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Posts posted by Mimizu.7340

  1. Like the OP, I tend not to join squads most of the time but I still like to give concise scouting reports for the map I am in as a simple courtesy.

    But unlike the OP, I do not come to the forums and call people lazy and somehow morally bankrupt if they expect something like shared participation as a reward for doing so.

    However, sometimes I have come across commanders who constantly spam chat with scout demands.

    I have taken umbrage at this and typed "I am happy to give you scouting reports in return for shared participation".

    Do you know how many times a needy commander has taken me up on the offer?


    Commanders feel they are entitled to free scouting reports all day long.

    Aren't they the lazy ones who expect a reward for doing nothing?


  2. 17 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    It's normal to have different languages on NA servers.  English, Spanish, Portuguese, Tagalog, Chinese, etc.

    That does not have anything to do with my point.

    NA does not have different language servers and does not link those servers so that half of them cannot communicate easily with the other half.

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  3. Please stop linking two different language servers on EU.

    It makes for a divided server population and promotes xenophobia.

    Try creating different language server links on NA if you think it's so normal.



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  4. 3 hours ago, krill.4902 said:

    You WRONG!!

    French here  on WSR, i speak engllish all playing session and correcting people who try to speak french, example : "omelette DU fromage" or it's "omelette AU fromage" .

    "one swallow does not make a summer"

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  5. 7 hours ago, Boh.4568 said:

    Dunno about other full-body infusions since I'm too poor to afford one.

    Polyluminescent Undulating Infusion (Black) also has this issue when you stealth.

    I had to stop wearing it on my deadeye as it was too difficult to tell if I was in stealth or not.

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    Just today I saw a thief attacking a camp and even the npcs didnt know wtf to make of it. 

    He was hitting a guard for maybe 20% HP and instantly vanished. By instantly, I do mean instantly. The rest in the camp didnt move. The guard he hit didnt even react. Popped up again, 20% more HP, instantly vanish. Repeat every other second. The guards acted like the thief wasnt even there because he just appeared and instantly vanish the millisecond he hit.

    It was so stupid to watch I had to laugh. 

    And says everything about how stupid stealth on no cd is.

    You witnessed the core thief build that can glitch into certain objectives and kill the Lord without any npcs reacting or the map showing the under siege icon. 

    It's used by many solo players, usually during the long lonely nightshifts.

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  7. 19 hours ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

    So did anet ban those wsr exploiters already or do they still hide under stonemist?

    The last time our server was matched with WSR (2-3 weeks ago) they had a hacker under the map whilst they did their 24/7 "omglul" spawn camping zerg.

    They were able to get closer to spawn than any of them due to being immune to the Legendary Defenders.

    So they don't just camp under EBG anymore.

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  8. I felt similarly about the Rift Hunter armour.

    Looks out of place and seems below average in terms of quality.

    My theory is that these are the end times, money is tight and these weapon sets were just lying around, half finished and gathering dust in the art department.

    This would explain the random and ill-fitting inclusion of them in SotO.

    They might have been influenced by the fact that SoTO is just a "mixtape" of GW2 greatest "hits".

    Overall it comes off as lazy and under par.

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  9. I like the WVW JPs, especially Obsidian Sanctum.

    I like to solo it even when it's not in the weeklies, it's a fun way to pass the time whilst waiting in the Q.

    There are traps and triggers throughout, so of course people will use them on those following after, that's the point of them.

    I have guided many players through it and they are always appreciative.

    I have enjoyed delaying many enemy players from completing it.

    It's a JP in WVW.

    Terms and Conditions Apply.

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  10. I play 1 of each espec and a few core classes in wvw, totalling 29 characters.

    When I play my dedicated willbbender it's laughably overperforming to the point of meme.

    Harbinger and Catalyst aren't far behind.

    I feel sorry for maybe a third of my characters, nerfed into below average oblivion.

    I don't enjoy playing willbender due to the lack of challenge it effortlessly brings .

    Even random button mashing will produce infinite bags.

    Anyone maining wb isn't as good a player as they like to think they are.

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