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  1. There is no arguing with you people, you guys are blinded by your tears so I’m going to do something more constructive like bang my head against a wall. Good luck with collecting those infinity stones and using them to enforce your will on the rest of us.
  2. Well you know what they say about rules… lol I’m not victim blaming, I’m being realistic about toxic behaviour and the best way for people complaining about it to deal with it. You guys just don’t want to accept the reality of it and want people banned. If anet doesn’t have the resources to deal with all the other more concerning problems in this game, what makes you think they have the resources to protect people’s feelings from being hurt? You are after all playing a competitive game, there will always be a level of toxicity to it, not just in gw2, but in every online multiplier game ever and you cannot expect developers to deal with every hurt feeling, yeah for sure take racism, discrimination, and sexual abuse seriously, but 99.9% of toxic behaviour has to be taken with a grain of salt which again brings me back to saying the best dealing with it is ignoring the muppets doing it. You guys can idealise a perfect world, but it just isn’t going to happen. And if we were living in a perfect world, every single one of us would be in breach of the code of conduct as I’m 100% sure everyone has typed a swear word at some point, which is against the code lol
  3. It’s only against the code if anet decides it is. You don’t get to decide, I don’t get to decide, it’s anet decision if what someone says to another is against the code, and whether any action will be taken.
  4. @GoldenPants.1870 the key words are “if we determine in our discretion that you failed to comply with our User Agreement ” Which means that anet doesn’t have to enforce anything if they choose not to and expecting them to do so in unrealistic which again brings us all back to the original point that the best way of dealing with toxic behaviour is to ignore the person, harden up and get over it.
  5. Yes it does make it go away. If you ignore/block said player, they cannot do anything to you, other than kill you in game, which is part of the game. So you want toxic behaviour suspended/banned, who gets to decide on what’s toxic, who gets to decide on punishment? So under your rule, calling someone a bad player thus hurting someone else’s feeling and being toxic is punishable with account suspension. Come on, that’s not realistic.
  6. Its only a problem if you allow it to be a problem, but I guess you want to challenge the whole grow a thicker skin comment as well? You want to challenge the two most realistic methods of dealing with toxic people in this game because deep down someone hurt your feelings and you want them banned… right? You seem to think it’s your right to tell others how they can act, it’s not, it never will be unless you acquire all 6 infinity stones and become God.
  7. I’m sure you also see flying pigs, unicorns and those elusive pots of gold at the end of rainbows as well. But it doesn’t change the fact that what you want isn’t going to happen, you cannot control what people do and say at any given moment, you cannot police people because they hurt your feelings, sure if they go to the extreme with racist, homophobic and sexual comments, that could warrant warnings etc, but expecting anet to suspend and ban players because they get toxic and hurt your feelings is a bit delusional. You are trying to challenge that which makes everyone different, human nature. And when it’s all said and done, the best thing for you to against someone that gets toxic is surprise surprise, exactly what other people are telling you to do, ignore them.
  8. It wasn’t a “personal attack” I asked you a question of what you would do in a given situation. 🤦‍♂️ But we have our answer don’t we, you clearly dodged the question and assumed it was a personal attack on my part so we can definitely conclude that you are the type of person that would cry and run to the police and expect them to arrest the person. So click the report button and have a sook about it.
  9. I think the better way of fixing match manipulation is to change the way rankings work, make it that winning and losing have very little to do with your position on the leaderboard and that how you play in the match, kills, deaths, assists, points scored, captures, decaps, healing and revives etc all play a part in determining your ranking, but you also don’t get to see where you are ranked till after the season is finished and the results are finalised.
  10. Maybe wipe the tears away from your eyes and actually start thinking about on a level more than “waah waah someone hurt my feeling, ban them” So when someone calls you a useless idiot in the real world, do you run to the police and expect that person to be arrested or do you act like an adult, ignore them and get on with your life?
  11. It’s literally written in my post… lol
  12. Your missing the point, unicorn stuff is expecting anet is police every little hurt felling. 🤦‍♂️
  13. That’s your take, my take is that people need to grow up and stand on their own two feet. If you are an adult, act like it. You can’t expect anet to ban people because others got their feelings hurt, that’s living in the land of unicorns, pots of gold at the end of rainbows and pigs flying. Nobody is condoning verbal abuse in this thread, nobody.
  14. You are wasting your breath. The only help they want is uncle anet’s help with banning and suspending players when they get their feelings hurt. They want to be hand held, spoon fed and babied, they do not want to stand on their own two feet.
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