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Posts posted by Nubilus.9156

  1. 10 hours ago, sgs.4523 said:

    So after 3 days of constant trying at this meta I commanded a full squad and we cleared it with 1 minute left on timer. Only in-game chat, no voice coordination whatsoever.


    What really helped was viral spread of  people mentality in map chat even during pre-meta who just went into beast mode and said to themselves "this is it, let's do this sheet done finally"


    I'm going to bold key tactics I used that brought success


    I was brainstorming with guildies and we were wondering why are Bloodstone glider skills available here and we realized it's the key to success as it deals IMMENSE dps on split phase minibosses - we hit 70K DPS with glider attacks!!! 


    I set lfg - alac, barriers, mad dps and people joined stating their roles, I did 10 subs for boon efficiency and we prepped the map, while constantly calling events on map so everyone gets 10 stacks of buff plus reminding constantly to charge offensive and defensive protocols as they stack up to 90 minutes each. 


    Before encounter I had everyone who unlocked jade bot wp set their wp on the platform in case of death they have one quick respawn immediately there. Also before fight I had everyone mount up so no one dies from first attack.


    Learning from that, I commanded my squad to have 5 people DEDICATED to gliding attacks per miniboss group as the attacks bring mad dps, cc and small aoe heals for people on the miniboss platform. it took around 30 secs for minibosses to clear and we got back to main arena.


    Same tactic is applied to tail phase - I had few people dedicated to jumping off platform, using jade bot height bump and catching the updraft to get above platform and nuke the fk out of that tail with glider. Tail melted within 10 secs.


    Main problem I saw in previous runs was people not realizing the tail hitbox stays at same place regardless of moving animation so they chased and stopped hitting it. Never chase a tail, stay on the spot and keep mashing those skills!


    During green circles I had Necros spam Epidemic and everyone who could spam stability. When she does her final attack you will see pretty visible arrow markers where she will blow from, simply hide behind crystals facing the arrows direction and no one dies. Same like pillars at Adina W7.


    Above all, it's mandatory to keep hyping people as a commander and constantly doing calls, reminders to refresh EMP's at waystations while also letting your squad know they CAN shout too to flood the local chat, map chat, squad chat so everyone notices there is something to be done like TAIL, CC, OUT (of orange). Phrases like LETS SLAP THAT SNEK HARD, GIVE ME ALL YOU GOT, GIVE ME ALL THAT DEEPS GUYS, GOGOGOGOGO really kept people focused, engaged, hyped and at the last 5% we had like 1:30 left on timer, CC phase came and breakbar melted, and whole chat went WE GOT THIS, GOGOGOGOGO, TUTEL HERE WE COME and bam, in 30 secs we cc'd, melted 5% and everyone got their tutel. 


    Commander Trap

    Have you perhaps just found the one hidden thing no-one tried?


    Has any group ACTUALLY tried the glider skills from LW S3 consistently? Like tested if thats a mechanic that ACTUALLY MATTERS to the DPS for ie. tail?


    I have wondered too why Glider skills are available in DE.

    • Like 1
  2. I knew the RNG aspect was bad before reading your post. But it being THAT BAD as in up to 5!!! whole minutes of combat needed to make up for it just screams bad design. I get they want a "challenging" end-meta but its just so frustrating and gated behind 1,5 hours of prep.

    Either get rid of the RNG and make it %HP/Time related or get rid of the cleanse and invulnerability.

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  3. On 9/16/2021 at 9:12 PM, Nubilus.9156 said:

    My two cents after playing 1000 hours of Elementalist and both elite specs over the last 6 years:


    Elementalist is a very squishy, relatively hard to learn (with all the elements and such) and support reliant class.

    If you want to deal damage you die if someone looks at you weird. If you want to be tanky your damage suffers greatly.

    And playing support feels weak. Theres better options.


    Tempest (Mid to close range): While being aimed as a support class it feels outmatched with others like druid or chronomancer.

    Not quite enough boon giving skills to be effective on their own. Decent with a team.


    Weaver (All ranges, Melee most effective): Very complex rotation of elements, High Risk, High Reward. If you can catch something off-guard it dies. If it notices you halfway through your combo and sneezes in your general direction... You die. Also most fun I had playing elementalist when I WASN'T dead lol.


    Now, seeing just ANOTHER melee oriented DPS (taken from the press post earlier in this topic) elite spec is breaking my heart.

    It seemed full of potential. Slinging orbs like Lacrosse or playing tricks with the ball like a Kendama, which honestly would've been culturally apropriate with the asian theme of Cantha. Give us either ranged hammer or more survivability in melee.

    Ok. Revising my OG post after the stream showcase.


    2 mid-ranged elements (Fire, Air) 2 melee (Water, Earth)

    Defensive skills. Decent self buffs. Augments seem whacky but decent enough.

    Damage seems ok. We'll see in the Beta.

    • Like 1
  4. My two cents after playing 1000 hours of Elementalist and both elite specs over the last 6 years:


    Elementalist is a very squishy, relatively hard to learn (with all the elements and such) and support reliant class.

    If you want to deal damage you die if someone looks at you weird. If you want to be tanky your damage suffers greatly.

    And playing support feels weak. Theres better options.


    Tempest (Mid to close range): While being aimed as a support class it feels outmatched with others like druid or chronomancer.

    Not quite enough boon giving skills to be effective on their own. Decent with a team.


    Weaver (All ranges, Melee most effective): Very complex rotation of elements, High Risk, High Reward. If you can catch something off-guard it dies. If it notices you halfway through your combo and sneezes in your general direction... You die. Also most fun I had playing elementalist when I WASN'T dead lol.


    Now, seeing just ANOTHER melee oriented DPS (taken from the press post earlier in this topic) elite spec is breaking my heart.

    It seemed full of potential. Slinging orbs like Lacrosse or playing tricks with the ball like a Kendama, which honestly would've been culturally apropriate with the asian theme of Cantha. Give us either ranged hammer or more survivability in melee.

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