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Posts posted by Winegum.2395

  1. I noticed that the /pvp/seasons/:id/leaderboards endpoint will give a ranking of players on the spvp leaderboard.Is there a way to combine that information with data from /pvp/games and /pvp/stats, to pull detailed match information for each player on the leaderboard? Or can you only access your own player data from those api?I think the answer is that this is not possible as the other endpoints require an access token, but just wanted to confirm

  2. I'm trying to increase my wvw rank and I understand that tagging during fights is one thing that contributes to that. I currently switch between a DH and Firebrand support build, but I don't feel like I tag enemies very effectively during zerg fights

    1. Whats the best build to use for increased tagging? Happy to play any elite spec and any role
    2. How do you play the build to increase tagging efficiency, especially given the range on most guardian skills is quite low? I heard that F1 tome camping is not the way to do it?
  3. I'm working towards my first legendary and it seems Gift of Fortune is the largest gold bottleneckAre there any jumping puzzles that I can park my alts at, that rewards primarily T6 materials?Or would it be more efficient to park alts for gold and buy the materials from the TP?Any other good sources for T6 materials besides laurels and material promotion?

  4. What stats should a healbrand be running in high level fractals?Sites like Snowcrows recommends Harriers, but that would be for a raid environment. Would you also use harriers for fractals? Or something with a bit more survivability, like Minstrel and Givers?

  5. I like the template system overall. It is a very much needed feature, thanks!

    A few changes I'd like to see (in order of importance):

    1. Equipment and build template changes should require a manual save. Changing a skill/piece of gear should not automatically be saved to the templates, as these are usually one time changes for specific encounters. It is very easy to screw up templates when save happens automatically

    2. Allow the ability to choose an equipment template for a given build template, so both can be activated together with a single keybind. In other words, build and equipment templates should be linked, as specific builds will usually run with a specific equipment layout anyway

    3. Increase the maximum number of equipment and build templates. 6 is way too few and is sometimes not enough for a single game mode, let alone saving builds/equipment for multiple game modes (fractals, raids, wvw, open world etc)

  6. Im thinking of buying some unlimited gathering tools. I've been reading that some tools have faster animation speeds than others (e.g. consortium sickle, unbound tools), which allows you to complete a node faster

    However, does that only apply if you cancel the gather early?

    I always tend to gather by letting the cast bar fill up 100%. In other words, I dont cancel early and I have no intention of doing so even with my new tools

    In that case, does the faster speed of certain tools actually matter to me? Or are they all technically the same speed without the early cancel?

  7. I just started playing firebrand/quickbrand where I need to maintain quickness on my party. however, with so many boons starting and ending, it gets quite difficult to quickly identify the icon you need to pay attention to (especially given the icons are so small and they shift position constantly)

    are there any addons (or ingame settings) that can enlarge boon and condition icons so theyre easier to see at a glance?

  8. I tried to join a ranked pvp match earlier, picked the map, and now the game has been stuck on the map results screen since then. I'm also still in the queue apparently, so it won't let me join any other matches:


    It has been like this for 3-4 hours. I can still play the game, but the results screen remains and pvp queue is broken. Tried restarting the game, changing characters, disabling all addons. Nothing seems to fix it...

  9. @Yannir.4132 said:Well, the deal is that if you want do the Quickness or Support variants of Firebrand, you need a Renegade as well. The full support variant includes the Quickness, it's just a question of which one of the duo is geared towards damage and which one towards healing. Quickbrand is the damage variant, support is the healer variant. I understand the Quickbrand+Alacrity Healer Renegade duo is favored.

    Im planning on pugging most fractals, so I can't guarantee the group composition or the presence of a Renegade. In that situation, what would the group typically want me to be? Whats the general expectation of firebrands, for me to dps or to heal?

  10. Returning to the game and decided to roll a guardian. I'm only really interested in high level fractals (dont really raid). Whats the meta Firebrand build for fractals these days? I don't really mind healing/supporting or dpsing

    I've seen a bunch of builds floating around, like healer, condi, quickness, power(?), and not sure which is the most desired setup for a Firebrand. Bonus points if it will also be good for the raids I decide to do once in a while (but not a big deal)

    Or would it be more typical to just run a standard power DH, instead of a firebrand, for fractals?

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