breakbar would be to use the Sand Jackels teleport.
    That would have been pretty awesome.

    It could even have had another phase where it erected sand walls around itself and you would have had to jump over them with springer to break his bar as well.

    We could have had another roaming boss like the Ley Line Anomaly which would eventually flee really really quickly (like bloodstone moa) and players would have to chase it down on their Beetles and ram it with their skill 1 to trip it up and stun it.

    The problem with doing cool stuff like this though is that Anet doesn't like making content based around stuff that many players may not have access too, like mounts released in living world or an older expansion..
    Imo this is a huge self imposed ball and chain and was a genuine concern a lot of us previously had about EoD before they confirmed that some PoF mounts would be given away in EoD so they wouldn't have to restrict their map design to count for people who didn't bother playing PoF thus wouldn't have them.
    Imo though they should not be afraid to do this once in a while.
    Other players will have those mounts so it's hardly like situations where you have a map full of people who cannot do the boss will ever really exist anyway, and there's probably a way to scale the breakbar phase to only count players who have the mount as well.
    Plus it's incentive to get those players to go back and actually purchase and play older content to obtain those useful mounts/mechanics.. and that's a very good thing imo.

    You know I wouldn't be that bothered by it being a novelty..... If it was usable in wvw like the warclaw. However all we can do is use it in pve so the fact it's a novelty in the only place you can use it kinda killed my hype for the mount. The only reason everyone is going to end up getting the mount mastery in the long run is just for the bonus health to other mounts.

    • Like 1
  15. 25 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

    Sadly true.

    I was trying to make a power damage build once again for mechanist today. Of course, wanted to take the force signet for 10% more strike damage. Then asking myself which other skills to take with me for power damage.

    Rifle turret? Nope, got no surprise shot.

    Throw mine? Nope, got no mine field.

    Personal battering ram? Nope, got no launch for it.

    Rocket turret? Nope, got no rocket.


    The removal of toolbelt really makes many skills not feel worth taking.


    I really hope they do something to fix the lack of toolbelt... The damage in pve last beta was honestly fine but with what they did they stripped roughly 40% of the dps for power and about the same for condi. I honestly feel like all the changes were a knee jerk reaction to people screaming bloody murder in pvp.

  16. 16 minutes ago, SeTect.5918 said:

    Now i also noticed that the skill that replaces crash down when under water, is also inflicting only vulnerability, thats so sad. RIP to all condi engis whenever you go under water.
    Tho as mechanist also power builds r trashed underwater, but with power u can at least still go for holo or scrapper.


    To be fair all the dps builds for mech right now are bad. I'm pulling 2k more as scrapper and scrapper is widely considered meh for dps.

    It would help if the +% condi/boon duration from runes and the effects such as +7% damage above 90% health from scholar applied to your golem. As it stands it just gains a % of your stats and nothing else so sigils do literally nothing for your mech.


    Also when you give yourself might the golem no longer gains a % of that bonus though they can still gain might themselves.... Overall they ended up stripping roughly 40% of dps from both condi and power builds. Honestly it feels like they had a knee jerk reaction and just decimated the golem instead of doing a few small tweaks to see how it changes.


    On a side note the buffs to the mace are nice but it's still feeling very very far from a impactful weapon outside of using it as a support weapon...... The lack of a heal toolbelt skill when using the medkit also feels incredibly bad not to mention the majority of our stun breaks being on the toolbelt.


    Overall right now it feels kinda bad to play mech outside of open world..... The silver lining is that the support build feels good though I think scrapper does a better job at support.

  17. On 11/29/2021 at 8:21 AM, Samug.6512 said:

    I dont know about hate, but have no idea what to do with it and just do easy things that people seem to crave for. People wanted a golemancer, they half-ased a cool looking golemancer spec with minimal synergies to core engi, hardly balanced coz that would require to balance core engi, and god forbid they commit resources to balance turrets, inventions, tools, gadgets, firearms, pistol...

    The thing I find funny is they "joke" about 5 signet engie for mech when in reality you'll end up running at least 3 of them since the core skills are so meh and now the use of most of the core skills is going to be trash since you don't have access to the toolbelt skills which are in most cases arguably better than the base skill.

  18. 4 hours ago, Kaizoku.1298 said:

    The mace 3 change is not good. It should stay at 1 second stun and this also means that rocket punch is unavailable for rifle. 

     Honestly I'm not sure why they didn't just link it to weapon skill 3 for all weapons to allow it to be used regardless of weapon selection.


    Most of these changes in practice have felt kinda bad as a whole to be honest and the power build on scrapper currently pulls more dps since they had a knee jerk reaction and nerfed the bots damage into the ground.... They should have just redistributed it to the engie instead of nerfing the bot and giving only a crumb to the engie.... Mace still doesn't feel impactful what so ever and feels more like it's ment to be a support weapon while the bot just kinda feels..... there...

  19. I feel like they had a knee jerk reaction with how oppressive the bot was in the first beta so they went way in the opposite direction.


    As it stands now I'm doing around 40% less dps than I was last beta.... What they should have done was shift the power from the mech to the engie a bit more because as it stands the mace is meh and the mech is meh for power builds.


    For support it seems to be very very good though... Arguably better than scrapper at support and it's still easy to get your alac to 100% uptime while also providing more reliable regen and stuff... Though the utter lack of heal when using medkit is complete torture I feel like they should bring back the toolbelt skill just for your heal skill.

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  20. 24 minutes ago, miraude.2107 said:

    Mostly solo player and I'd actually have been miffed if the driver had access to the cannons! Talk about OP bs and trying to get a tag in to a bounty or something. I imagine this is their compromise to such a thing as if the driver had access to the cannons, it'd have to be nerfed to the point of uselessness. I always considered the turtle to be a WvW mount anyhow where you are already running with a squad anyhow. Overall, we will find out next week how the turtle plays out and how it functions (linking sauce below that states that yes, we get to play with turtles starting the 30th) accordingly.

    First paragraph states that all elite specs + turtle will be available to play from the 30th to the 4th.



    They confirmed it will not be coming to wvw anytime soon on stream and they also showed the range of the cannons which was not very long looked to be around 900 max.


    Also I'm not saying give the driver the passengers cannon fire just something to play with. The biggest hope when I heard about mounts coming to gw2 with pof was that we would get a siege turtle when cantha came so we could fire the cannons. That's what made the siege turtles so cool. The fact the driver wont get access to them unless they hop onto someone elses turtle is honestly obnoxious as a mainly solo player.... Even if the cannon the driver had was 1/3 the damage I would be fine with it just let me fire the cannons.

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