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Kaktus Jack.9730

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  1. Now I m curios since willbender is hardly an outlier, who else comes to mind?
  2. I asked this dude what he wanted to tell me with his post, I didnt came up with that point. Edit: So DrMeta pls eplain to me what you think about willbender and why? Why his survivability, easy boon generation, burst potential and mobility isn´t overtuned? After that I m gladly answering more questions about the scrapper under a willbender post.
  3. Yea but thats a whole nother topic. What does this have to do with a bad willbender facetanking so much damage and still almost come out on top?
  4. Why do you try to derail this discussion about a willbender who face tanked so much damage and played stupid, but still almost killed me. The willbender has footman rank while I m at rank 4,5k like this means nothing in terms of skill. Also you can completly nullifie the scrapper with reflect. One simple tool and you take away so much damage from scrapper. My build is also a memebuild for max burst damage, without any condition cleanse, but let us pls ignore the willbender problem.
  5. So remove stealth completly or what do you suggest? Edit: I mean it could have been the other way around if the willbender decided to disengage I wouldn´t be able to catch him. The difference is, that the willbender made a mistake and played bad. Now image this willbender would have been someone better.
  6. Thanks to the stealth and switching directions, willbender had to use his mobility skills to catch up. At this point, he should have given up, but he didn´t. Edit: BTW scrapper is no the only class that can stealth and kite away. There are classes and specs that can do that far better. Shortbow thief, sb/druid smokecalse/greatsword combo, mesmer stealth and blink, mechanist elixier S, rocket jump and teleport.
  7. How about not running in a straight line behind me. Edit: Sry I didn´t want to confuse anyone with this complex idea.
  8. 9k hp and Emergency Elixier popped(3k barrier and 3 seconds protection). This helped me survive the initial burst(which isn´t that high since he plays cele). Elixier S and U are important stunbreaks, but willbender only has soft-CC, so it doesn´t matter. And now pls explain to me why the fight was so close, when the only thing the willbender did was spamming attacks? Edit: Also ignoring the fact that this dude has footman rank.
  9. Paper Build? Dude is playing Cele-Willbender. Full dps scrapper doesn´t have permanent superspeed and you can clearly see in the video how the willbender managed to close a huge gab, after the stealth. He only failed to catch up because of the terrain and yea nade scrapper seems to be "OP" when your enemy is stupid enough to run straight into them. Cele Scrapper on the other hand is stupid, but the cele thing is just another issue.
  10. Here is a fight with a willbender I had while trying to stomp an elementalist(couldn´t stomp him, due to invincible bug). Willbender played pretty stupid, maybe unexperienced judging by his rank. But the fact he almost killed me even tho he face tanked so much damage is beyond stupid.
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